How to create scenarios for different RC corner?
create_corner {slow}
create_corner {fast}
create_mode {func}
create_mode {scan}
create_scenario -corner {slow} -mode {func} {func_slow}
create_scenario -corner {fast} -mode {func} {func_fast}
create_scenario -corner {slow} -mode {scan} {scan_slow}
create_scenario -corner {fast} -mode {scan} {scan_fast}
What’s the difference between .lib and .idb?
Reading huge ccs format liberty files will be very slow.
It’s recommended strongly to convert .lib to .idb format first.
(.idb is the specific format for XTop.)
% $XTOP_HOME/bin/lib2idb -libs?“…/lib/*.lib” -output_dir “.../lib/” -thread 8
Why multi-thread parallelization not work in “l(fā)ink_timing_library”?
Please check the "max_thread_number" parameter.
It specifies the number of threads can be used for current program. While this parameter is greater than 1, the program will try to run in parallel for those tasks like importing designs, loading timing libraries, timing data, timing report and so on.
xtop> set_parameter max_thread_number 8
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