- Installation of gnuplot and gnuplot-x11 on the DELL server.
Installation of Xming on the laptop and set up in the SSH Secure Shell by the following operation(active the Tunnel X11connections):
ssh.jpeg - Combined the above two steps, I can plot the data using gnuplot in the SSH Secure Shell by commands like:
$ gnuplot #Start the gnuplot
gnuplot> set terminal x11 # set display terminal (only in the first time using this gnuplot)
gnuplot> plot "result.dat" u 1:2 # plot the data in result.dat
ps: befor plot using gnuplot, the software Xming should be started up.
Expect for using SSH Secure Shell Client, we can directly ssh to the remote server if we use linux by:
ssh -X username@host_ip
then we can plot figures the same way as in Step 3.