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Hi, I am Taylor here to talk about stretches to alleviate tight leg muscles. So to really to break down most simply your leg muscles that are really gonna to be taking a hit to any sort of exercise are gonna to be your glutes, quads and your hamstrings, maybe you're throwing calves there too.嗨低匙,我是泰勒棉安,來這里討論伸展來緩解腿部肌肉緊張趁耗。所以,要想真正分解最簡單的腿部肌肉,而這些肌肉在任何運動中都會受到?jīng)_擊,那就是你的臀大肌、股四頭肌和跟腱,也許你也會把小腿扔到那里衷旅。
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Okay, so really just four main groups just to keep it simple and I would say if they are tight meaning you work really hard and they shortened because of the overwork, then you want regain normal range of motion in those muscles you need to length them out which the best way to do that is through a static stretch which is holding a stretch for a good 30 to 90 seconds. 好吧,所以實際上只有四個主要組保持簡單纵朋,我會說柿顶,如果他們很緊,意味著你工作很努力操软,他們因為過度工作而縮短了時間嘁锯,那么你想要恢復(fù)這些肌肉的正常運動范圍,你需要延長它們的長度寺鸥,最好的方法是30-90秒的靜態(tài)拉伸猪钮。
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So a good or easy one for your quadriceps would be on the ground pulling your leg back in to knee flexion and then slowly lowering your body down to the floor for a good 30 to 90 seconds again. That’s the static for your quads.一個好的或簡單的股四頭肌練習方法是在地面上,將腿向后拉至膝蓋彎曲胆建,然后緩慢地將身體放低至地面烤低,再做30到90秒。這對你的股四頭肌是靜態(tài)的笆载,對你的臀大肌是一個很好的拉伸運動扑馁。
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a good one for your glutes is the pigeon stretch, so if I am gonna stretch my left glute I want to bring my left in 90 degrees in front of me bring my other leg back into 90 degree posture up in a neutral spine and then hip hinge forward maintaining my neutral spine and trying to flatten out my body and you’ll feel a nice little pull on your outer hip which is your glute / piriformis sitting into that stretch again 30 to 90 seconds. 一個很好的臀大肌拉伸是鴿子拉伸,所以如果我要拉伸我的左臀大肌凉驻,我想把我的左臀在我前面90度腻要,把我的另一條腿恢復(fù)成90度的姿勢,在一個中立的脊柱涝登,然后臀部前傾雄家,保持我的中立脊柱,并試圖向外展平我的身體胀滚,你會感覺到一個很好的拉你的你趟济。臀部是你的臀大肌/梨狀肌再次伸展30到90秒乱投。
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And then a good one for the hamstring/ glute laying down on your back taking your hands letting your knee just be relaxed and pulling that upper leg into your chest and holding. 然后是一個很好的肌腱/臀大肌放在你的背上,雙手放松你的膝蓋顷编,把大腿拉到你的胸部并保持住戚炫。
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And then lastly for your calves there is one I really like doing called downward dog a lot of you Yogi’s might know this one so downward dog you want to go up on the balls of your feet you want to have a slight knee bend but a neutral spine so my back’s flat and then slowly rising your hips up into the air and walking your hands back and you feel a nice stretch both in your whole posterior chain so hamstrings and calves again holding for a good 30 to 90 seconds for threes consecutive sets I hope that helps. 最后,對于你的小腿媳纬,我真的很喜歡做一個叫向下犬的動作双肤,你們中的很多人,瑜珈師可能都知道這只向下犬钮惠,你想用腳掌向上茅糜,你想稍微彎曲膝蓋,但保持脊柱的中立萌腿,這樣我的背部是平的限匣,然后慢慢地將臀部向上抬高抖苦,雙手向后移動毁菱,你就可以鰻魚在你的整個后鏈都有一個很好的伸展,所以腿筋和小腿再次保持30到90秒锌历,連續(xù)三組贮庞,我希望這有幫助。