2020 これは新生活だっぺ
キーワード: オリンピック
世の中は 常かくのみと 別れぬる 君にやもとな 我が戀ひ行かむ-[2] 志村けんを偲ぶ
キーワード: アベノマスク
遠(yuǎn)ざかる故郷の空 帰れない人波に 本當(dāng)の幸せ教えてよ 祭りのない夏 [3]
キーワード: 潰瘍性大腸炎
やられたら翠忠、やり返す。倍返しだ乞榨!?[4] けど秽之、ドラマと現(xiàn)実はどのくらい違うのか?
キーワード: GO TO トラブル/ 14日
この1年英文新聞?dòng)浭陇蚊銖?qiáng)の中、時(shí)々英作文を書きたくなります遗遵。一早くも今年の漢字 / word of the year 選定は緊急事態(tài)の5月も心の中で決めたことで萍恕、今回、作文の時(shí)には车要、和文允粤、英文それぞれの言葉での考えに沿って作文しました(つもり)。時(shí)間(ひま)がある方はぜひ英文も読んで(味わって)みてください翼岁。
2020個(gè)人KPIとして类垫、ジョギング年間距離500マイルの目標(biāo)を達(dá)成して、個(gè)人ブログ [10]も3つ書きましたが琅坡、論文0は前學(xué)者として痛恨の極みであります悉患。
2020 冬
文責(zé): Guns
発行: 時(shí)には日本語が分からない外國人
2020 C'est la vie
I??? Tokyo
Keywords: Olympic
Jan 24, 2020, Tokyo. A flashy firework show lit up the clouds of the bay area, marking the 6-months-to-go milestone for the Olympics. Also lit up were hopes for a year of harvest, harmony, and unprecedented success in the arena.
However, one non-cutting-edge SEM image changed everything.
Headlines were dominated by unfamiliar words like pandemic, melt down, and PCR examination. Not long after, lock-down became new norms, and for once, people were wandering on clouds, but unwillingly. Even our daily email salutation read have a great socially distant day’. The Year 2020 has become an extraordinary year, for individuals, companies, and nations.
Wounds heal, love lasts, we remain[6] - for the Incalculable loss[7]
II??? Hsinchu
Keywords: Human right or left
Amid pandemic, parents are still changing diapers of crying baby at night, participating in preschool entrance ceremonies, picking up children from a cram school, or just sitting in front of the TV together without saying a word, watching kids growing up.
What do you remember for the summer of 2020? #Wear the damn mask, or #Any life matters?
Maybe it will more suitable to play an old song, for 2020 summer, “We haven't had that spirit here since 1969” to 2020, a time without a world leader. [8]
III?? Portland
Keywords: Ban, Ban, Ban
It is still uncertain if wearing a mask is mandatory or not, but there is a lot of news and a lot of fuss about banning this and that. The fires in Portland are so far away that they are obscured by the Rayleigh and Mie-scattering effect of the smoke particles.
The Portland blue chip giant, can they regain the glorious but lonely position of the market? Let us see what is going to happen in Arizona.
The strongest person is the person who is not scared to be alone.[9]
IV???? Innovation: here and now
Keywords: Four more years / 14 days
2020 has been a very exceptional year, to be honest... it has been difficult and stressful for all of us, it has been a mess, and the next one cannot come fast enough. But things just cannot go back to old times even though the year changes. The first one to get used to it will win, and it will be survival of the fittest.
A muted online meeting will be a real talk. By always wearing a mask, for the first time, we are really seeing one another sometimes filled with warmth, other times with tears. The vaccination, tinged with worries, hints to be the dawn of a new day of history. And will Japan, which has experienced serious distress many times, overcome this crisis as well? Japanese swimmer IKEI Rikako, who had been battling with leukemia, shared a heartfelt message “Imagine a world where the curtain is set to rise on the Olympic and Paralympic Games.” Can her words, if realized, be the touchstone of our victory against viruses and natural disasters? We might find an answer from a cedar-timbered shop next to a rambling old shrine in Kyoto, where Naomi Hasegawa family provides toasted mochi for weary travelers coming from across Japan to pray for pandemic relief – started in the year 1000?[10]
Word of 2020
In far east spring, we hastily moved everything into the cloud. In south summer, carrying unbearable grief and pain of our loss, we see the future and a lot of uncertainty in the cloud. In autumn, we quietly watch the fire on the west coast. In chilly north winter, we are breeding disruptive innovation.
How would/could the innovation be? To move Einstein and Bohr’s dice-playing game to the cloud for an online Solvay Conference?[11]? Or with virtual"chalk talks"?[12] that Shockley makes some noises by bitcoins, to annoy Brattain?
Give a last nostalgic glimpse of 2020.
Adieu Maradona.
Adieu, unbearable2020.
et c'est la vie.
[1]“Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan”.
[3]徳永英明, 壊れかけのRadio(替え歌).
[5]“一文字屋和輔,” [オンライン].?? Available: https://shokuiku-daijiten.com/kj/k013/.
[6]K.?? Hannah, The Nightgale.
[7]“Incalculable loss,” [オンライン]. Available:??
[8]Eagles,?? Hotel California.
[9]The?? Queen's Gambit.
[10]“This Japanese Shop Is 1,020 Years Old. It Knows a Bit About Surviving Crises.,” [オンライン]. Available:??
[11]“Solvay??? Conference,” [オンライン].?? Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solvay_Conference.
[12]Walter Isaacson, “The innovators,”pp. chapter four, the transistor.
[13]My Blog www.u-will-never-know.com.