你滿月那天灰殴,我們一家飛去瑞士,去見你在那邊的親人掰邢。我們抱著小不點的你验懊,小心翼翼地過安檢,小心翼翼地登機尸变,直到平安地抵達你爸爸的國土,一路上我們懸著心减俏,生怕無法保護你 - 我們?nèi)套钫滟F的寶貝召烂。
當你今天達到這個重要的里程碑,你這獨一無二的人生里的第三個十年即將展開。在這新的十年里八秃,你將完全獨立生活碱妆,你會遇到真愛 - 也許不是永恒的愛 - 而那也沒有關系,你很可能將結出人生的碩果喜德,成立自己的家庭山橄。但是你也可能會嘗到真正艱難的日子,可能會受到傷害舍悯,可能會遇到失去的苦痛航棱。你只需要知道,我的孩子萌衬,你會好的饮醇。
我看到你那毫無保留地愛的能力槽片。這是你身上最強大何缓、最有魔力的氣質。你灑向你弟弟的無私無盡的愛和關懷 - 他從小就把你當作真正的女神 - 你向他指引了一條寬廣的正路还栓,你使我們的艾倫變成了一個無比特殊的孩子碌廓。你毫無保留地給予你的愛,愛朋友剩盒,愛家人谷婆,不管是在中國的,在瑞士的辽聊,還是在美國的家人纪挎。你的愛心映射四周,已經(jīng)有很多人受益跟匆,而它將在未來產(chǎn)生的更深遠的作用异袄,以及那作用的連鎖反應能波及的影響,是你今天無法想象的玛臂。
Anna my dearest,
Where shall I begin? It must be serendipity, and I trace it back all the way to the moment I fell for your father.
It was just after 5 o'clock in the afternoon. We were off work early on that day. As soon as I walked out of the factory gate, my mind started drifting into an unknown future far away from the place that trapped my body with a job. It must have been breezy and warm, because I remember my hair gently beating my face, the corners of my eyes, my lips. And I saw your father! He turned back from his bike. Smiling. In a flash. Fair skin shining in the afternoon sun. He was in dark green shorts and bright yellow T-shirt. Washed soft cotton. He rode downhill and waved bye. My eyes followed, the flickering yellow and green, into the wind, until no longer in sight.
27 years have gone by. 27!
Life has many ways of tricking us.
But I was not tricked, my dear daughter. Because we have you, our one and only, beautiful you!
In these 27 years, you have accompanied me for 20, plus the months I carried you. I was fat and happy when you were in my tummy, and I hoped you were secure. You must have loved it there, for you waited and waited, until you finally kicked my tummy in the night we celebrated Grandpa’s birthday at a Sichuan restaurant. I ate a ton of spices, you couldn’t bear.
We went to International Peace Maternity & Child Health Hospital. We tried together to push you out. But that big stubborn head of yours refused to turn. They had to cut open my body to fetch you.
And there you were! Our dear Anna Lucia. Grace and light! Your sweet sound, sweet face, sweet fingers and toes, sweet breath, and sweet innocence.
A beauty from inside and out. To this day. The world instantly became divine! It suddenly had meaning.
How your papa rejoiced! He called everyone he could think of to share the news. Nothing as special like a first-time dad, and of a daughter like you. As dawn broke the next day, there came Uncle Yue, and your exquisite grandparents, ceremoniously dressed up, the way I had never seen before. Oh, I love them so much, I wish I had time to love them more, when they still had so much life ahead.
I was a cruel mom, my dear Anna. I saw you anxiously smack your lips and inch your little head towards my breasts for more milk which I didn’t have. I let you starve, I let you cry, I made you lose over one pound of weight out of six and half. I let you become thin and pale, and your cry became weaker and weaker and I thought you learnt how to behave.
Grandma said she rescued you by finally sending Grandpa for infant formula. And you have burgeoned and flourished ever since. The most beautiful and tenacious flower I have ever seen.
On the 30th day of your life, we flew together to Switzerland to meet your paternal grandparents and family. You were the most precious little thing to pass airport security, to be placed on that plane, and to land, in the country of your father's home.
