I. Q&A
1.? What does “entitlement” mean? Can you give an example to explain it?
In this chapter, "entitlement" means someone who think they are special, so they believe that they deserve more attention and regard. Actually, just like Manson said, entitlement is just like narcissistic bubbles, which surrounds those entitled people and make them incapable of acknowledging their own problems. For instance,? we maybe come across some blind pride person, who called themselves "Mr./Miss. Perfect". They just belive they know everything, if other people shows a little doubtful, they will lose their temper.?
2.? What’s the point of telling Jimmy’s story?
Jimmy is the typical entitled person. Because he feels as though he deserves good things without actually earning them. Manson use Jimmy's story to tell us many people so fixated on feeling good about themselves that they making self-deception.
3. Do you think you are special? What’s wrong with feeling you are sepcial?
When I was in primary school, I thought I was special sucks, because my Chinese teacher always said I was stupid and my writings were ugly. However, from high school, my life were totally changed. All my teachers praised me that I have a great talent in classical Chinese literature. They said that my poems and papers are brilliant and I am so special and suppossed to make a different. When I was in colledge, I almost believe what they told me. Am I the special person? Actually, NO. When I think I am special wonderful, I can quickly find out my shortcomings which make me doubt myself. Once a time, I lingered about self-doubt and self-affirmation. Finally, I found out that I am not speical, both good or bad aspect, I just a normal person. Whatever my teachers said, it just showed they like or dislike me.? ? ?
4. If you are not special, how can we achieve greatness?
The point is if one day I achieve greatness, that is not because I am special. On the contrary, believing I am just common makes me feel more free and less pressure, which is the important way to achieve greatness.
II. Words and expression
1. He had a delusional level of self-confidence.
delusional ? 妄想的
delusion 迷惑、欺騙、錯覺? ( a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in)
2. “Sure,” I say, and slug myself downthe hall, baggy jeans and moppy hair and oversized Pantera T-shirt and all.
baggy jeans and moppy hair? baggy 和moppy在這里押尾韻爷恳,讀起來十分有趣。
moppy 亂蓬蓬的
3. My sweat blossoms like a fungal growth. It spreads from my palms to my arms and now my neck.
4. After all, it takes a lot of energy and work to convince yourself that your shit doesn’t stink, especially when you’ve actually been living in a toilet.
這一句諷刺了entitled people的自我感覺良好渐排, your shit doesn’t stink, especially when you’ve actually been living in a toilet 簡直是十分不留情面炬太、一針見血。
5. There’s no way we can process the tidal waves of information flowing past us constantly.
the tidal waves of information 和flowing past 搭配非常巧妙驯耻。
III. Thoughts
Manson告訴我們斋枢,“You are not special.” 要承認自己的平凡,顯然需要勇氣知给。因為我們的世界里充斥著各種名人新聞瓤帚、各種偶像劇、各種drama涩赢,所有的這一切都在告訴我們別人有多么特別多么優(yōu)秀缘滥。在這樣的環(huán)境里,如果自認平凡谒主,幾乎是等于不思進取的朝扼。然而,給自己打上一個“特別”的標簽霎肯,無疑是一重枷鎖擎颖。因為覺得自己特別,所以希望別人給予特別的關注观游,于是就在自己盲目而虛無的世界中自我欺騙搂捧。結果,我們所認為的“特別” 懂缕,其實只是包裹著自負與自卑的的自我欺騙而已允跑。所謂的"entitlement",無疑就是這樣的標簽搪柑。