1.Nobody in a movie ever uses a toilet. Ever. Unless it's a comedy.
2.If you get shot in a movie, you can carry on fighting by tearing off part of your shirt and tying it around the wound.
3.If you are in a movie in France, the Eiffel Tower will be visible in the back of every shot.
4.If there is a helicopter in a movie, it will expolde. It just will.
5.If you shoot a car in a movie, it will explode into a high flame ball.
6.If there is a fight in a movie between the main guy and a load of baddies, they will came at him one by one in an orderly fashion. so he can deal with them响逢。
7.Cool guys never look at the explosions they have caused蟀俊。
8. Anyone who has been shopping for food in a movie, will have a paper bag containing at least one piece of french bread。
9.In the movies, every police investigation will require at least one visit to a strip club沼本。
10.Nobody uses a mouse in a movie. You can make the computer do stuff by smooshing away at the keyboard擅威。