When you're learning English, you can find a lot of phrases that seem to mean the same thing, but are a little bit different.
It can be really hard to know which phrase you should use.
A good example is phrases that you use to tell someone that you love them.
There are so many different ways; which one should you use?
To be in love: 愛呼猪、浪漫的愛情画畅,也更突出正在戀愛中的狀態(tài)
I'm so in love with you: 我太愛你了
To fall in love: 愛上,墜入愛河
I'm falling for you: 我愛上你了
To fall for someone: 愛上一個人
除了love, 還有哪些與眾不同的表達(dá)方法宋距?我們先從一些動詞入手:
I dig you:我很喜歡你轴踱。這里的Dig也可以拼成digg.
#2. Into
I'm into you 和 I dig/love you很像。love會更加強烈谚赎。
#3. Adore
To adore (動詞): 愛慕淫僻、疼愛诱篷、寵愛
Adorable (形容詞): 可愛的、惹人愛的
還有這句:I adore you because you are so adorable! 我愛你雳灵,因為你太可愛了棕所!
#4. Admire
I admire successful entrepreneurs like Steve jobs:
但是名詞Admirer就是充滿愛意的傾慕者。Secret admirer: 暗戀你笑撞、還沒表白的傾慕者
#5. Crush
To have a crush on someone: 暗戀岛啸、單戀一個人
I've got a crush on you我默默喜歡你,暗戀你
I have a not-so-secret crush on her: 我暗戀她已經(jīng)不是秘密了
It's so obvious: 太明顯了
Who's your secret crush? 你的暗戀對象是誰茴肥?
I'm crushing on you: 我暗戀你 (美國年輕人喜歡把crush當(dāng)動詞用)
Who's your crush? 你的暗戀對象是誰坚踩?
I've got a man crush on someone: 開玩笑時,男性可以這樣形容自己男性的好友
#6. Fond of
To be fond of someone: 喜歡瓤狐、鐘意
I'm so fond of you: 我好喜歡你
fond of和之前的dig, into的感情階段很像瞬铸。但是fond of這個詞更加正式、尊重础锐。表白的時候效果會不一樣嗓节。
I'm so smitten with/by you: 跟你在一起,我太快樂了
She looks so smitten: 她看起來好幸福信姓、享受著愛情的滋潤
#8. Enamored :迷戀
I'm so enamored by you: 我迷戀你鸵隧、被你迷得神魂顛倒
#9.?Treasure: 珍惜、珍視
You are the treasure that I seek: 你是我尋覓的寶藏
I treasure you and I treasure every moment with you: 我珍視你意推、珍視我們在一起的每一刻
I cherish you: 我很珍惜你
Long lasting and deep: 更長久豆瘫、深刻的感情
001 I can't take my eyes off of you
兩個off, of不同俊性,不要漏掉略步,這句話很常用,王若琳就有一首同名翻唱歌曲定页,唱到:
You're just too good to be true 你完美得不真實
002 I can't stop thinking about you:無法停止想你趟薄,我的腦海你都是你
要注意"I can't stop looking at you"有點變態(tài),但說"I can't stop thinking about you"卻自然
While it's weird to say "I can't stop looking at you", it's totally natural to say "I can't stop thinking about you":
I heart you: 我愛你這里用heart典徊,把它當(dāng)動詞用了杭煎,做名詞有Heart shape: 愛心圖案
I heart LA: 我愛洛杉磯
I heart Changsha: 我愛上長沙
I heart it: 我愛這個東西恩够、這件事
003 Head over heels: 頭腳顛倒,神魂顛倒
I'm head over heels for you: 我被你迷得神魂顛倒
I'm head over heels in love with you: 愛你愛得神魂顛倒
004 You complete me: 你讓我的人生完整
You complete my world: 你讓我的世界完整
005 I love you just the way you are: 我愛你也切,就是這樣的你
聽過火星哥唱的一首歌扑媚,just the way you are,就會很熟悉這個用法
Don't change a thing for me: 不要為我做任何改變
006You're the one:你是唯一,你就是我等的那個人雷恃,這句話我們在電影黑客帝國里的captain對Neo說過疆股,就不是這個意思了,而是倒槐,你就是那個救世主旬痹。
You're the one and the only: 你就是那個人、唯一的那個讨越,the one and the only就表示獨一無二两残,很好的表達(dá)
還可以對老伴兒:靈魂伴侶(Soulmate)說:和你坐在門前陽臺,一起坐Rocking chair: 搖椅把跨、安樂椅人弓,Let's grow old together好想和你一起慢慢變老。