- 課程地址
https://www.coursera.org/learn/project-management-basics/ - 參考網(wǎng)址
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/pmp-exams/project_management_fundamentals.htm - 其他學員筆記
項目:a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result
- 有一個可定義的目標(a definable goal)
- 有一系列相互關(guān)聯(lián)和依賴的活動和任務(wù)(interrelated and dependent activities and tasks)
- 有限的工期(finite in duration)
- 提供一個特別的產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)或信息(provides a unique product, service or information)
- 在一定的范圍罗珍、質(zhì)量洽腺、成本、時間限制內(nèi)進行(operates under scope, quality, cost and time constraints)
Project vs. Ongoing Work:后者屬于Process Improvement的世界覆旱,前者才屬于Project Management的世界。對于項目核无,我們也有一套process和tools搞定它扣唱。
C & T:(基于S & Q)花多少錢?多長時間吐根?
教授認為兩個R是代價和時間的子集 - 他的意思我可能沒完全搞懂,但想想確實有道理拷橘。
新五項“約束” -
scope以及如何制訂scope -
項目經(jīng)理:the person assigned by the performing organization to achieve the project objectives局义。項目經(jīng)理不必作為“a subject matter expert on every single element of the project”
- 項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)具備三項技能:專業(yè)技能、項目管理技能冗疮、領(lǐng)導技能萄唇。但所謂“專業(yè)技能”,并不要求達到技術(shù)經(jīng)理如軟件開發(fā)中的開發(fā)經(jīng)理程度术幔,而重點在于理解業(yè)務(wù)另萤,理解系統(tǒng)的構(gòu)成,明白各人各部分工作如何連接成為整體诅挑。這樣四敞,當出現(xiàn)某個“技術(shù)問題”時,項目經(jīng)理能夠知道它是什么樣的問題而無需涉及技術(shù)細節(jié)拔妥、它在全局處于什么樣的地位忿危、誰對此負責等。以上毒嫡,光靠項目管理和領(lǐng)導力是達不到的癌蚁。
- 項目經(jīng)理扮演至少五種角色:
- 任務(wù)分配幻梯、調(diào)度人力資源
- 整合者、集成者(懂技術(shù)但不是技術(shù)專家)
- 心中有大畫面努释,同時能以合理的程度關(guān)照細節(jié)
- 能駕馭碘梢、斡旋政治,處理周全于利益環(huán)境
- 協(xié)調(diào)好項目團隊與職能部門之間的關(guān)系
所有當事人之間的協(xié)議(Agreement between all involved parties)
查看所有概要信息(One location for all overview information)
項目的定義(Definition of the project)
作為項目活動的指導(Guide for the project activities)
Leading Causes of Project Failure: Insufficient Involvement
You can deliver late. You can over-spend. But only if you manage expectations along the way. Not manage those expectations and I'm equally amazed at how even one stakeholder can inflict serious pain on your project!
How do you manage expectations? Involvement. Stephen Covey has said, "No involvement, no commitment." Wise words for project managers. -
How To Get Project Stakeholders on Your Side
- 從影響(impact)怕膛、可能性(probability)兩方面評估風險:
- 一旦發(fā)生會多糟糕;對項目影響又有多大秦踪;
- 在項目期間出現(xiàn)機率多大褐捻;導致某事失敗的可能性又有多大;
- 應(yīng)急策略(Contingent Response Strategies):事先制定的椅邓、在某個特定觸發(fā)條件發(fā)生時可以啟動的應(yīng)對措施
- 觸發(fā)條件(Trigger Condition):表明風險即將發(fā)生的事件或情形
- 觸發(fā)(trigger)的意義:1)能否看到風險即將發(fā)生柠逞;2)如何知道風險已經(jīng)降臨項目并影響項目;
影響程度:1(微不足道)~5(將導致嚴重失敽献 )
- WBS(工作分解結(jié)構(gòu)):是對項目團隊為實現(xiàn)項目目標个束、創(chuàng)建可交付成果而需要實施的全部工作范圍的層級分解。它組織并定義了項目的總范圍聊疲,代表著經(jīng)批準的當前項目范圍說明書中所規(guī)定的工作。WBS將概括出:
- 產(chǎn)品范圍(things):某項產(chǎn)品沪悲、服務(wù)或成果所具有的特性和功能获洲。
- WBS的意義:
- 是項目規(guī)劃的基礎(chǔ),尤其是里面的眾多任務(wù)
