He had never met anyone like her. He had always thought that the modern type[82], this 'new woman' business[83], would repel[84]him; and here she was[85], making him positively look forward to the glimpse of her safety bicycle careering along the lakeside road[86]. And she, too, had never met anyone like him[87]. She had always thought that middle-aged men who read the Times[88]and disapproved of[89]modernity[90]were terrible bores[91]; yet here he was, claiming[92]her interest and attention far more than youths of her own age[93]. She liked him, initially[94], because he was so hard to get to know[95], because he had gentle and quiet manners, because his opinions dated from those utterly impossible seventies and eighties and even earlier -- yet were, for all that, so thoroughly honest[96]; and because -- because[97]his eyes were brown and he looked charming[98]when he smiled. 'Of course, I shall call you Chips, too[99],' she said, when she learned that that was his nickname[100]at school.
Within a week they were head over heels in love[101]; before Chips could walk without a stick, they considered themselves engaged[102]; and they were married in London a week before the beginning of the autumn term.
[82] the modern type新式的人(或物)
[83] this 'new woman' business“新女性”這玩意兒饺律;與the modern type同位垒探。business在這里含有輕蔑的意味眉撵。
[84] repel [r?'pel]使(人)厭惡
[85] here she was她(新女性)就出現(xiàn)在眼前
[86] making him positively look forward to the glimpse of her safety bicycle careering [k?'r??r??] along the lakeside road使他不由得期待看到她騎著安全自行車沿湖邊的道路疾馳而來。美國Bantam Books版中caree r ing作caree n ing把敞。career是“疾馳”弥奸,careen [k?'ri:n]是“歪歪斜斜地前進”;這兩個詞在這里都講得通先巴。making使得其爵;后面作賓語補足語的不定式前現(xiàn)在一般不用to。look forward to盼望伸蚯;to是介詞摩渺,不是不定式記號。
[87] him斜體剂邮,重讀摇幻。賓格代詞在一般情況下常輕讀,如me [m?], you [j?]甚至 [j?], him [?m], us [?s]甚至 [s], them [e?m, em]甚至 [?m, m]。這里的him不但要發(fā)正常的 [h?m]音绰姻,而且還要重讀枉侧,以示強調(diào)。
[88] read the Times看《泰晤士報》狂芋≌ツ伲“read”不一定讀出聲,不同于我們的“讀報”帜矾;這里是過去式翼虫,讀[red]。
[89] disapproved [d?s?'pru:vd] of不贊成
[90] modernity [m?'d?:n?t?]新式屡萤;現(xiàn)代性
[91] terrible ['ter?bl] bores十分討厭的人
[92] claiming(有權(quán)利)要求珍剑;值得
[93] youths of her own age和她同年的小伙子們。youths男青年們死陆;a youth是一個男青年招拙;而youth則是統(tǒng)稱男女青年的集合名詞。of her own age原義是“同年的”措译,這里是廣義地指“和她年齡相仿的”别凤。
[94] initially [?'n???l?]起初
[95] because he was so hard to get to know因為他是很不容易認識的(而她竟認識了她)。get to…(不定式)漸漸達到(某種目的或結(jié)果)瞳遍。
[96] his opinions dated from those utterly impossible seventies and eighties and even earlier -- yet were, for all that, so thoroughly ['θ?r?l?] honest雖然他的見解還是屬于七八十年代或者甚至更陳舊的闻妓,然而卻是徹底誠實的。impossible作“難堪的”解掠械,是口語。seventies and eighties這里指1870—1889年注祖。for all that盡管那一切猾蒂;雖然如此;for是in spite of的意思是晨。
[97] because -- because說了一個because肚菠,頓一頓,再說第二個because罩缴,生動地表現(xiàn)了Katherine所以喜歡Chips的屈指可數(shù)的原因蚊逢。[98] he looked [l?kt] charming他看上去很可愛。looked是連系動詞箫章,charming是主語補足語烙荷,或稱表語。
[99] I shall call you Chips, too我也要叫你Chips檬寂。按Chips原來姓Chipping, Chips是他的綽號终抽,已見前注,讀下半句也自然明白。
[100] when she learned that that was his nickname當她知道了那(指“Chips”)是他的綽號昼伴。美國Little, Brown版只有一個that匾旭,即省略作連詞的第一個that。
[101] head over heels in love愛得神魂顛倒圃郊;打得火熱价涝。Head over heels是習(xí)語,也作heels over head持舆,但不及前者普通色瘩。
[102] they considered themselves engaged他們認為(自己)已經(jīng)是訂了婚了。