The Subtext of Seduction
1. For those in love with certainty, seduction is no territory in which to stray. Every smile and word lead to a dozen if not twelve thousand possibilities. Remarks that in normal life (that is, life without love) can be taken at face value now exhaust dictionaries with their possible meanings. And for the seducer, the doubts reduce themselves to a central question, faced with the trepidation of a criminal awaiting sentence: Does s/he, or does s/he not, desire me? 對于墜入情網(wǎng)的人們而言橡娄,戀人的任何言行舉止似乎都有了潛臺詞口四。每一點微笑的意蘊渠鸽、每一個詞語的含義都如一條小路,通向即使沒有一萬二千個,至少也有十二個湿弦。日常生活中(即沒有愛情的生活)可以按其表面意義理解的姿勢和話語涣楷,現(xiàn)在卻要窮盡詞典可能有的所有釋義。至少對傾慕者而言欲虚,所有的疑慮都歸結(jié)到一個中心問題,如同罪人驚惶地等待判決一般:她/他喜歡我嗎悔雹?
2. The thought of Chloe did not stop haunting me in the days that followed our encounter. Though under pressure to complete plans for an office building near King's Cross, my mind drifted irresponsibly but irresistibly back to her. I felt the need to circle around the object of my adoration, she kept breaking into consciousness with the urgency of a matter that had to be addressed, though my thoughts had no point to them, they were (objectively speaking) utterly devoid of interest. Some of these Chloe-dreams ran like this, 'Oh, how sweet she is, how nice it would be to...'隨后的日子里复哆,我對克洛艾的思念總是縈繞心頭,無法抑止腌零。這是莫名的思念梯找,惟一能夠理解的解釋就在于所思念之人本身(從而回應(yīng)了蒙田對于他和拉博埃西的友誼所作的闡述;因為她是她益涧,我是我)锈锤。盡管國王十字路口附近的辦公室工程設(shè)計工作壓力很大,然而思緒還是任性地、不可抗拒地漂移到她那里牙咏。我得把這仰慕的對象予以限制臼隔。盡管思念不是我工作日程的一部分,(客觀地說)沒有任何樂趣妄壶,缺少發(fā)展變化摔握,沒有意義,只是純粹的渴望丁寄,但她總是侵入我的意識之中氨淌,干擾我辦理要緊事務(wù)。這些以克洛艾為內(nèi)容的思緒就是:啊伊磺,她多么好盛正;如果能……該多好啊。
Others were more visual:
(i) Chloe framed by the aircraft window
(ii) Her watery green eyes
(iii) Her teeth biting briefly into her lower lip
(iv) The tilt of her neck when yawning
(v) The gap between her two front teeth
[1] 克洛艾靠在機窗邊的身姿
[2] 她水靈的綠色眼眸
[3] 她輕嚙下唇的牙齒
[4] 她說“那很奇怪”時的口音
[5] 她打哈欠時脖頸的偏斜
[6] 她兩個門齒之間的縫隙
[7] 她握手的姿態(tài)
3. If only I had summoned such diligence for her phone number, for the digits had altogether evaporated from my memory (a memory that felt its time better spent replaying images of Chloe's lower lip). Was it 她的電話號碼的數(shù)字組合已經(jīng)不幸被我忘得一干二凈(記憶更愿意重復(fù)克洛艾的下唇)屑埋,如果當時意識能夠?qū)W⒂谒鼈冊摱嗪冒『荔荨L柎a是
607 9187
609 7187
601 7987
690 7187
610 7987
670 9817
687 7187 ?
