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- 路徑壓縮
1.5.14 根據(jù)高度加權(quán)的 quick-union 算法。給出 UF 的一個實現(xiàn)蔗牡,使用和加權(quán) quick-union 算法相同的策略颖系,但記錄的是樹的高度并總是將較矮的樹連接到較高的樹上嗅剖。用算法證明 N 個觸點的樹的高度不會超過其大小的對數(shù)級別辩越。
1.5.14 Weighted quick-union by height. Develop a UF implementation that uses the same basic strategy as weighted quick-union but keeps track of tree height and always links the shorter tree to the taller one. Prove a logarithmic upper bound on the height of the trees for N sites with your algorithm.