referee's comments 如下鄙早,大約90分 :-)
The authors presented a theoretical and numerical study of multi-site quantum correlations in 1D finite-size XXZ chains at finite temperatures with global quantum discord. The authors were motivated by concepts from quantum information theory that can offer new perspectives to condensed matter problems, such as the characterization of phase transitions. As phase transitions and quantum information are two hot topics, an enffort to combine both topis are worthy of investigation. In this paper numerical methods were used to caculate quanutm dircord in a spin chain. The thermal state discord was used to characterize the infinite-order quantum phase transition. At my point of view the paper has a good amount of work, my impression is that the numerical methods presented in the paper can be useful to study quantum dircord in condensed matter. I want to recommend the paper, I would just suggest the authors to discuss possible experiments where such results could be verified. For example, quantum entanglement can be inferred by magnetic susceptibility measurements [For example: PRB 77, 104402 (2008),PRB 79, 054408 (2009) ]. Is there an observable quantity that can be used to probe the global quantum discord? and the results presented here be verified? Furthermore the authors could also discuss what happens in other types of spin models.