When we arrived our home in Basel, I loved the penetrating scent of the wood, of home, you were asleep. My mom put you in the arms of Grandma Gloor. You immediately opened your sweet eyes and smiled at her. My mom said that your little nose smelled the endearing redolence of your bloodline.
On day 45, you were baptized, and slept through the night for the first time, officially making you the best baby in this world. You set the example so well that your brother, our dearest Alan, followed suit six and a half years later.
You have always been exemplary, my dear Anna.
Tonight, on the eve of your 20th birthday, more than seven thousand days and nights since your birth, and oceans apart, I write this letter with tearful eyes. I had to interrupt a few times when my eyes became blurry. I poured myself a glass of wine, went to the basement for old photo albums, and I turned on music, the piano pieces you had played over the years.
I am not sad. I just want to take time to think of you, think of us, think of all the loved ones that were part of your 20-year precious life.
I made decisions that fundamentally shaped your life, our life. Our move to America must have been one of the most profound.
Your first memory in life was when you stepped off the plane, and saw Robert. I asked you to call him Dad. You were bashful, but you did. You still do, bound by love.
We moved continents, multiple times. We uprooted, many times. You took it all in stride. You looked up to me, cheered me on, held my hand, led me through.
Because of you, and later joined by Alan, we rooted again, together.
As I write, as you turn 20, and I am about to turn 48, I am fortunate to realize that our strongest roots reside in ourselves, in our heart and soul, in our ability to love.
I have not much to give you but my affection and love, and my openness about all my imperfections. Sometimes we may wonder how life would have become, had I made different choices here and there. The roads I traveled, sometimes alone, sometimes I dragged you and your brother along. The mistakes I made. The relationships I broke. The partings we went through. The choice to go on a business trip over your birthday, and many times over. The struggles of a single mother.
The shadows of it all!
I was scared to think of these shadows! For they could have hurt you, left you scars, made you timid and insecure, deprived you of the courage of loving and living life to its full!
How I lucked out! Look at you, my enduring beauty. Now I realize that those shadows are treasures, are fountains of life-long learnings. They were not created due to recklessness, but were the results of youth, innocence, and bold pursuits for better lives. I even dare say, they were results of love. I have always believed in love, and I want that for you too.
As you turn to this important milestone, the 3rd decade of your one and only life unfolds. In this new decade, you will become completely independent, you will find true love, maybe not everlasting and it’s okay, and you may bear your own fruit and start your own family. But you may also taste hardships, hurts, and real losses of life. You just need to know, you will be okay.
You mean so much to me, to us all, my girl.
All people you love and love you must see a small piece of themselves in you. And I see that most, except you are the vision that I had aspired to be and came true.
I see you living your dream. My dream, just bigger than I could have ever dreamed when I was your age. The dream to have impact, to reach the world, to make it a better place despite impossibilities.
I see your positivity. Beautiful! You smile even after a worst fall, you cry when you are hurt and you still end your tears with a smile, you smile to strangers and unkindness. Don’t let anyone change that for you.
I see your capacity to love unconditionally. It’s the most powerful and magical thing in you. You showered your little brother with love and care, you have been his goddess since day one, you have guided him in the right path and made him special. You give unconditional love to all, your friends, your Chinese family, Swiss family, and American family. Your love radiates through, it already has left huge impact, and will increasingly leave profound impact with a ripple effect that you can’t imagine today.
Anna my dearest, you are my joy, my pride, and my torch. You are my best friend. You have taught me how to stay strong, how to move on, and how to dress smart, chic, or casual.
You made me believe I am beautiful too, and made me believe it was all worth it and that better days are truly yet to come.
Anna, my dearest daughter, you see, your life began serendipitously with love, and I want that it stays that way. All the way. Rain or shine. Rise or fall. When you have love in your heart, you will be okay.
Because I love you. I always have, and always will. I love and adore you, my one and only girl, Anna Lucia.
Your mom,
April 22-23, 2017, Shanghai