[sentence 9]46 words> Some 5,000 red-winged blackbirds, European starlings, common grackles and brown-headed cowbirds suffered blunt-force trauma after colliding with cars, trees and buildings, an ornithologist from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission would tell National Geographic.
主句是:?birds suffered blunt-force trauma.
or·ni·tholo·gist n. /???n??θ?l?d??st/ a person who studies birds 鳥類學家
[sentence 24]44 words> There have been no mass-scale bird deaths reported as a result of fireworks since the Arkansas event, but in recent years, localities across the world have still documented harm to birds from loud pyrotechnics and taken steps to reduce the impact.
主句:There have been no mass-scale bird deaths, but?localities have still documented harm and taken steps to reduce the impact.
pyrotechnics 英 /pa?r?(?)'tekn?ks/ 美 /,p??ro't?kn?ks/ n. 煙火制造術;煙火使用藤抡;各種煙火
[sentence 25]40 words> In 2008, for example, federal officials showed that seabirds in the northern California town of Gualala abandoned their nests after a fireworks show, leaving their eggs vulnerable to predators, SF Gate reports.
主句:?federal officials showed that ....?
that從句中的主句是:?seabirds abandoned their nests.
predator 英 /'pred?t?/ 美 /?pred?t?r;pred??t?r/ n. [動] 捕食者;[動] 食肉動物缠黍;掠奪者
[sentence 36]38 words>? A 2015 study published in the journal PNAS estimated that 90 percent of seabirds have likely ingested plastics, though Brown says the issue can also affect other birds as well.
主句:?A 2015 study estimated that ..
that從句的主句是:?90 percent of seabirds have ingested plastics.
though 是連詞药蜻,表示讓步,后跟一個完整句子语泽。
ingest 英 /?n'd?est/ 美 /?n'd??st/ vt. 攝取踱卵;咽下;吸收惋砂;接待
though 英 /e??/ 美 /eo/ conj. 雖然,盡管 adv. 雖然班利;不過;然而