Both parents of thefamily always take an important role in child upbringing. A resilient healthy,and well-educated child requires nurturing and care from both parents sincemothers and fathers instruct and raise their kids in a very different way, andthe roles they play in child rearing are usually quite different. Thus, I agreethat fatherhood and motherhood are equally important to the personality andresilience development of children.
?? The rolemotherhood is often deemed to have more vital influence to the kid due to thefact that mothers are the main caregivers?at the early stages of child nurturing. Themother will mainly bring up the baby amicably at the first couple of years byfeeding them, playing naive games with the kid, read stories, teach them knowledgepatiently and stroke them softly in the comfortable cradle at night. And gradually, the young kid begins to have an intimate bond with the mother. Thispart is critical because in this period, the kid can develop from an innocentstage, and will make the kid calmer when comes to emotional shocks. The mother mainly brings up the child amicably in thefirst couple of years through proper nourishments and care, promoting physicaland cognitive development. Consequently, the child develops an intimate bondwith the mother, which critically establishes in the early stages of childhoodwhen the child learns to regulate emotions.
?? On the other side of the ball, fatherhoodhas also got an undeniably great indispensable impact. A father will usuallyfocus on the practical issues and does not express affection as what the motherdoes. Besides that fathers tend to teach kids in a more rigid way. For exampleif you break a vase or a lamp, your mother will only tell you it’s okay and donnot do it the next time, however a father will usually scold the kid or evenlet them use their pocket money to buy a new one. Kids, at the start will behard to acquaint the method, but as time elapses, they will find out that theyhave a better look at the society and will easily integrate into the community.
?? In conclusion, I believe that motherhood andfatherhood are equally important in a child’s life. The combination of theroles will perfect the kid and help realize their full potential.