? ? ? ? ? One reason that it is meaningless is that the parents themselves are unself-disciplined,and therefore serve as undisciplined role models for their children.They are the "Do as I say,not as I do" parents.They may frequently get drunk in front of their children.They may fight with each other in front of their children without restraint,dignity or rationality.They may be slovenly.They make promises they don't keep.Their own lives are frequently and obviously in disorder and disarray,and their attempts to order the lives of their children seem therefore to make little sense to these children. If father beats up mother regularly,what sense does it make to a boy when his mother beats him up because he beat up his sister?Does it make sense when he's told that he must learn to control his temper? Since we do not have the benefit of comparison when we are young,our parents are godlike figures to our childish eyes.When parents do things a certain way,it seems to the young child the way to do them,the way they should be done. If a child sees his parents day in and day out behaving with self-discipline,restraint,diginity and a capacity to order their own lives,then the child will come to feel in the deepest fibers of his being that this is the way to live. If a child sees his parents day in and day out living without self-discipline,then he will come in the deepest fibers of being to believe that that is the way to live.