My mother
? ? ? My mother is in her thirties now.It is the middle age.But she usually ask me “ Am I old now?”I will tell her:“No仇冯,you looks very young” Then she will have a satisfact smile. I did not lie瀑焦,she looks beautiful now.
? ? ? She has beautiful eyes 舀透,clean skin and middle length hair.She”s hairstyle is just very simple. She like buy some
clothes which were gentlewomen”s style. Sometimes 歇竟,I think she is more pretty than me. She is enthusiastic because she is holding a store now 渐逃,she must get along well with our clients.She is fond of the music created by the Hong Kong singer in 80s.I don't understand her taste of music. I can not understand Hong Kong music剖效,so? I hardly hear it.She is enjoy playing basketball with my brother and my father灼擂,and she had told me she is keen on volleyball.So I guess she likes sports very much when she is young. She do not have idols壁查,but she is crazy about soap opera.I don't know why.
? ? ? All in all ,she is excellent mother剔应,a great wife睡腿,she just hopes our life will be fine and hopes she can buy more clothes!