three.js - Physics

  • We are going to use three.js to achieve physics effects, likes bounce、friction琉雳、bouncing
    • we create a physics world
    • we create a three.js 3D world
    • when we add an object to the three.js world, we also add one to the physics world
    • on each frame, we let physics world update itself and we update the three.js world accordingly
  • We will use the cannon-es叮趴,it's a 3D library
  • First割笙,create a basic scene,we need OrbitControls眯亦,AxesHelper可根據(jù)自己的習慣可加可不加
  import * as THREE from 'three'
  import { OrbitControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
  import * as dat from 'dat.gui'

  // scene
  const scene = new THREE.Scene()

  // light
  const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.7)

  const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.2)
  directionalLight.castShadow = true
  directionalLight.shadow.mapSize.set(1024, 1024) = 15 = - 7 = 7 = 7 = - 7
  directionalLight.position.set(5, 5, 5)

  // camera
  const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
    window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
  camera.position.set(-3, 3, 3)  // 這里注意下camera位置

  // renderer
  const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
  renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true
  renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap
  renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)

  window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight

    renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
    renderer.setPixelRatio(Math.min(window.devicePixelRatio, 2))

  // axesHelper  根據(jù)自己的情況可加可不加
  const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(5)

  // control
 const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement)
 controls.enableDamping = true

  // render
  const clock = new THREE.Clock()
  const tick = () => {
    renderer.render(scene, camera)
  • Add texture, a sphere and a floor伤溉,球稍稍高于平面
   * texture
  const cubeTextureLoader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader()  // 環(huán)境貼圖
  const environmentMapTexture = cubeTextureLoader.load([
   * sphere
  const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.5, 32, 32)
  const sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
    metalness: 0.3,
    roughness: 0.4,
    envMap: environmentMapTexture,
    envMapIntensity: 0.5
  const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial)
  sphere.position.y = 0.5
   * floor
  const floor = new THREE.Mesh(
    new THREE.PlaneGeometry(10, 10),
    new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
      color: '#777777',
      metalness: 0.3,
      roughness: 0.4,
      envMap: environmentMapTexture,
      envMapIntensity: 0.5
  floor.receiveShadow = true
  floor.rotation.x = - Math.PI * 0.5
Set up.png
  • Next create a Cannon.js world
    • run npm i cannon-es --save and import, 當前版本 "cannon-es": "^0.20.0"
    • 在物理世界中也要同步創(chuàng)建一個平面和一個球,大體的流程和使用three.js差不多
    • cannon-es中創(chuàng)建一個三維向量要使用new CANNON.Vec3(x, y, z)妻率,跟three.js中的Vector3是一個意思
    • cannon-es中實現(xiàn)旋轉乱顾,使用的是quaternionthree.js中也有遇到過
  import * as CANNON from 'cannon-es'  // 導入cannon-es
   * physics
  // world
  const world = new CANNON.World({
    // add gravity, it's vec3, the same as vector3
    // 分別對應x宫静、y走净、z軸的引力值券时,正數(shù)向上、負數(shù)向下
    gravity: new CANNON.Vec3(0, -9.82, 0),
  // sphere
  const sphereShape = new CANNON.Sphere(0.5)  // shape
  const sphereBody = new CANNON.Body({  // body
    mass: 1,  // 質量
    position: new CANNON.Vec3(0, 3, 0),
    shape: sphereShape,
  // floor
  const floorShape = new CANNON.Plane()
  const floorBody = new CANNON.Body({
    mass: 0,  // 質量為0表示該物體是靜態(tài)的伏伯、不會移動的
  floorBody.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Math.PI * 0.5)  // 旋轉橘洞,參數(shù)為方向、旋轉角度
  • 在創(chuàng)建完成以上2個主要的部分后说搅,也就是three.js和物理世界部分炸枣,我們要同步這2個部分的動作,才能實現(xiàn)球體的自由下落
    • use step() to update the physics world on each frame
    // render
    const clock = new THREE.Clock()
    let oldElapsedTime = 0
    const tick = () => {
      let elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()
      const deltaTime = elapsedTime - oldElapsedTime
      oldElapsedTime = elapsedTime
      // update physics world
      world.step(1 / 60, deltaTime, 3 )  // 固定時間弄唧,距離上一步的時長抛虏,多少次迭代可以彌補延遲
    • our sphere is falling but we're not update the three.js scene
    // render
    const clock = new THREE.Clock()
    let oldElapsedTime = 0
    const tick = () => {
      // update physics world
      world.step(1 / 60, deltaTime, 3 )  // 固定時間,距離上一步的時長套才,多少次迭代可以彌補延遲
    • 此時迂猴,sphere已經(jīng)可以自由下落了,但因為沒有任何限制sphere會一直下降背伴,原因是我們在physics world中并沒有創(chuàng)建與three.js相對應的floor
     * physics
    // floor
    const floorShape = new CANNON.Plane()
    const floorBody = new CANNON.Body({
      mass: 0,  // 質量為0表示該物體是靜態(tài)的沸毁、不會移動的
      // material: defaultMaterial,
    // 設置軸線的角度來實現(xiàn)旋轉
    // 旋轉軸,旋轉角度
    floorBody.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Math.PI * 0.5) 
  • 完成以上步驟后傻寂,我們應該已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了球體自由下落的狀態(tài)息尺,但是當前的球體仿佛是一個很重的物體,下落后并沒有彈起疾掰,看似不太真實搂誉,we can change the friction and bouncing behavior by setting a material
    • we're going to create material for sphere and floor
    • 可以調(diào)整摩擦力系數(shù)、恢復系數(shù)感受不同的效果
  // world

