anchoredPosition:The position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point.
The Anchored Position is the position of the pivot of the RectTransform taking into consideration the anchor reference point. The anchor reference point is the position of the anchors. If the anchors are not together, Unity estimates the four anchor positions using the pivot placement as a reference.
Position of the transform relative to the parent transform.
If the transform has no parent, it is the same as Transform.position.
LocalPosition:針對的對齊方式是居中對齊宴合,Anchors min(0.5,0.5) max(0.5,0.5)激蹲,修改錨點對齊方式對localposition無影響霹肝,始終在固定的位置,修改中心點(Pivot)有效甚颂。
anchoredPosition:與錨點關(guān)聯(lián)的設(shè)置方式,直接作用于posX posY posZ粉渠。
sizeDelta:距離錨點的距離哈恰,如果錨點min max相同則和長寬相等派哲,如果不相同臼氨,則為兩端到兩錨點距離相加