12月3日CNN 出新聞程腹,標題是“'Crazy Rich Asians' had a crazy bad opening weekend in China”贸桶,這是一部華裔好萊塢愛情喜劇電影舅逸,英文為“Crazy Rich Asians”,中文翻譯為“摘金奇緣”皇筛,正如下方例句中的“breakout success”所示琉历,這部電影在美國一上映就取得了成功,但在中國一上映卻水土不服水醋、票房慘敗旗笔。在豆瓣上,網(wǎng)友們也是褒貶不一拄踪,有的網(wǎng)友說這是美國版的小時代蝇恶,有的網(wǎng)友稱這只是一道左宗棠雞(美國人吃的很嗨的中國菜,中國卻沒有)惶桐,不過撮弧,就憑這部電影匯聚了英式、美式姚糊、新加坡式等各種口音贿衍,還是推薦大家沒事看看樂樂學學習的。
Theromantic comedy was a breakout success in the United States for Warner Bros.,but it flopped at the Chinese box office, taking in less than $1.2 million inits opening weekend.
1.to sit or lie down in a heavy and sudden way because you are very tired
*Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair.
2. to fall, move or hang in a heavy or awkward way, without control (沉重、笨拙或不自主地)落下忿薇,移動裙椭,懸掛,特別要注意“without control”署浩,“heavy”以及“awkward”
*Her hair flopped over her eyes.
3.(informal) to be a complete failure
*The play flopped on Broadway.