這是我學習quartz composer,Origami替梨,看官方文檔翻譯下來的,每天一篇装黑,有不準確的地方希望能指出副瀑,一起交流進步。轉載請與我聯(lián)系恋谭,擅自轉載視作侵權糠睡。
Device Preview ? ? ?設備預覽
You can try your prototypes on your iPhone or iPad over USB withOrigami Live— currently iOS only.
你可以通過USB線在你的iPhone或者iPad上使用Origami Live體驗你的原型,目前只支持iOS疚颊。
Using Origami Live ? ? ?使用Origami Live
After downloading Origami Live from the App Store, simply open Quartz Composer, plug in your device to your computer, and then open Origami Live. Your current prototype will automatically show up, and you can immediately interact with the prototype. You can even use your prototype while adjusting it in Quartz Composer.
從App Store下載了Origami Live之后狈孔,打開Quartz Composer,將你的設備插入電腦材义,打開Origami Live均抽。你當前的原型會自動展示出來,你可以隨時與你的原型交互其掂,你可以甚至可以隨時在Quartz Composer里調整原型油挥。
Troubleshooting ? ? ?檢修
Sometimes the Origami Live may not reflect the composition you want, or any composition at all. In these situations:
有時候Origami Live映射的合成并不是你想要的,或者根本沒有合成款熬。有以下情況:
Make sure you are using the supported Origami Layer patches (Sprites, Billboards and other non-Origami blue consumer patches are not supported).
Make sure you've placed all your patches/Layers inside the main Layer Group connected to the Viewer patch.
Only have a single document open at a time.
Force quit/restart Origami Live and Quartz Composer.
強行退出/重啟Origami Live和Quartz Composer。
Performance ? ? ?性能
Learn how to improve the frame rate of your Origami Live prototypes on theperformancepage.
在performance頁面學習如何改善Origami Live上原型的幀率盔夜。