redis 的數據結構優(yōu)化設計

對于實現數據結構來說泵喘,Redis 就給我們提供了兩個優(yōu)秀的設計思想:一個是使用連續(xù)的內存空間,避免內存碎片開銷般妙;二個是針對不同長度的數據纪铺,采用不同大小的元數據,以避免使用統(tǒng)一大小的元數據碟渺,造成內存空間的浪費鲜锚。

SDS 內存優(yōu)化設計

SDS 設計了不同類型的結構頭伏社,包括 sdshdr8、sdshdr16塔淤、sdshdr32 和 sdshdr64摘昌。這些不同類型的結構頭可以適配不同大小的字符串,從而避免了內存浪費高蜂。不過聪黎,SDS 除了使用精巧設計的結構頭外,在保存較小字符串時备恤,其實還使用了嵌入式字符串的設計方法稿饰。這種方法避免了給字符串分配額外的空間锦秒,而是可以讓字符串直接保存在 Redis 的基本數據對象結構體中。

要理解嵌入式字符串的設計與實現喉镰,先了解下 Redis 基本數據對象結構體 redisObject:

#define LRU_BITS 24
typedef struct redisObject {
    // redisObject 的數據類型旅择,是應用程序在 Redis 中保存的數據類型,包括 String侣姆、List生真、Hash 等
    unsigned type:4;
    // redisObject 的編碼類型,是 Redis 內部實現各種數據類型所用的數據結構
    unsigned encoding:4;
    // redisObject 的 LRU 時間
    unsigned lru:LRU_BITS; /* LRU time (relative to global lru_clock) or
                            * LFU data (least significant 8 bits frequency
                            * and most significant 16 bits access time). */
    // redisObject 的引用計數
    int refcount;
    // 指向值的指針
    void *ptr;
} robj;

變量后使用冒號和數值的定義方法捺宗。這實際上是 C 語言中的位域定義方法柱蟀,可以用來有效地節(jié)省內存開銷。


/* Create a string object with EMBSTR encoding if it is smaller than
 * OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT, otherwise the RAW encoding is
 * used.
 * The current limit of 44 is chosen so that the biggest string object
 * we allocate as EMBSTR will still fit into the 64 byte arena of jemalloc. */
robj *createStringObject(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
        return createEmbeddedStringObject(ptr,len);
        return createRawStringObject(ptr,len);
/* The actual Redis Object */
#define OBJ_STRING 0    /* String object. */
#define OBJ_LIST 1      /* List object. */
#define OBJ_SET 2       /* Set object. */
#define OBJ_ZSET 3      /* Sorted set object. */
#define OBJ_HASH 4      /* Hash object. */

/* Create a string object with encoding OBJ_ENCODING_RAW, that is a plain
 * string object where o->ptr points to a proper sds string. */
robj *createRawStringObject(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
    return createObject(OBJ_STRING, sdsnewlen(ptr,len));
/* ===================== Creation and parsing of objects ==================== */

robj *createObject(int type, void *ptr) {
    robj *o = zmalloc(sizeof(*o));
    o->type = type;
    o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_RAW;
    o->ptr = ptr;
    o->refcount = 1;

    /* Set the LRU to the current lruclock (minutes resolution), or
     * alternatively the LFU counter. */
    if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
        o->lru = (LFUGetTimeInMinutes()<<8) | LFU_INIT_VAL;
    } else {
        o->lru = LRU_CLOCK();
    return o;

Redis 會通過設計實現一塊連續(xù)的內存空間偿凭,把 redisObject 結構體和 SDS 結構體緊湊地放置在一起产弹。這樣一來,對于不超過 44 字節(jié)的字符串來說弯囊,就可以避免內存碎片和兩次內存分配的開銷了

