今天的題目選自《Which Hand Did They Use?》刃榨,左撇子是人們對慣用左手的人的定義,但是双仍,人們很少用右撇子這個詞枢希,這說明左撇子不是這個世界的大多數(shù),為什么會有左撇子朱沃?左撇子比慣用右手的人聰明嗎苞轿?這個世界有意思的事情很多。只是這篇文章列舉了古人使用右手的證據(jù)逗物,卻沒有細說緣由搬卒,勾人好奇卻不給答案,不過癮啊翎卓。
Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists, who generally prefer to have the light source on the left so that the shadow of their hand does not fall on the tip of the engraving tool or brush.
Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?
A. Right-handed artists could more easily have avoided casting shadows on their work, because engravings in prehistoric caves were lit from the left.
B. The tips of engraving tools and brushes indicate that these instruments were used by right-handed artists whose work was lit from the left.
C. The best lighting for most engravings suggests that they were made by right-handed people trying to avoid the shadow of their hands interfering with their work.
D. Right-handed artists try to avoid having the brush they are using interfere with the light source.