The main problem with the modern diet is that the processed carbohydrates we eat are digested and absorbed too quickly, which leads to a surge in blood sugar and insulin and then a crash a few hours later” that triggers another bout of hunger, Dr. Ludwig said. He advocates eating carbohydrates that are digested more slowly, like beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. But he cautioned that vinegar should be used in “doses that have been consumed by humans for centuries, not pharmacological doses,” and called for more studies.
Several studies have shown that consuming small amounts of vinegar before a meal containing starches may blunt a rise in blood sugar afterward, reducing the glycemic response by 20 to 40 percent, Dr. Johnston said, by partially inhibiting the digestion of starch.
Vinegar, applied to the skin, is also often touted as an antidote to nail fungus, head lice and warts, but there is little scientific evidence that these treatments work.