/* Create a string object with encoding OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR, that is
 * an object where the sds string is actually an unmodifiable string
 * allocated in the same chunk as the object itself. */
robj *createEmbeddedStringObject(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
    robj *o = zmalloc(sizeof(robj)+sizeof(struct sdshdr8)+len+1);
    struct sdshdr8 *sh = (void*)(o+1);

    o->type = OBJ_STRING;
    o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR;
    o->ptr = sh+1;
    o->refcount = 1;
    if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
        o->lru = (LFUGetTimeInMinutes()<<8) | LFU_INIT_VAL;
    } else {
        o->lru = LRU_CLOCK();

    sh->len = len;
    sh->alloc = len;
    sh->flags = SDS_TYPE_8;
    if (ptr == SDS_NOINIT)
        sh->buf[len] = '\0';
    else if (ptr) {
        sh->buf[len] = '\0';
    } else {
    return o;

ziplist 內存優(yōu)化設計

/* The size of a ziplist header: two 32 bit integers for the total
 * bytes count and last item offset. One 16 bit integer for the number
 * of items field. */
#define ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE     (sizeof(uint32_t)*2+sizeof(uint16_t))

/* Size of the "end of ziplist" entry. Just one byte. */
#define ZIPLIST_END_SIZE        (sizeof(uint8_t))

/* Create a new empty ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistNew(void) {
    unsigned int bytes = ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE+ZIPLIST_END_SIZE;
    unsigned char *zl = zmalloc(bytes);
    ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl) = intrev32ifbe(bytes);
    ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) = 0;
    zl[bytes-1] = ZIP_END;
    return zl;
/* We use this function to receive information about a ziplist entry.
 * Note that this is not how the data is actually encoded, is just what we
 * get filled by a function in order to operate more easily. */
typedef struct zlentry {
    unsigned int prevrawlensize; /* Bytes used to encode the previous entry len*/
    unsigned int prevrawlen;     /* Previous entry len. */
    unsigned int lensize;        /* Bytes used to encode this entry type/len.
                                    For example strings have a 1, 2 or 5 bytes
                                    header. Integers always use a single byte.*/
    unsigned int len;            /* Bytes used to represent the actual entry.
                                    For strings this is just the string length
                                    while for integers it is 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or
                                    0 (for 4 bit immediate) depending on the
                                    number range. */
    unsigned int headersize;     /* prevrawlensize + lensize. */
    unsigned char encoding;      /* Set to ZIP_STR_* or ZIP_INT_* depending on
                                    the entry encoding. However for 4 bits
                                    immediate integers this can assume a range
                                    of values and must be range-checked. */
    unsigned char *p;            /* Pointer to the very start of the entry, that
                                    is, this points to prev-entry-len field. */
} zlentry;

每個列表項中都會記錄前一項的長度痰哨。因為每個列表項的長度不一樣,所以如果使用相同的字節(jié)大小來記錄 prevlen匾嘱,就會造成內存空間浪費斤斧。

#define ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN 254

/* Encode the length of the previous entry and write it to "p". Return the
 * number of bytes needed to encode this length if "p" is NULL. */
unsigned int zipStorePrevEntryLength(unsigned char *p, unsigned int len) {
    if (p == NULL) {
        return (len < ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN) ? 1 : sizeof(len)+1;
    } else {
        if (len < ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN) {
            p[0] = len;
            return 1;
        } else {
            return zipStorePrevEntryLengthLarge(p,len);
/* Encode the length of the previous entry and write it to "p". This only
 * uses the larger encoding (required in __ziplistCascadeUpdate). */
int zipStorePrevEntryLengthLarge(unsigned char *p, unsigned int len) {
    if (p != NULL) {
        p[0] = ZIP_BIG_PREVLEN;
    return 1+sizeof(len);