4. The search began badly 607 9187 was not the beloved's abode but a funeral parlour off Upper Street, though the establishment didn't reveal itself to be one until the end of a trying conversation, in the course of which I learnt that After Life also had an employee called Chloe, who was summoned to the phone and spent agonizing minutes trying to place my name (eventually identifying me as a customer who had made inquiries into urns) before the confusion of names was cleared up and I hung up, red-faced, drenched with sweat, nearer death than life.第一個電話沒有回應(yīng)我的欲望摘能,反而傳達了癡情的風(fēng)險续崖。6097187打到的不是心上人的住所,而是離北街不遠的一個殯儀館——起初并不知道团搞,直至一場亂七八糟的交談之后严望,我才弄清那兒也有一個職員叫克洛艾。她被叫來接聽電話逻恐,花了好幾分鐘試圖把我的名字對號入座(最終還是把我當作曾咨詢過喪葬事宜的顧客)像吻。我掛上了電話,面色潮紅复隆,衣衫濕透拨匆,簡直半死不活了。
5.When I finally reached my Chloe at work the following day, she too seemed to have relegated me to the next world. 'Things are crazy around here now. Can you hold for a minute?' she asked secretarially.
I held, offended. Whatever intimacy I had imagined, back in office space, we were strangers.
'Listen, I'm sorry,' she said, coming back on the line, 'I can't talk now, we're rushing to get a supplement off to press tomorrow. Can I call you back? I'll try to reach you either at home or in the office when things calm down.'第二天昏名,當我終于撥對了克洛艾的電話時涮雷,正在上班的她似乎也將我忘到了九霄云外(把我忘到哪兒去了阵面?我無法想象)轻局。
6.The telephone becomes an instrument of torture in the demonic hands of a beloved who doesn't ring. 心上人不給我打電話邀跃,電話成了她魔手中的一件刑具远豺。
When Chloe called a few days later, I had rehearsed my speech too often to deliver it correctly. I was caught unprepared, hanging socks on a rail. I ran to the bedroom to pick up. My voice carried with it a tension and an anger that I might more skilfully have erased from a page. Authorship becomes tempting to those who can't speak.當她一周后打來電話時猪瞬,我已經(jīng)把要說的話排練了太多次憎瘸,以至一時語塞。我毫無準備陈瘦,光著身子從浴室走出來幌甘,用棉球擦著耳孔,同時還留心著浴室里的流水。我跑到臥室里的電話旁锅风。除非爛熟于胸而且已經(jīng)演練過酥诽,否則我的言語永遠如同初稿一般。我的話音夾雜了一點緊張皱埠,一點興奮盆均,還有一點慍怒。如果換作寫信漱逸,我也許可以熟練地把這一切給消除掉泪姨。但是電話沒有文字處理程序,說話者只有一次機會饰抒。
'What a surprise to hear from you,' I said unconvincingly. 'We must have lunch some time.'“很高興你打來電話肮砾,”我笨笨地說,“一起吃頓午飯或晚餐吧袋坑,或做點別的什么你感興趣的仗处。”在說第二個“或”的時候枣宫,我的聲音都啞了婆誓。這語句本可以如演講一般無懈可擊,創(chuàng)作者(那些人無法將要說的話付諸筆端)本可以周密詳實也颤,語法精確洋幻。然而現(xiàn)在創(chuàng)作者沒了,只剩下一個結(jié)結(jié)巴巴的說話人翅娶,錯漏百出文留、詞匯貧乏、嗓音嘶啞竭沫。
'Lunch. Goodness. I really can't this week.'
'Well, how about dinner?'
'I'm just looking at my diary, and you're not going to believe this, but that's looking difficult too.'
'No problem,' I said, in a tone that strongly implied its opposite.
'I tell you what, though, can you take this afternoon off by any chance? We could meet at my office and go to the National Gallery or something.'