- 是項目的詳細圖解
- 它界定并估算人力資源成本
- 它清晰展示項目成員的任務(wù)分配情況
- 項目排期表建立在其詳細任務(wù)之上
- 如果某個條目你沒列在WBS中涉馁,你還得把它放在其他地方门岔,例如很可能在WBS Dictionary或Task List。
- WBS詞典:是針對每個WBS組件烤送,詳細描述可交付成果寒随、活動和進度信息的文件。
- 工作包把工作分解到什么程度:
- 只要足夠委派給一個人或一個小組
- 約4~40小時(僅供參考)
- 不同類型的WBS
基于交付成果的WBS -
基于活動的WBS -
Critical Path
Generally, but not always, the sequence of schedule activities that determines the duration of the project. It is the longest path through the project.Total Float Time (Slack Time)
The total amount of time a schedule activity may be delayed from its early start date without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint.Free Float
The total amount of time a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any immediately following schedule activities.Milestone
A zero duration task that designates significant events in the project.進度表的意義
- 把詳細任務(wù)摘進來
- 給任務(wù)添加工期
- 把任務(wù)排列成為依次進行或同時進行
- 給整個項目添加啟動和結(jié)束節(jié)點
- 給任務(wù)添加最早和最遲的開始和結(jié)束時間
- 給任務(wù)添加任何你想要添加的信息,如每個任務(wù)所對應(yīng)的團隊成員的名字拳锚、成本
- 進度表已經(jīng)超出交付期限假栓,怎么辦
- 趕工(Crashing),采用縮短活動工期晌畅、分配更多資源等方法來壓縮進度但指。如增加開發(fā)人力資源、外包抗楔、使用外部技術(shù)與產(chǎn)品等棋凳。一般會導致項目成本上升。
- 捷徑(Fast Tracking)连躏,改變網(wǎng)絡(luò)邏輯剩岳,使通常情況下按次序進行的各個階段重疊進行,或者并行開展活動入热。如一邊設(shè)計一邊建造拍棕、前提階段完成前便提前采購本階段所需資源等。一般會導致項目風險加大勺良。
- 網(wǎng)絡(luò)邏輯(Network Logic):項目進度網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖中各進度活動之間的依賴關(guān)系的總稱
- 項目進度網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖(Project Schedule Network Diagram):表示項目進度活動之間邏輯關(guān)系的圖形
- 縮小范圍(Reduce Scope)绰播,免除一部分交付成果。
- 降低質(zhì)量(Reduce Quality)尚困,以低于初始規(guī)定的水平提供交付成果蠢箩,甚至是不在規(guī)定以內(nèi)的成果。
- 召開項目啟動會做什么
- 介紹團隊成員
- 澄清項目使命(mission)事甜、定義(definition)谬泌、交付成果(deliverables)
- 答疑
- 交代或開始制訂項目計劃
責任分配矩陣 - 為什么團隊成員不愿意接受委派下來的任務(wù)
- 沒回報
- 不安感
- 缺少技能
- 就是不想做
- 對項目經(jīng)理耕渴、組織不信任
- 評估團隊成員能否接受委派下來的任務(wù)的能力
- 日常工作職責
- 特殊技能
- 獨特的經(jīng)歷背景和教育背景
- 歷史上接受委派下來的任務(wù)的情況
- 接受委派下來的任務(wù)的意愿
- 接受培訓拘悦、監(jiān)管的意愿
- 以前在其他項目團隊的經(jīng)歷
- 整體自信程度
- 被監(jiān)控時通常的響應(yīng)程度
- 個人追求和欲望
Introduction|In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving.|Responsibility may refer to: being in charge, being the owner of a task or event.
Explanation owed|Yes|Not necessarily
- It is Tom's responsibility to make sure there are supplies in the office room. So Tom will be aware of this task and keep bringing in more supplies before they run out. At this point, you cannot say Tom has been held accountable (answerable) for performing this task. Tom is responsible for the office supplies, but he is only held accountable — owes an explanation for his actions — if the supplies ever run out.
- Each one of us is ACCOUNTABLE on his/her responsibility.
- Responsibility is a task given, but can be refused, ignored, abandoned, not be performed or delayed...
