3段标、The term cross-border ecommerce generally defines international online trade. It entails the sale or purchase of products via online shops across national borders. Buyer and seller are not located in the same country and are often not ruled by the same jurisdiction, use different currencies, and speak different languages.
Online trade within the EU, with its single market and common currency in many member states, is evenly referred to as cross-border ecommerce as for example selling from Germany to China.
Cross-border ecommerce can refer to online trade between a business (retailer or brand) and a consumer (B2C), between two businesses, often brands or wholesalers (B2B), or between two private persons (C2C), e.g. via marketplace platforms such as Amazon or eBay.
2蛇更、Average revenue per user (sometimes known as average revenue per unit), usually abbreviated to ARPU, is a measure used primarily by consumer communications, digital media, and networking companies, defined as the total revenue divided by the number of subscribers.
This term is used by companies that offer subscription services to clients for example, telephone carriers, Internet service providers, and hosts. It is a measure of the revenue generated by one customer phone, pager, etc., per unit time, typically per year or month. In mobile telephony, ARPU includes not only the revenues billed to the customer each month for usage, but also the revenue generated from incoming calls, payable within the regulatory interconnection regime.
Digital media and social media companies, which rely heavily on ad revenue generated by users with free accounts, pay particularly close attention to their ARPU. Variations in ARPU reflect changes in the companies' ability to generate revenue and heavily impact their stock prices[1]. This provides the company a granular view at a per user or unit basis and allows it to track revenue sources and growth.
There is a trend[citation needed] by telecommunications and Internet companies and their suppliers to sell extra services to users and a lot of the promotion that is used by these companies talks of increased ARPU for these operators. It typically manifests[citation needed] in the form of value-added services such as entertainment being sold to customers especially in markets where the primary service offered to the customer, such as the telephony or Internet service, is sold at a commodity rate.