└──? $git clone
└──? $./asemica
Asemica: an asemic Markov-chained cipher, v. 1.0
Usage: ./asemica (enc|dec) -c <corpus_file> [-i <input_file>] [-o <output_file>] [-f <format>] [--force] [--help]
-c/--corpus: specify corpus filename or URL
-i/--input: specify input filename (defaults to STDIN)
-o/--output: specify output filename (defaults to STDOUT)
-f/--format: specify output format (defaults to none)
--force: forces runtime on an insufficiently complex corpus
--help: displays this message
-v/--verbost: increments verbosity setting (used for debugging)
none: doesn't format output; returns only word list
email: formats output to look like an informal email
poem: if you want your output to look like poetry
echo "message" | ./asemica enc -c corpus.txt -o asemic.txt
./asemica dec -c corpus.txt -i asemic.txt
└──? $echo "Hi,I'm theKingOfNight!"|./asemica enc -C LICENSE.txt -o test.txt
└──? $ls
asemica LICENSE.txt test.txt
└──? $cat test.txt
License June C Software States not anything users regenerate from conditions The Affero Public
along any claim infringed making an code source a against work's Libraries dynamically subprograms
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License anyone conveys material e the Information to FOR The Conveying those However
you add to FOR an if distribute or FAILURE THE AND Information a Conveying object whose code source
as THE By Corresponding
└──? $./asemica dec -C LICENSE.txt -i test.txt
Hi,I'm theKingOfNight!
└──? $echo "Hi.I'm theKingOfNight and this is with openssl!"|openssl bf -pass pass:p4ssw0rd|./asemica enc -C LICENSE.txt -o test.txt
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
└──? $cat test.txt
the INCLUDING physical customarily for and OF Freedom share change versions give who a END
TERMS courts apply the AS license attempt to New will apply law WHEN speak free precise and
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network violates rules protocols communication control Those whom convey at For compliance
third of Major and and All liability these e to Nothing this acknowledges rights Anti Law most our
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appropriate of GPL your permission run copy a OF Corresponding under previous plus right grant patent
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the By copyright Notwithstanding other the HOLDERS OR OTHER for The Information this The A
based the A Conveying Program WITH Major or BEING to Installation for and Corresponding
along this GPL that a OF Corresponding under License a PURPOSE or Each an code or Access legal
displayed works licenses under patent the If are on copy includes definition includes right grant under
d the AS from copy Corresponding Regardless what individual permit your any EITHER that If do
convey machine Corresponding Regardless whether court agreement otherwise propagate work a
Library may be in code any from any HOLDER a OF KIND
└──? $./asemica dec -C LICENSE.txt -i test.txt
└──? $./asemica dec -C LICENSE.txt -i test.txt |openssl bf -d -pass pass:worngpassword
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
bad decrypt
140679471490112:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:../crypto/evp/evp_enc.c:537:
└──? $./asemica dec -C LICENSE.txt -i test.txt |openssl bf -d -pass pass:p4ssw0rd
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
Hi.I'm theKingOfNight and this is with openssl!
└──? $echo "Hi.I'm theKingOfNight and this is with email!"|./asemica enc -C LICENSE.txt -f email -o test.txt
└──? $cat test.txt
Any PARTY the GPL prohibit practice patent covenant to Nothing this For an code source a. Against party BEEN or FAILURE THE A In License by Free you actual. That are granted to These e to FOR an? If cannot given distinguishing number the Conveying covered means kind? Propagation copying provided inform peers the Information a Conveying Copies your have! Can it any and Corresponding in You apply way could it any HOLDER ANY! Agreement commitment to FOR copy Corresponding as by access a. OF Freedom price each an code in. Appropriate Notices that The AS license June C?
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└──? $./asemica dec -C LICENSE.txt -i test.txt
Hi.I'm theKingOfNight and this is with email!