  // material
  const concreteMaterial = new CANNON.Material('concrete')  // 混凝土
  const plasticMaterial = new CANNON.Material('plastic') // 塑料

  const concretePlasticContactMaterial = new CANNON.ContactMaterial(
      friction: 0.1,  // 摩擦力系數(shù)
      restitution: 0.7,  // 恢復系數(shù)静檬,彈起高度
  // sphere
  const sphereBody = new CANNON.Body({
    material: plasticMaterial,

  // floor
  const floorBody = new CANNON.Body({
    material: concreteMaterial,
  • we're going to simplify everything and replace the two material by just one default material
    • only use the new CANNON.Material('default')
    • 不要忘記修改sphereBody炭懊、floorBodymaterial屬性
  // material
  const defaultMaterial = new CANNON.Material('default')
  const defaultContactMaterial = new CANNON.ContactMaterial(
      friction: 0.1,
      restitution: 0.7
  // sphere
  const sphereBody = new CANNON.Body({
    material: defaultMaterial,

  // floor
  const floorBody = new CANNON.Body({
    material: defaultMaterial,
  • after use new CANNON.Material('default'),there is a more simple way , 就是將其直接設置在world
    • 使當前物理世界中的物體都使用同一種材料
    • 創(chuàng)建sphereBody拂檩、floorBody時就不用再設置material屬性了侮腹,也就是說原先的material: defaultMaterial就可以刪除了
  // material
  const defaultContactMaterial = new CANNON.ContactMaterial(
  world.defaultContactMaterial = defaultContactMaterial  // 使用同樣的material
  • Apply forces
    • applyForce - apply a force from a specified point in space(not necessarily on the body's surface), just like a wind, a small push on a domino or a strong force on an angry bird
    • applyImpulse - like applyForce but instead of adding to the force, will add to the velocity 施力使得增加速度
    • applyLocalForce - same as applyForce but the coordinates are local to the Body ((0, 0, 0) would be the center of the Body 物體的重心) 局部坐標
    • applyLocalImpulse - same as applyImpulse but the coordinates are local to the Body
    • use applyLocalForce to apply a small push on the sphere
    // sphere
    const sphereShape = new CANNON.Sphere(0.5)
    const sphereBody = new CANNON.Body({
    // 發(fā)力方向,局部發(fā)力點
    sphereBody.applyLocalForce(new CANNON.Vec3(150, 0, 0), new CANNON.Vec3(0, 0, 0))
    • mimic the wind by using applyForce on each frame before updating the world
    const tick = () => {
      // update force
      sphereBody.applyForce(new CANNON.Vec3(-0.5, 0, 0), sphereBody.position)
      // update world
  • Handle multiple objects
    • the first, remove the sphere, remove the sphereShape and the sphereBody
    • autoMate with the functions, we're going to create a function that can create spheres, 這個function中主要有2個部分稻励,創(chuàng)建three.jsmesh和創(chuàng)建physics中的sphereBody
     * utils
    // create sphere
    const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 20, 20)
    const sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
      metalness: 0.3,
      roughness: 0.4,
      envMap: environmentMapTexture,
      envMapIntensity: 0.5
    const createSphere = (radius, position) => {
      // mesh
      const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial)
      mesh.castShadow = true
      mesh.scale.set(radius, radius, radius)
      // body
      const shape = new CANNON.Sphere(radius)
      const body = new CANNON.Body({
        mass: 1,
        position: new CANNON.Vec3(0, 3, 0),
        material: defaultMaterial
    createSphere(0.5, {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0})
    • nothing is moving because we don't update the three.js meshes, and then loop this array in the tick function and update the mesh.position with body.position
     * utils
    const objectsToUpdate = []
    const createSphere = (radius, position) => {
      // save it to update
