cestep1: When you are researching a topic, keep your sources` ideas separate from your own. Begin by keeping a record of each source of information you consult. For an internet source, record the Web site address, the author and title of the item, and the date you visited the site. For a book, record the author, title, place of publication, publisher, and date of publication. For a magazine or journal article, record the arthor, title, the name of the publication, and its date of issue. For a TV or radio broadcast, record the program title, station, and date of trasmissiong.
step2: As you read each source, note the ideas you want to refer to in your writing. If the arthous words are unusually clear and concise, copy them exactly and put quotation marks around them. Otherwise, paraphrase—— that is restate the arthou
s ideas in your own words. Write down the number(s) of the page(s) on which the author`s passage appears.
這是與小伙伴一起眼刃,使用對賭基金閱讀原版Beyond Feelings第17天的內(nèi)容。