/// Debug模式日志打印
/// - Parameters:
/// - message: 內(nèi)容
/// - file: 文件名
/// - function: 方法名
/// - line: 行號
public func DDLog(_ message: Any?..., file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line){
let params = message.compactMap{ "\($0)" }.joined(separator: ", ");
let fmt = DateFormatter.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ");
fmt.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_CN")
let dateStr = fmt.string(from: Date())
print(dateStr, "\((file as NSString).lastPathComponent).\(function)[line \(line)]: \(params)")
UITableViewCell 復(fù)用方法
@objc public extension UITableViewCell{
/// [源]自定義 UITableViewCell 獲取方法(兼容OC)
static func dequeueReusableCell(_ tableView: UITableView, identifier: String, style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle = .default) -> Self {
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: identifier);
if cell == nil {
cell = self.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: identifier);
cell!.selectionStyle = .none
cell!.separatorInset = .zero
cell!.layoutMargins = .zero
cell!.backgroundColor = .white
return cell as! Self;
/// [OC簡潔方法]自定義 UITableViewCell 獲取方法
static func dequeueReusableCell(_ tableView: UITableView) -> Self {
return dequeueReusableCell(tableView, identifier: String(describing: self), style: .default)
@objc public extension UITableViewHeaderFooterView{
/// [源]自定義 UITableViewHeaderFooterView 獲取方法(兼容OC)
static func dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(_ tableView: UITableView, identifier: String) -> Self {
var view = tableView.dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(withIdentifier: identifier)
if view == nil {
view = self.init(reuseIdentifier: identifier)
return view as! Self;
/// [OC簡潔方法]自定義 UITableViewHeaderFooterView 獲取方法
static func dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(_ tableView: UITableView) -> Self {
return dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(tableView, identifier: String(describing: self))
UICollectionViewCell 復(fù)用方法
@objc public extension UICollectionViewCell{
/// [源]自定義 UICollectionViewCell 獲取方法(兼容OC)
static func dequeueReusableCell(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, identifier: String, indexPath: IndexPath) -> Self {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: identifier, for: indexPath)
cell.backgroundColor = .white
return cell as! Self
/// [OC簡潔方法]自定義 UITableViewCell 獲取方法
static func dequeueReusableCell(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> Self {
return dequeueReusableCell(collectionView, identifier: String(describing: self), indexPath: indexPath)
DateFormatter: 日期强重,字符串,時間戳的相互轉(zhuǎn)化
@objc public extension DateFormatter{
/// 獲取DateFormatter(默認(rèn)格式)
static func format(_ formatStr: String = kDateFormat) -> DateFormatter {
let dic = Thread.current.threadDictionary;
if let formatter = dic.object(forKey: formatStr) as? DateFormatter {
return formatter
let fmt = DateFormatter();
fmt.dateFormat = formatStr;
fmt.locale = .current;
fmt.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_CN");
fmt.timeZone = formatStr.contains("GMT") ? TimeZone(identifier: "GMT") : TimeZone.current;
dic.setObject(fmt, forKey: formatStr as NSCopying)
return fmt;
/// Date -> String
static func stringFromDate(_ date: Date, fmt: String = kDateFormat) -> String {
let formatter = DateFormatter.format(fmt);
return formatter.string(from: date);
/// String -> Date
static func dateFromString(_ dateStr: String, fmt: String = kDateFormat) -> Date? {
let formatter = DateFormatter.format(fmt);
let tmp = dateStr.count <= fmt.count ? dateStr : (dateStr as NSString).substring(to: fmt.count)
let result = formatter.date(from: tmp);
return result
/// 時間戳字符串 -> 日期字符串
static func stringFromInterval(_ interval: String, fmt: String = kDateFormat) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: interval.doubleValue)
return DateFormatter.stringFromDate(date, fmt: fmt);
/// 日期字符串 -> 時間戳字符串
