let lightwallet = require('eth-lightwallet');
let address = '', // 地址
privateKey = '', // 私鑰
randomSeed = '', // 助記詞
hdPathString = 'm/44\'/60\'/0\'/0';
// hdPathString = 'm/0/0/0';
password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<密碼>',
// seedPhrase: seedPhrase, // Optionally provide a 12-word seed phrase // 導(dǎo)入 時 這里 可以傳入 助記詞
// salt: fixture.salt, // Optionally provide a salt.
// A unique salt will be generated otherwise.
hdPathString: hdPathString // Optional custom HD Path String
}, function (err, ks) {
// Some methods will require providing the `pwDerivedKey`,
// Allowing you to only decrypt private keys on an as-needed basis.
// You can generate that value with this convenient method:
ks.keyFromPassword('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<密碼>', function (err, pwDerivedKey) {
if (err) throw err;
// generate five new address/private key pairs
// the corresponding private keys are also encrypted
ks.generateNewAddress(pwDerivedKey, 1);
address = ks.getAddresses()[0];
console.log('0x'+address); // 地址
privateKey = ks.exportPrivateKey(address, pwDerivedKey);
console.log('0x'+privateKey); // 私鑰
randomSeed = ks.getSeed(pwDerivedKey);
console.log(randomSeed); // 助記詞
// Now set ks as transaction_signer in the hooked web3 provider
// and you can start using web3 using the keys/addresses in ks!