import maya.cmds as cmds
# save the current scene to an ascii file named "fred.ma"
cmds.file( rename='fred.ma' )
cmds.file( save=True, type='mayaAscii' )
# save the current scene to an ascii file without the ".ma" extension
cmds.file( rename='tmp' )
cmds.file( save=True, defaultExtensions=False, type='mayaAscii' )
# open the file fred.ma, using the default load settings. Any references will
# be brought in in the same state they were in when fred.ma was last saved.
cmds.file( 'fred.ma', open=True )
# reference the file wilma.ma
cmds.file( 'C:/mystuff/wilma.mb', reference=True )
# reference the file barney.mb into a namespace called "rubble".
cmds.file( 'C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/barney.ma', reference=True, type='mayaAscii', namespace='rubble' )
# change the namespace containing barney.mb.
cmds.file( 'C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/barney.ma', edit=True, namespace='purpleDinosaur' )
# retrieve a string array of all files such as main scene and reference files in the scene
cmds.file( query=True, list=True )
# Result: C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/fred.ma C:/mystuff/wilma.mb C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/barney.ma
# Select "betty" and export betty to a separate file called "betty.mb".
# Reference the new betty file into this scene, replacing the
# previous betty object from this scene with the reference to betty.
cmds.file( 'c:/mystuff/betty.mb', type='mayaBinary', namespace='rubble', exportAsReference=True )
# Select all the objects associated with file betty.mb
cmds.file( 'c:/mystuff/betty.mb', selectAll=True )
# Result: rubble:betty
# Remove the reference file betty.mb. All nodes in betty.mb will
# be removed from the scene
cmds.file( 'c:/mystuff/betty.mb', removeReference=True )
# Query whether the file named "foo.mb" exists on disk
cmds.file( 'foo.mb', query=True, exists=True )
# Result: 0 #
# Query whether the reference node "rubble:betty is deferred loaded.
# Note, -referenceNode flag has to come before -q flag.
cmds.file(referenceNode='rubbleRN', query=True, deferReference=True )
# Query the last temp file during file save
cmds.file( query=True, lastTempFile=True)
# Build load settings for "ref.ma"
cmds.file( 'ref.ma', open=True, buildLoadSettings=True )
cmds.loadSettings( '2', deferReference=1 )
# Edit those settings, to indicate that some reference should
# be brought in unloaded.
# Note: the following command is primarily intended for internal
# use. It may not be easy to determine the numeric ID of a given
# reference ("2" in this case) .
# cmds.loadSettings( '2', deferReference=1 )
# Use the edited settings when opening the file
cmds.file('ref.ma', open=True, loadSettings='implicitLoadSettings')
# Example for the '-cleanReference' and '-editCommand' flags
# Create a simple reference to a sphere
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.file( rename='ref.ma' )
cmds.file( force=True, type='mayaAscii', save=True )
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.file( 'ref.ma', reference=True, namespace='ref' )
# Scale the sphere
cmds.setAttr( 'ref:pSphere1.s', 5, 5, 5 )
cmds.getAttr( 'ref:pSphere1.s' )
# Result: 5 5 5 #
# The 'cleanReference' and 'editCommand' flags only work on
# unloaded references.
cmds.file( unloadReference='refRN' )
# Query the setAttr edits:
cmds.reference( referenceNode='refRN', query=True, editCommand=True )
# Result: setAttr ref:pSphere1.s -type "double3" 5 5 5 setAttr ref:lightLinker1.lnk -s 2 #
# Remove all setAttr edits on refRN:
cmds.file( cleanReference='refRN', editCommand='setAttr' )
cmds.reference( referenceNode='refRN', query=True, editCommand=True )
# Note that nothing is returned
cmds.file( loadReference='refRN' )
cmds.getAttr( 'ref:pSphere1.s' )
# Result: 1 1 1 #
# Note that scale has returned to 1 1 1
# apply the edit file to a reference
cmds.file("translateSphere.editMA", reference=True, applyTo="refRN")
# Result: maps <main> to refRN's namespace
# apply the edit file to nodes in the main scene
cmds.file("translateSphere.editMA", import=True, applyTo=":")
# Result: maps <main> to the root namespace
# apply the edit file to a reference, but it also has connections between two refs
cmds.file("connectionsBetweenRefs.editMA", reference=True, applyTo="refRN", mapPlaceHolderNamespace=("<otherRef>", "otherRefRN"))
# Result: maps <main> to refRN's namespace and <otherRef> to otherRefRN's namespace
# Change the modified state of the file.
# Set the file options
cmds.file( force=True, save=True, options='v=1;p=17',type='mayaAscii');
# Result:The saved file uses full names for attributes on nodes and flags in command.Also the precision of values in file is 17.
# Load Reference Preview
# Create a nested reference with a child reference under a parent reference.
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.file( rename='child.ma' )
cmds.file( force=True, type='mayaAscii', save=True )
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.file( 'child.ma', reference=True, namespace='child_namespace' )
cmds.file( rename='parent.ma' )
cmds.file( force=True, type='mayaAscii', save=True )
# Preview the unloaded child reference under the unloaded parent reference.
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.file( 'parent.ma', reference=True, namespace='parent_namespace' )
cmds.file( 'parent.ma', unloadReference=True )
cmds.file( 'parent.ma', loadReferencePreview=True )
# Example for 'mergeNamespacesOnClash'
# Create a reference
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.namespace( add="bar" )
cmds.namespace( set="bar" )
cmds.file( rename="ref.ma" )
cmds.file( force=True, type='mayaAscii', save=True )
# Create a scene with some namespaces and objects
cmds.file( force=True, new=True )
cmds.namespace( add="ref:foo:bar" )
cmds.namespace( set="ref:foo:bar" )
# Merge into root
cmds.file('ref.ma', reference=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=True, namespace=':');
# Merge into nested namespace
cmds.file('ref.ma', import=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=True, namespace=':ref:foo');
# Don't merge namespace
cmds.file('ref.ma', reference=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=False, namespace=':ref:foo');
# Now Edit the new namespace and merge it
cmds.file('ref.ma', edit=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=True, namespace=':ref:foo');
/ Example for export with relativeNamespace #/
# Select all the spheres.
cmds.select(":A:sphereA", replace=True)
# Export all these spheres with -relativeNamespace flag.
cmds.file(force=True, exportSelected=True, type="mayaAscii", relativeNamespace=":A:B")
# The result in the exported file:
# :A:sphereA
# :C:sphereC
# :D:sphereD
# -sphereB