static func intervalFromDateStr(_ dateStr: String, fmt: String = kDateFormat) -> String {
guard let date = DateFormatter.dateFromString(dateStr, fmt: fmt) else {
return "0" }
return "\(date.timeIntervalSince1970)";
import UIKit
@objc public extension NSData{
/// NSData -> 轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)組/字典
var objValue: Any? {
if JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(self) {
return nil;
do {
let obj: Any = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self as Data, options: [])
return obj;
} catch {
return nil;
/// NSData -> 轉(zhuǎn)字符串
var stringValue: String {
if let result = String(data: self as Data, encoding: .utf8) {
return result
return ""
var fileSize: String {
let length: CGFloat = CGFloat(self.length)
if length < 1024.0 {
return String(format: "%.2fB", length*1.0)
if length >= 1024.0 && length < (1024.0*1024.0) {
return String(format: "%.2fKB", length/1024.0)
if length >= (1024.0*1024.0) && length < (1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) {
return String(format: "%.2fMB", length/(1024.0*1024.0))
return String(format: "%.2fGB", length/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))
public extension Data{
/// 轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)組/字典
var objValue: Any? {
return (self as NSData).objValue;
/// NSData -> 轉(zhuǎn)字符串
var stringValue: String? {
return (self as NSData).stringValue;
/// NSData -> 轉(zhuǎn)字符串
var fileSize: String {
return (self as NSData).fileSize;
public extension Array{
/// ->Data
var jsonData: Data? {
return (self as NSArray).jsonData;
/// ->String
var jsonString: String {
return (self as NSArray).jsonString;
///同 subarrayWithRange:
func subarray(_ range: NSRange) -> Array {
return self.subarray(range.location, range.length)
///同 subarrayWithRange:
func subarray(_ loc: Int, _ len: Int) -> Array {
assert((loc + len) <= self.count);
return Array(self[loc...len]);
@objc public extension NSArray{
/// ->Data
var jsonData: Data? {
var data: Data?
do {
data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: self, options: []);
} catch {
return data;
/// ->NSString
var jsonString: String {
guard let jsonData = self.jsonData as Data?,
let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) as String?
else { return "" }
return jsonString
import UIKit
public extension Dictionary{
/// ->Data
var jsonData: Data? {
return (self as NSDictionary).jsonData;
/// ->NSString
var jsonString: String {
return (self as NSDictionary).jsonString;
var plistData: Data?{
return (self as NSDictionary).plistData;
public extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == String {
/// 鍵值翻轉(zhuǎn)
var reversed: [String : String] {
var dic = [String : String]()
for (key, value) in self {
dic[value] = key
return dic;
func valuesByKeySorted() -> [String] {
let values = keys.sorted {
// return $0.intValue < $1.intValue
return $0.compare($1) == .orderedAscending
}.map { self[$0] ?? ""}
return values
@objc public extension NSDictionary{
/// ->Data
var jsonData: Data? {
var data: Data?
do {
data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: self, options: []);
} catch {
return data;
/// ->NSString
var jsonString: String {
guard let jsonData = self.jsonData as Data?,
let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) as String?
else { return "" }
return jsonString
var plistData: Data?{
let result = try? PropertyListSerialization.data(fromPropertyList: self, format: .binary, options: 0)
return result
import UIKit
public extension URLComponents {
var queryParameters: [String: String]? {
guard let queryItems = queryItems else { return nil }
var dic = [String: String]()
for item in queryItems {
dic[item.name] = item.value
return dic
mutating func appendingQueryParameters(_ parameters: [String: String]) -> URL {
queryItems = (queryItems ?? []) + parameters
.map { URLQueryItem(name: $0, value: $1) }
return url!
func queryValue(for key: String) -> String? {
return queryItems?