ziplist 在 zipStoreEntryEncoding 函數中,針對整數和字符串尝蠕,就分別使用了不同字節(jié)長度的編碼結果烘豌。

/* Write the encoidng header of the entry in 'p'. If p is NULL it just returns
 * the amount of bytes required to encode such a length. Arguments:
 * 'encoding' is the encoding we are using for the entry. It could be
 * ZIP_INT_* or ZIP_STR_* or between ZIP_INT_IMM_MIN and ZIP_INT_IMM_MAX
 * for single-byte small immediate integers.
 * 'rawlen' is only used for ZIP_STR_* encodings and is the length of the
 * srting that this entry represents.
 * The function returns the number of bytes used by the encoding/length
 * header stored in 'p'. */
unsigned int zipStoreEntryEncoding(unsigned char *p, unsigned char encoding, unsigned int rawlen) {
    unsigned char len = 1, buf[5];

    if (ZIP_IS_STR(encoding)) {
        /* Although encoding is given it may not be set for strings,
         * so we determine it here using the raw length. */
        if (rawlen <= 0x3f) {
            if (!p) return len;
            buf[0] = ZIP_STR_06B | rawlen;
        } else if (rawlen <= 0x3fff) {
            len += 1;
            if (!p) return len;
            buf[0] = ZIP_STR_14B | ((rawlen >> 8) & 0x3f);
            buf[1] = rawlen & 0xff;
        } else {
            len += 4;
            if (!p) return len;
            buf[0] = ZIP_STR_32B;
            buf[1] = (rawlen >> 24) & 0xff;
            buf[2] = (rawlen >> 16) & 0xff;
            buf[3] = (rawlen >> 8) & 0xff;
            buf[4] = rawlen & 0xff;
    } else {
        /* Implies integer encoding, so length is always 1\. */
        if (!p) return len;
        buf[0] = encoding;

    /* Store this length at p. */
    return len;

簡而言之,針對不同長度的數據看彼,使用不同大小的元數據信息(prevlen 和 encoding)廊佩,這種方法可以有效地節(jié)省內存開銷。

intset 內存優(yōu)化設計

整數集合結構體中記錄數據的部分靖榕,就是一個 int8_t 類型的整數數組 contents标锄。從內存使用的角度來看,整數數組就是一塊連續(xù)內存空間茁计,所以這樣就避免了內存碎片料皇,并提升了內存使用效率。

typedef struct intset {
    uint32_t encoding;
    uint32_t length;
    int8_t contents[];
} intset;


Redis 就采用了共享對象的設計思想,把這些常用數據創(chuàng)建為共享對象,當上層應用需要訪問它們時践剂,直接讀取就行毒返。


void createSharedObjects(void) {
    int j;
    shared.crlf = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnew("\r\n"));
    shared.ok = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnew("+OK\r\n"));
    shared.err = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnew("-ERR\r\n"));
    shared.nokeyerr = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnew(
        "-ERR no such key\r\n"));
    shared.syntaxerr = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnew(
        "-ERR syntax error\r\n"));

    for (j = 0; j < OBJ_SHARED_INTEGERS; j++) {
        shared.integers[j] =
        shared.integers[j]->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_INT;
    for (j = 0; j < OBJ_SHARED_BULKHDR_LEN; j++) {
        shared.mbulkhdr[j] = createObject(OBJ_STRING,
        shared.bulkhdr[j] = createObject(OBJ_STRING,
    /* The following two shared objects, minstring and maxstrings, are not
     * actually used for their value but as a special object meaning
     * respectively the minimum possible string and the maximum possible
     * string in string comparisons for the ZRANGEBYLEX command. */
    shared.minstring = sdsnew("minstring");
    shared.maxstring = sdsnew("maxstring");

Q:SDS 判斷是否使用嵌入式字符串的條件是 44 字節(jié),你知道為什么是 44 字節(jié)嗎舷手?
A:Redis 規(guī)定嵌入式字符串最大以 64 字節(jié)存儲,所以 N = 64 - 16(redisObject) - 3(sdshr8) - 1(\0)劲绪, N = 44 字節(jié)男窟。


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