Topic:In the future all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles would be passengers.
Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?
Sample Answer 1
Technological advances are leading towards all vehicles becoming automated and not having a driver. I believe the merits of this far exceed the drawbacks.
The main benefit of this phenomenon is the increase in safety. The absence of a driver means that human error can be totally eliminated. More precisely, car accidents will no longer result from a lapse of concentration or poo r judgment in the operation of a vehicle. For example, there will no longer be an issue with intoxicated drivers getting behind the wheel and endangering themselves and others on the road.
In addition, it will be more enjoyable for all occupants of a vehicle as no one will have to perform driving duties. People who would have been drivers can now relax during a journey. For instance, they will be able to watch movies or interact with their friends on social media while travelling. Furthermore, the stress of a long drive can be avoided, meaning that they can arrive at the destination in a more relaxed state.
However, there are cyber-criminals who will attempt to take advantage of this situation. Hackers may seize control of these vehicles and use them for their own nefarious purposes. For example, a hacker could use an automated vehicle asa getaway vehicle or to block traffic in order to evade the police. Even worse, they could hack into police vehicles rendering them useless in a chase.
In conclusion, I believe that the positives of this phenomenon greatly outweigh the negatives. This is because the increase in safety and enjoyment when travelling surpass the threat posed by cyber-criminals.
Sample Answer 2
In the future, all vehicles will be autonomous. Passengers will be the only people inside them. I believe businesses can cut costs by using driverless cars, and this advantage far outweighs any potential disadvantage.
One downside of self-driving cars is that they would lead to large employment losses.Nowadays, in many countries, a great number of people are making a living by driving, be they truckers, bus drivers, or delivery couriers. Imagine all these people are made redundant by autonomous cars. That would raise the unemployment rates in these countries significantly.?However, I think this can be avoided if drivers can reskill to get themselves a job in a new sector.
On the positive side, driverless cars can help businesses reduce operating expenses. This is because, with these cars, they would not need to hire drivers to deliver their products or services to their customers anymore. For example, the American logistics company UPS currently has hundreds of thousands of truck drivers and pays them an average of 60,000 dollars per year, which adds up to tens of billions of dollars annually. Replacing these drivers with autonomous cars would mean that these huge salary payments could be eliminated.?I think this would create a major advantage for companies because the money saved on labor could be devoted to improving other aspects of their businesses.
In conclusion, although self-driving vehicles would result in many job losses, I believe this downside is greatly outweighed by the upside that these vehicle scould help businesses save operating costs.
Sample Answer 3
It is believed that vehicles such as buses, cars and trucks will move only on autopilot in the future and carry only passengers in them. This fact has both advantages and drawbacks, but this essay will prove to you why the benefits outweigh the flaws, in my opinion.
Driverless means of transport have numerous arguments supporting them. First of all, they will prevent many accidents caused by human fault. This will mean that, for example, drivers under the influence of substances will not be a danger to others on the road anymore. A safer travelling environment will be created as a result. Furthermore, driverless vehicles will ensure wider freedom of transportation. Nothing would depend on the skills of the driver, as one will not be needed, causing more people to be inclined to travel wherever they want.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to autopiloted vehicle. To commence with, no reaction would be possible if the car or bus breaks mid-road. As a human cannot take control of the steering wheel, for instance, the vehicle will not be able to pull over if a problem happens. Another thing is that constant map updates will be needed in the GPS software of the car or bus, as any missed actualization could be an obstacle for the passengers.
To sum up, I believe that the drawbacks of driverless vehicles are minimal compared to the benefits. As technology advances, even the few faults of autopiloted means of transport will be smoothed out, creating more safety on the road and giving more people the chance to travel.
Sample Answer 4
A future filled with driverless vehicles is an inevitability. In my opinion, though there are concomitant moral risks, the practical import of such a seismic shift will be positive for health on the whole.
Critics of this trend suggest that machines should not be responsible for the potential loss of human life. This argument rests on the fact that when there is an accident involving humans, it is possible to either assess blame and assign punishment or accept that human error played a role. In contrast, an individual severely injured as the result of a collision caused by a machine may justly feel that all human autonomy and free will is absent from their fate. This is analogous to a natural disaster with the crucial distinction being that humanity has engineered the situation. It is human nature to prefer to control a situation rather than surrender the outcome to an autonomous machine.
Proponents of automated vehicles, on the other hand, argue the tangible ramifications concerning public safety. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that driverless vehicles cause fewer accidents than humans. The reason for this is that humans are prone to errors related to fatigue, distractions like smartphones, and, in some cases, altered states. Machines might experience the occasional technical error; however, they are far more consistent by comparison. In fact, the few accidents that have occurred with automated vehicles were the fault of human drivers. If all cars were driverless, this would enable a greater level of sophistication that could, theoretically, all but eliminate automobile accidents.
In conclusion, though some accidents will occur without human playing a role, safer roads fully justify this innovation. Companies and consumers must be wary of the influence of automation while also embracing its most transparent benefits.