7. The questions did not let up. What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street? On the one hand, she had been happy to take the afternoon off to tour a museum with a man she'd only briefly met on an aeroplane over a week before. But on the other hand, there was nothing in her behaviour to suggest that this was anything but an opportunity for a friendly discussion. Suspended between innocence and collusion, Chloe's every gesture became imbued with maddening significance. Was I correct to detect traces of flirtation at the ends of her sentences and the corners of her smiles, or was this merely my own desire projected onto the face of innocence? .我被克洛艾吸引了俄烁。在這吸引中,自始至終都有令我迷惑不解的問題级野,她的每句話和每個動作中不可言說的潛臺詞都讓我耗盡心神页屠。當我們從她在貝福德大街的辦公室去鴿子廣場時,她在想些什么蓖柔?所有的跡象都是惱人的模棱兩可辰企。一方面,克洛艾非常樂意在這個下午與一位男士參觀美術(shù)館况鸣,這位男士和她只是一周前在飛機上有過一面之緣牢贸;另一方面,她的行為舉止無不表明镐捧,這不過是一次關(guān)于藝術(shù)和建筑的理性探討十减。也許這只是友誼,只是女人對男人的一種充滿母性愤估、無關(guān)性愛的關(guān)系帮辟。克洛艾每一個姿勢的意蘊都懸浮在純真和誘惑之間玩焰,滿含令人瘋狂的意義由驹。她明了我對她的渴望嗎?她渴望得到我嗎昔园?她的話尾以及笑容背后有挑逗的痕跡蔓榄,我探察得準確嗎?或者我只是在把自己的意愿強加給這張無辜的面容默刚?
8. We began our visit with the early Italians, though my thoughts (I had lost all perspective, they had yet to find theirs) were not with them. Before The Virgin and Child with Saints, Chloe turned to remark that she had always had a thing about Signorelli and, because it seemed appropriate, I invented a passion for Antonello's Christ Crucified. She looked thoughtful, immersed in the canvases, oblivious to the noise and activity in the gallery. I followed a few paces behind her, trying to focus on the paintings, but able only to look at her looking.每年的這個時候甥郑,美術(shù)館里總是人群熙攘,因此我們等待了一會兒才把外套存放在衣帽間荤西,走上樓梯澜搅。我們從意大利早期藝術(shù)看起伍俘,盡管我的思緒(我的腦袋一片空白,我的思緒不得不自己尋找方向)并不在畫上勉躺。在《處女·兒童·圣徒》前癌瘾,克洛艾說她一直對西紐雷利的畫很感興趣。我便謊稱自己非常喜愛安東內(nèi)洛的《基督受難》饵溅,因為這樣說似乎很合時宜妨退。她若有所思地看著,沉浸在畫中蜕企,全然忘卻了展廳里的喧嘩和人群來往咬荷。我在她身后幾步遠的地方跟著,努力想把精神集中到畫上轻掩,但我無法領(lǐng)會它們的生動萍丐,只有從“克洛艾欣賞著油畫”這樣的情境,我才能了然它們的蘊涵放典。油畫藝術(shù)通過克洛艾的生命逝变,才在我眼中獲得意義。
In the second and more crowded Italian room (1500-1600), we stood so close together that my hand suddenly touched hers. She didn't draw away and for a moment the feel of her skin tingled through me. We faced a painting by Bronzino, An Allegory of Venus and Cupid. Cupid kisses his mother Venus, who surreptitiously removes one of his arrows: beauty blinding love.后來在第二個意大利展室時(1500—1600)奋构,人群更擁擠了壳影。我們一度挨得很近,我的手都觸摸到她的手了弥臼。她沒有退縮回去宴咧,我也沒有。以至有那么一刻(我們目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地看著對面的畫)我感覺克洛艾的皮膚似乎裹住了我的身體径缅。我融化在一種興奮中掺栅,沉浸在一種激動里。然而因為未經(jīng)她的許可纳猪,這興奮并非光明磊落氧卧,這激動也只屬于窺淫癖。而她直直地盯著別處——盡管她也許并非全然不知氏堤。對面是一幅布龍齊諾的《維納斯和丘比特的寓言》沙绝,丘比特吻著他的母親維納斯,維納斯偷偷地拿走他的一支箭鼠锈,美掩住了愛闪檬,象征性地解除了小愛神的威力。
9.Then, brusquely, as though an error had promptly come to light, the hand moved away.
