Yes, it's your life and you have all the right to do what you want. When someone asks you questions like
"How old are you?"
"What's your job?"
"How much money do you earn?"
" When will you get married?"
Sometimes, we just want to say, "It's none of your business(Guanni Pishi)",right?
No matter what kind of answers you give to these questions, if you want to answer them honestly, then that's okay, if you want to say none of their business then that's okay too, as long as you're happy with your life, everything will be worth it. After all, it's your life. You can control it.
They say that life is full of surprises. When we are faced with the real situation then that's the time that we realize that those surprises are not all good. Yes, it's our life some people need to consider other people's feeling, suggestions and the way they do things. From our infancy until we become an adult, we should listen to our parents and teachers especially when we feel like we're losing ourselves then probably that's the time to listen to their advice but as a typical teenager, we don't always like someone ordering us around and this is the reason why many young people want to run away but of course for some, they have to think twice because our parents support our basic and financial needs.
And the teacher does the same to, he provides us the knowledge that we need to live a better life. After graduation, we'll have to find a job to pay the bills. We enter a company and listen to our seniors so we can do our job well. Among those times, do you still remember your life and would you do the same thing? Will you keep doing the right things as to not affect others or will you follow your heart even if you know that you will hurt others?
My dear, no matter which stage you are in, please follow your heart always? . Because for our once life ,our life, we can control it but if we want to live our life the best way then we need to listen to others, we need to learn from them in order to make a better decision so that we won't regret in the future. Your world ,you control...