      objectsToUpdate.push({mesh, body})
    createSphere(0.5, {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0})
    const tick = () => {
      world.step(1 / 60, deltaTime, 3 )
      for(const object of objectsToUpdate) {
    • add to gui, we will have a button and when i click this button it will create a sphere
     * gui
    const gui = new dat.GUI()
    const debugObject = {}
    debugObject.createSphere = () => {
        Math.random() * 0.5, 
        { x: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3, 
          y: 3, 
          z: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3
    gui.add(debugObject, 'createSphere')
    multiple spheres.png
    • add boxs and add to gui
     * utils
    // create box
    const boxGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1)
    const boxMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
      metalness: 0.3,
      roughness: 0.4,
      envMap: environmentMapTexture,
      envMapIntensity: 0.5
    const createBox = (width, height, depth, position) => {
      // mesh
      const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(boxGeometry, boxMaterial)
      mesh.castShadow = true
      mesh.scale.set(width, height, depth)
      // body
      // new CANNON.Box()創(chuàng)建立方體的時候父阻,從立方體中心點出發(fā),寬高計算就是new THREE.BoxGeometry()的一半
      const shape = new CANNON.Box(new CANNON.Vec3(width * 0.5, height * 0.5, depth * 0.5))
      const body = new CANNON.Body({
        mass: 1,
        position: new CANNON.Vec3(0, 3, 0),
        material: defaultMaterial
      objectsToUpdate.push({mesh, body})
     * gui
    debugObject.createBox = () => {
        { x: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3, 
          y: 3, 
          z: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3
    gui.add(debugObject, 'createBox')
    multiple boxes.png
    • 完成至這一步時望抽,我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)當我們創(chuàng)建了很多個物體后加矛,他們在發(fā)生碰撞時并不會翻轉,這顯然是不符合物理規(guī)律的
    const tick = () => {
      for(const object of objectsToUpdate) {
        object.mesh.quaternion.copy(object.body.quaternion)  // 使box下落時碰撞在一起會翻轉
  • when testing the collisions between objects, a naive approach to test every body against every other body 每個物體都在關注自己與其他物體的碰撞煤篙,即使是距離他很遠的物體斟览,這在性能上是很不有好的,we call this step the broadPhase
  • now we can use SAPBroadPhase, sweep and prune, test bodies on arbitrary axes during multiple steps, and if the body speed is slowly, it will be not test unless a sufficient force applied
   * physics
  // world
   const world = new CANNON.World({

  world.broadphase = new CANNON.SAPBroadphase(world)  // 距離相距較遠的物體不參與相互的碰撞監(jiān)測
  world.allowSleep = true  // 不會動的物體不參與碰撞監(jiān)測
  • Events and add sounds, we're going to play hit sound when the objects collide
   * sounds
  const hitSound = new Audio('../public/sounds/hit.mp3') // 創(chuàng)建音頻
  const playHitSound = (collision) => {
    const impactStrength =  // 撞擊強度
    if(impactStrength > 1.5) {
      hitSound.volume = Math.random()
      hitSound.currentTime = 0
   * utils
  const createSphere = (radius, position) => {
    // body
    body.addEventListener('collide', playHitSound)

  const createBox = (width, height, depth, position) => {
    // body
    body.addEventListener('collide', playHitSound)
  • Remove thing
   * gui
  debugObject.reset = () => {
    for(const object of objectsToUpdate) {
      // remove body
      object.body.removeEventListener('collide', playHitSound)
      // remove mesh
    // empty objectsToUpdate
    objectsToUpdate.splice(0, objectsToUpdate.length)

  gui.add(debugObject, 'reset')
  • Done
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