- Accountability is a task that we cannot escape of, whether we like it or not....it is there and we will account..........
- Responsibility may be bestowed, but accountability must be taken. In other words, responsibility can be given or received, even assumed, but that doesn’t automatically guarantee that personal accountability will be taken. Which means that it’s possible to bear responsibility for something or someone but still lack accountability.
Clearly defining responsibilities is certainly essential, but encouraging people to go a step further and take personal accountability will secure better results every time.
- When people take accountability for results, not just doing their jobs, they take ownership for making sure the ball does not get dropped. Organizations often try to solve this problem by redefining responsibilities, reorganizing what people do, and restructuring the way work is done, only to find that changing where people sit in the organization, won’t necessarily change how they think. Accountability is a broader concept than responsibility, making it possible to keep things from “falling through the cracks” that always exist between the responsibility boxes on an organizational chart. When people take accountability, they are more likely to invest their hearts and minds in getting things done, allowing them to achieve results that often exceed expectations.
- Taking personal accountability means making “a personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results; to See It, Own It, Solve It, and Do It.” Accountability is something you do to yourself, not something that someone does to you. In short, you can be given responsibility, but you have to take accountability. One may be bestowed and assumed, but the other must be personally acquired and then actively applied.
- “Managers and supervisors are not accountable for everything in their organization. Responsibility charting ensures accountability is placed with the person who really can be accountable for specific work. Often this results in accountabilities for actions being moved down to the most appropriate level.”
- This is an important point. Accountability does not necessarily live at the very top but rather it is positioned at the most appropriate level, with the person who can be accountable for the work.
- The authors provide further elaboration on the definitions of Responsible and Accountable, as follows:
- The Accountable person is the individual who is ultimately answerable for the activity or decision. This includes “yes” or “no” authority and veto power. Only one Accountable person can be assigned to an action.
- The Responsible person is the individual(s) who actually complete the task. The Responsible person is responsible for action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared. The degree of responsibility is determined by the individual with the “Accountability”.
- Clear determination of the projects’ roles and responsibilities (by publishing a detailed RACI matrix) can go a long way towards eliminating any ambiguities and misunderstandings. An up-front determination of Accountabilities and Responsibilities is just the beginning, and this needs tube followed by a clear communication and acceptance of these roles and responsibilities by the assignees.
- Blame games and apportioning of faults can only thrive in an environment where it has never been clear who is responsible and who is accountable. If these are not properly communicated there’s a good chance it is you, the project manager, who will be asked to respond to the “please explain” note from the project sponsor.
- 跟蹤需要:
溝通規(guī)劃表 - 掙值法
- 計劃價值(PV):為計劃工作分配的經(jīng)批準的預(yù)算;
- 掙值(EV):已完成工作的經(jīng)批準的預(yù)算屁桑;
- 實際成本(AC):已完成工作而發(fā)生的總成本医寿。
- EV>PV,說明進度超前蘑斧,否則落后靖秩;
掙值法 - 項目脫軌怎么辦?檢查:
- S,Q,C,T
- 策略
- 估算
- 匯報進度和花費
- 人的因素:團隊捕传、組織惠拭、顧客、其他干系人
- 項目完工
- 檢查是否所有的退出標準均已滿足
- 退出標準(exit criteria):Conditions that must be fulfilled in order for a process to be considered complete.
- 確認是否所有的交付成果均已給到顧客
- 確認顧客滿意度
- 收尾的所有細節(jié)
- 與團隊開收尾會
- 收尾財務(wù)的
- 收尾分包合同
- 收尾其他財務(wù)細節(jié)
- 收尾支持和行政庸论,以及雜務(wù)
- 通知所有提供支持的職能部門項目已完工
- 中止所有剩余的項目標識號
- 把分配給項目的地方空出來
- 收尾項目團隊
- 通知團隊成員項目已完工
- 通知職能經(jīng)理項目已完工
- 審查項目成功
- 審查項目文件
- 審查項目的財務(wù)表現(xiàn)并建立文檔
- 審查什么進展順利职辅、做得好
- 審查什么進展不順,什么本可以做得更好
- 認可聂示、嘉獎域携、慶祝
- 發(fā)現(xiàn)和認可所有人為項目付出什么
- 合理地給人嘉獎
- 慶祝項目完工