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Week of September15th:
My favorite part of firstgrade so far is...and what I hope to learn thisyear.
Week of September22nd:
Tell about the most excitingplace you have ever visited. Photos or drawings would be terrific!(Friday Sharer's share on Thursday this week).
Week of September29th:
Tell about your family and thefun activities you like to do with them. Again, photos or drawnpictures would be great!
Week of October6th:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem. Choose from the poems linked below, choose apoem that you love by a different author, or write your own poem.Be prepared to recite the poem to the class. Make sure you are ableto say it slowly and clearly so that we can all hear and understandyou.
Week of October13th:
Choose a letter of thealphabet. It can be any letter. Don't tell us what it is! Then findthree things that start with that letter. After you show them tous, we will guess your favorite letter.
Week of October20th:
Something that reminds you ofFall – a color, a picture, an article of clothing. This could betricky…be creative!! (Friday sharers please be prepared to shareThursday.)
Week of November3rd:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem or song. Choose from the poems linked below,choose a poem that you love by a different author, or write yourown poem.
Week of November17th:
Draw a picture of yourfavorite holiday feast. Be sure to tell us all your favorite thingsto eat!
Week of December1st:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem or song. Choose from the poems linked below,choose a poem that you love by a different author, or write yourown poem.
Week of December8th:
Bring in a decoration used forany holiday celebration. Show the class and tell us why you choseit.
Week of January5th:
Poetry Reader! For this weekmemorize a short poem. Choose from the poems linked below, choose apoem that you love by a different author, or write your ownpoem.
Week of January12th:
Bring in a symbol of winter.Show the class what it is and then explain how it shows that it isnow winter.
Week of January19:
This is the week to celebrateDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tell three unusual facts about him.*(If you share Monday, be prepared to share on Tuesday thisweek!)
Week of January26th:
Bring in your favorite toy.Yes, that’s right! But only one and you have to tell threeinteresting things about it.
Week of February2nd:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem. Choose from the poems linked below, choose apoem that you love by a different author, or write your ownpoem.
Week of February9th:
Make a special valentine athome. Use really special “stuff”. Tell the class how you made it.Your teacher will display all the artwork!
Week of February23rd:
Tell three unusual pieces ofinformation about Abraham Lincoln - OR- George Washington. Look ina book, search on the “net”, or ask your parents.
Week of March2nd:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem or song. Choose from the poems linked below,choose a poem that you love by a different author, or write yourown poem.
Week of March9th:
Explain a parent’s job. Bringsomething to show. It might be a picture or something they use todo their job.
Week of March16th:
Bring a picture and write astory about Mom or Dad as kids.
Week of March23rd:
Bring a baby picture ofyourself and tell a story of when you were a baby!
Week of March30th:
Look through the dictionaryand find a “new” word. Write it down and learn how to say it andwhat the word means. Write a sentence using the word. Wow yourclassmates (and your teacher!) with your knowledge. (If you shareMonday, please be prepared on Tuesday.)
Week of April6th:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem or song. Choose from the poems linked below,choose a poem that you love by a different author, or write yourown poem.
Week of April20th:
Prepare a weather report forthe class. Look in the newspaper, on the internet or on TV forideas.
Week of April27th:
Please share your favoritebook. Be prepared to tell why you liked it, what was your favoritepart and show just one of the pictures. Your job is to make otherswant to read this special book!
Week of May4th:
POETRY READER! For this week,memorize a short poem or song. Choose from the poems linked below,choose a poem that you love by a different author, or write yourown poem.
Week of May11th:
Tell about your favorite sportor game. Make sure you say the name of the game and three reasonswhy you like it.
Week of May18th:
Since this is May, sharesomething you "may" be doing this summer. Bring in something youmay need to take on a trip to this place or bring some informationon something you may want to do.
Week of May26th:
Draw a picture or write afavorite First Grade memory.
Week of June1st:
Our year together is coming toan end, and you will be moving on to Second Grade soon! Tell whatyou are most looking forward to next year.