? ?We?all know that good habits lead to people’achievement,bad habits can be the obstacles of the way to success.In the other way,that means our habits make us?who we are.so here is my question,what would you plan to do in the following?Have?you been thinking sth to change your life?
? ?It has turned out that 30 days is just the right amount of time to add a new habit or substract a bad one from your life.so do you want to have a try?yes, I do.at the beginning, I tried some small,sustainable challenges,things that I could keep doing easily. Such as taking one hour to read China Daily everyday. and then I tried some more difficult challenges. As I startd to do 30-day challenges,my self-confidence grew.you know,easier said than done,so one dreaded thing that may come up with you is you can not persist taking your plan for everyday because of sth such as laziness.so forming a new good habit can be struggle,you may need fright against tremendous odds t,but once you get it,you will find it is really worth the effort.as we all know ,anything is worth pusuing is going to require us suffering.so just do it no matter what happens.
? Having positive?habits does no mean you will succeed every single time.however,there is no?doubt that you will achieve all of your goals and be successful in the long?run.for example, A man who has a clear life goal and has the habit of working?hard is guranted to succeed in the long term. in contrast,negative habits are?often the the real clue of the failure such as laziness,lack of courage. So just?Have a sort of personal crusade that is developping new good habits and?eliminating your bad habits.
? I guarantee you?days are going to pass,whether you like or not,why not think about sth that you have wanted you change,and give a shot. You will find,instead of time flying?by,forgotten,the time was much more memoriable,meaningful.and what is important is you will be better and better.