'I love those little figures in the background, the little nymphs and angry gods and stuff,' said Chloe. 'Do you understand all the symbolism?'
'Not really, besides it being Venus and Cupid.'
'I didn't even know that, so you're one up on me. I wish I'd read more about ancient mythology,' she continued. 'But actually, I like looking at things and not knowing quite what they mean.'
She turned to face the painting, her hand once more brushing against mine.
10.Was the hand a symbol (subtler than Bronzino's and less well documented) of desire or the innocent, unconscious spasm of a tired arm muscle? What was I to make of the way Chloe straightened her skirt as we crossed into Early Northern Painting or coughed by van Eyck's The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini or handed me the catalogue in order to rest her head on her hand? 她的舉動多少都在暗示點什么丁存。這是一個空白的領(lǐng)域肩杈,你可以隨意賦予它從欲望到單純幾乎任何一種意圖。這是一個微妙的象征(比布龍齊諾的畫更微妙解寝,更少有形文本的證明)嗎扩然,允許我(有如畫中的丘比特)有一天探過身去親吻她,或并沒有什么含義聋伦,不過是疲倦的手臂肌肉無意識的痙攣夫偶?
Desire had turned me into a relentless hunter for clues, a romantic paranoiac, reading meaning into everything. But whatever my impatience with the rituals of seduction, I was aware that the enigma lent Chloe a distinctive appeal. The most attractive are not those who allow us to kiss them at once (we soon feel ungrateful) or those who never allow us to kiss them (we soon forget them), but those who know how carefully to administer varied doses of hope and despair.
11. Venus felt like a drink, so she and Cupid headed for the lifts. In the cafeteria, Chloe took a tray and pushed it down the steel runway.
'Do you want tea?' she asked.
'Yeah, but I'll get it.'
'Don't be silly, I'll get it.'
'Please let me do it.'
'No, no, I will.'
The game continued for a few more rounds, its vigour apparently accounted for by a mutual, irrational anxiety about the commitment involved in letting someone else pay for a drink. We sat at a table with a view of Trafalgar Square, the lights of the Christmas tree lending an eerily festive atmosphere to the urban scene. We began talking of art, then moved on to artists, and from artists, we went to get a second cup of tea (she won) and a cake (2?), then we digressed on to beauty, and from beauty we went to love.
'I don't understand,' said Chloe, 'you do or you don't think that there's such a thing as true love?'
'I'm saying it's very subjective. You can't suppose that there's one quality called "love", people mean such different things by the word. It's tricky to distinguish between passion and love, infatuation and love?
'Don't you find this cake disgusting?' interrupted Chloe. 'We should never have bought it. I mean, you shouldn't have bought it for me. God, I'm so rude.'
'I'll be expecting a written apology.'
'But seriously, if you asked most people whether they believed in love or not, they'd probably say they didn't. Yet that's not necessarily what they truly think. It's just the way they defend themselves against what they want. They believe in it, but pretend they don't until they're allowed to. Most people would throw away all their cynicism if they could. The majority just never get the chance.'