.first(where: { $0.name == key })?
public extension URL {
var queryParameters: [String: String]? {
guard let components = URLComponents(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
else { return nil }
return components.queryParameters
func appendingQueryParameters(_ parameters: [String: String]) -> URL {
var components = URLComponents(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)!
return components.appendingQueryParameters(parameters)
func queryValue(for key: String) -> String? {
return URLComponents(string: absoluteString)?.queryValue(for: key)
@objc public extension NSURLComponents {
var queryParameters: [String: String]? {
return (self as URLComponents).queryParameters
func appendingQueryParameters(_ parameters: [String: String]) -> URL {
queryItems = (queryItems ?? []) + parameters
.map { URLQueryItem(name: $0, value: $1) }
return url!
func queryValue(for key: String) -> String? {
return (self as URLComponents).queryValue(for: key)
@objc public extension NSURL {
var queryParameters: [String: String]? {
return (self as URL).queryParameters
func appendingQueryParameters(_ parameters: [String: String]) -> URL {
return (self as URL).appendingQueryParameters(parameters)
func queryValue(for key: String) -> String? {
return (self as URL).queryValue(for: key)
public extension UINavigationController{
///泛型方法: push到特定控制器頁面
final func pushVC<T: UIViewController>(_ type: T.Type, animated: Bool = true, block: ((T) -> Void)? = nil) {
let controller = type.init()
// controller.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true
pushViewController(controller, animated: animated);
///泛型方法: pop到特定控制器頁面
final func popToVC<T: UIViewController>(_ type: T.Type, animated: Bool = true) {
for e in viewControllers {
if e.isKind(of: type) {
popToViewController(e, animated: animated)
popViewController(animated: animated)
///泛型方法: 延遲退出
func popVC(animated: Bool, delay: Double) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime(floatLiteral: delay)) {
self.popViewController(animated: animated)
@objc public extension UISegmentedControl{
private struct AssociateKeys {
static var items = "UISegmentedControl" + "items"
/// 控件items
var items: [String] {
get {
if let obj = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociateKeys.items) as? [String] {
return obj
return []
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociateKeys.items, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
/// 配置新item數(shù)組
private func updateItems(_ items: [String]) {
if items.count == 0 {
for e in items.enumerated() {
insertSegment(withTitle: e.element, at: e.offset, animated: false)
selectedSegmentIndex = 0
@objc public extension UIViewController{
/// 呈現(xiàn)
func present(_ animated: Bool = true, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow,
let rootVC = keyWindow.rootViewController
else { return }
self.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let alertVC = self as? UIAlertController {
if alertVC.preferredStyle == .alert {
if alertVC.actions.count == 0 {
rootVC.present(alertVC, animated: animated, completion: {
DispatchQueue.main.after(TimeInterval(kDurationToast), execute: {
alertVC.dismiss(animated: animated, completion: completion)
} else {
rootVC.present(alertVC, animated: animated, completion: completion)
} else {
//防止 ipad 下 sheet 會崩潰的問題
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
if let popoverPresentationController = alertVC.popoverPresentationController {
popoverPresentationController.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection(rawValue: 0)
popoverPresentationController.sourceView = keyWindow;
let isEmpty = popoverPresentationController.sourceRect.equalTo(.null) || popoverPresentationController.sourceRect.equalTo(.zero)
if isEmpty {
popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = CGRect(x: keyWindow.bounds.midX, y: 64, width: 1, height: 1);
rootVC.present(alertVC, animated: animated, completion: completion)
} else {
rootVC.present(self, animated: animated, completion: completion)
let list = [1,2,4,3,9,8];
let b = list[2...5];// ArraySlice
Long-term storage of ArraySlice instances is discouraged. A slice holds a reference to the entire storage of a larger array, not just to the portion it presents, even after the original array’s lifetime ends. Long-term storage of a slice may therefore prolong the lifetime of elements that are no longer otherwise accessible, which can appear to be memory and object leakage.
func sortDictiony() -> Void {
字典中$0 來表示閉包的第一個參數(shù),$1 來表示第二個因惭,以此類推岳锁,in 也可以省略
元組 **(key: String, value: String) 第0個是 key,第一個是 value **
dict.sorted { (<#(key: String, value: String)#>, <#(key: String, value: String)#>) -> Bool in
let dict = ["27":"w","15":"t","36":"b"]
let dicSortedByKey = dict.sorted(by: {$0.0 < $1.0})
let dicSortedByValue = dict.sorted(by: {$0.1 < $1.1})
let dicSortedByKeyNew = dict.sorted(by:<)
let dicSortedByValueNew = dict.sorted(by:>)