Before the New Year, the good news come one after another. After the plan of 16 new terminals of Shenzhen, today the Guangdong Transportation and Communication reports? another? good? news.
?According to the information from Guangdong Transportation and Communication, 6 Highways will come into service tomorrow. Include the Xinghua Highway which open in September, Guangdong province had built 7 highways in 2017. The distance of new highways is more than 8838 KM.
The Chinese New Year travel will start on Feb. 1, 2018 and end at March 12, totally 40 days. As an province with large population and high speed economic development, the transport must face heavy pressure during the travel. These 7 highways will improve the highway net of Guangdong province and release the pressure during the New Year holiday and the Spring Festival.
Compared the full old way, the Yun-Zhanhighway led into west of Guangdong can be saved 2 hours. The highway from Guangzhou South train station to Jiangmen will save 1 hour. And the new Jie-Hui highway provide more choose for the car go to Chaoshan.
The Xinghua Highway had put into use in September. The way from Shenzhen to Meizhou shorted 40 minutes now.
And the Long-lian highway which from Heyuan to Lianping connect the Yue-gan highway, Da-guang highway and Mei-he highway and improve the transportation net at north of Heyuan which can promote economic development along the ways.