Words hold power and influence. So choose your words carefully.?
Words influence, they create energy and they create action. The words that you choose are key. Whether you are using words to yourself, internal dialogue, or to others, words either empower you to move forward or take you backward.?
Words are energizing or energy-sapping. Generally, people like people who are positive in a business situation. Here are just some words that are power-enhancing, positive, and energizing. Each one starts with a different letter of the alphabet. What are yours?
what words do i use in my negotiation??
1. Fantastic?
2. Great?
3. Unbelievable?
4. Brilliant?
6. Fabulous
7. Delightful?
8. Extraordinary
9. Outstanding
10. Incredible
11. Magnificent
why do you need to use those influencing words?
1. we can create positive image.
2. Positive words spread confidence.
3. it gives people more strength.?
4. people always happy to hear something positive , confident , energetic words.?
5. people wants to work with those whom informative , professional and positive and optimistic partners