???????? The same lab had previously published work in Science that showed certain sRNAs in Boeris cinerea could cross into Arabidopsis thaliana or tomato to enhance its pathogenicity. The expression levels of sRNAs reported in earlier paper were all higher than 100 RPM. In this research, they found a low expression level of one Bc-sRNA, but it has 15 target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, and these target genes may be involved in plant disease resistance response. Moreover, this Bc-sRNA is produced from the region of the ATPase gene, which may be involved in the pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea.
???????? The research idea of this paper is relatively conventional, showing the IGV map of this Bc-sRNA reads to the production locus, co-expressing Bc-sRNA and target genes in tobacco, stably transgenic Bc-sRNA in Arabidopsis thaliana, RT-qPCR of its target genes, identifying the disease resistance of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana to Boeris cinerea, AGO-IP.