獲取Bit-z的API Key總共需要3個步驟
3、創(chuàng)建完畢后寸齐,在頁面上會出現API Keys以及二維碼欲诺,頁面會顯示API Key和Secret,關閉本教程渺鹦,在Token360掃碼完成授權扰法。
Need 3 steps to import the Bit-Z’s API Key
1、Log in to the Bit-Z's official website毅厚,find the Account center on the right top of the page then click it.
2塞颁、Find the API option on the left of the page and click it. Then find the “Create New Key” button on the bottom of the page, click and create a new key
3、After the creation, you will see the API key & Secret and the QRCode on the page, Close this tutorial and user Token360 app to Scan the QRCode to finish the key importing.
獲取滿幣網的的API Key總共需要5個步驟
2、在頁面左側找到 “我的API”選項咽安,找到“創(chuàng)建API”按鈕锤岸,然后點擊
5募逞、頁面會顯示API Key和Secret蛋铆,關閉本教程,在Token360手動授權頁面放接,錄入Key和Secret刺啦,然后完成授權。
Need 5 steps to import the Coinbene’s API Key
1纠脾、Log in to the Coinbene's official website玛瘸,find the Account item on the top of the page then click it.
2、Find the“My API” option on the left of the page then click it.Find the “Create API” button on the page, and then click it
3苟蹈、Don’t fill in the IP List. Click “OK” button to finish the creation.
4糊渊、Find the “Reveal” button and click it to check the secret Key
5、You will see the API key & Secret on the page, Close this tutorial and enter the Access Key and Private Key(Secret) into the Token360 app to finish the key importing.