12.Who were these 'most people' she talked of? Was I the man who would dispel her cynicism? We talked abstractly of love, ignoring that lying on the table was not the nature of love per se but the burning question of who we were and would be to one another.我不理會她話語的表層意義蒋伦,而是探究她的話外之音弓摘。她真正的意思沒有直接表達出來,我在破譯痕届,而不是在傾聽韧献。我們談?wù)撝鴲矍椋业木S納斯隨意地攪動著已經(jīng)冷卻的茶水研叫。但這次交談對我們兩人意味著什么锤窑?她所說的那些“多數(shù)人”指的是誰?我是那個能驅(qū)散她那份玩世不恭的男人嗎嚷炉?這場關(guān)于愛的交談表明兩個參與者之間是什么關(guān)系渊啰?又一次,我毫無線索。彼此小心翼翼绘证,不讓話語涉及自己隧膏。我們抽象地談?wù)撝鴲矍椋瑹o視有待解決的不是弄清愛自身的本質(zhì)嚷那,而是更急迫的問題胞枕,即,我們于對方而言魏宽,現(xiàn)在(以及將來)到底是什么關(guān)系腐泻。
Or was there in fact nothing on the table other than a half-eaten carrot cake and two cups of tea? Was Chloe being as abstract as she wished, meaning precisely what she said, the diametrical opposite of the first rule of flirtation, where what is said is never what is meant?或者,這只是一個可笑的想法队询?除了吃去一半的胡蘿卜蛋糕和兩杯茶以外派桩,桌上真的什么也沒有?是不是克洛艾正像她所希望的那樣抽象蚌斩,表達的正是她真實的想法铆惑?這是不是與挑逗的第一法則——所言非所指——截然相反?
13.Our hesitancy was a game, but a serious and useful one, which minimized offending an unwilling partner and eased a willing one more slowly into the prospect of mutual desire. The threat of the great 'I like you' could be softened by adding, 'but not so much that I will let you know it directly..." Chloe and I were politely sparing each other the need to pay the full price for a candid declaration of love.當丘比特是一個如此有偏向的釋義者時凳寺,當他所期望能成真的夢想是那么明顯時鸭津,要保持冷靜的頭腦是多么困難巴獭肠缨!他是不是在強加給克洛艾一份只有他自己才感受到的情感?他憑著我渴望得到你這一想法盏阶,錯誤地得出相應(yīng)的想法:你渴望得到我晒奕,是不是犯了那古老的錯誤?
14.We helped to define what we wanted by reference to others. Chloe had a friend at work who had a history of relationships with unsuitable types. A courier was the current blunderer.我們參照別人來定位自己名斟∧曰郏克洛艾有個工作伙伴總是愛上不適合自己的人,愛的信使在玩弄這位感情的犧牲品砰盐。
'I mean, why does she hang out with a burly bloke in leather trousers who smells of exhaust fumes and is using her for sex? And that's fine if she wanted to use him for sex too, but apparently he can't even sustain an erection for that long.'
'How terrible,' I answered, worried by the possible definition of the word 'long'.
'Or just sad. One has to go into relationships with equal expectations, ready to give as much as the other - not with one person wanting a fling and the other real love. I think that's where all the agony comes from.'
代碼 “人們對愛應(yīng)該少一些玩世不恭”
= 信息 “為了我你放棄玩世不恭吧”
15.Because it was past six and her office was closing, I asked Chloe whether she might not after all be free to have dinner with me that night. She smiled at the suggestion, stared briefly out of the window at a bus heading past St Martin- in-the-Fields, looked back and said, 'No, thanks, that would really be impossible.'
Then, just as I was ready to despair, she blushed.時間已經(jīng)過了五點半了卓囚,克洛艾的辦公室現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)下班。于是我問她晚上是否真的沒空和我一起吃飯诅病。她笑了哪亿,瞥了一下窗外,一輛巴士開過圣馬丁教堂贤笆,然后她回過頭來盯著煙灰缸蝇棉,說:“是的,謝謝芥永,確實不行篡殷。”就在我開始絕望的時候恤左,她的臉羞紅了贴唇。
16.Faced with ambiguous signals, what better explanation than shyness: the beloved desires, but is too shy to say so. The seducer who wishes to call his victim shy will never be disappointed.
'My God, I've just forgotten something terrible,' said Chloe, offering an alternative explanation for a red face, 'I was supposed to call the printer this afternoon. I can't believe I forgot to do that. I'm losing my head.'
The lover offered sympathy.
'But look, about dinner, we'll have to do it another time. I'd love that, I really would. It's just difficult at the moment, but I'll give my diary another look and call you tomorrow, I promise I will, and maybe we can fix something up for before this weekend.'