Lesson 29-1 The hovercraft
Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell, who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles. It was the idea of supporting a craft on a 'pad', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. Ever since, people have had difficulty in deciding whether the craft should be ranged among ships, planes, or land vehicles -- for it is something in between a boat and an aircraft. As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed. His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, no more than one or two feet thick. This is done by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft.
/?l?s?n/ 29-1 /e?/ /?h?v?r?kr?ft/
/?m?ni/ /stre?n?/ /nu/ /minz/ /?v/ /?tr?nsp?rt/ /h?v/ /b?n/ /d??v?l?pt/ /?n/ /?a??r/ /?s?n??ri/, /e?/ /?stre?n??st/ /?v/ /e?m/ /?bi??/ /p?r?h?ps/ /e?/ /?h?v?r?kr?ft/. /?n/ 1953, /?/ /?f?rm?r/ /??l?k?trɑn?ks/ /??n???n?r/ /?n/ /h?z/ /?f?ftiz/, /?kr?st?f?r/ /?kɑk??r?l/, /hu/ /h?d/ /t?rnd/ /tu/ /bo?t/-/?b?ld??/ /ɑn/ /e?/ /?n?rf?k/ /br?dz/, /s?g???st?d/ /?n/ /a??di?/ /ɑn/ /w??/ /hi/ /h?d/ /b?n/ /?w?rk??/ /f?r/ /?m?ni/ /j?rz/ /tu/ /e?/ /?br?t??/ /?g?v?rm?nt/ /?nd/ /?n?d?stri?l/ /?s?rk?lz/. /?t/ /w?z/ /ei/ /a??di?/ /?v/ /s??p?rt??/ /?/ /kr?ft/ /ɑn/ /?/ /p?d/, /?r/ /?k???n/, /?v/ /lo?/-/?pr???r/ /?r/, /r??d/ /w?e/ /?/ /?k?rt?n/ /?v/ /?ha??r/ /?pr???r/ /?r/. /??v?r/ /s?ns/, /?pip?l/ /h?v/ /h?d/ /?d?f?k?lti/ /?n/ /?d??sa?d??/ /?w?e?r/ /e?/ /kr?ft/ /??d/ /bi/ /re?n?d/ /??m??/ /??ps/, /ple?nz/, /?r/ /l?nd/ /?vih?k?lz/ -- /f?r/ /?t/ /?z/ /?s?mθ??/ /?n/ /b??twin/ /?/ /bo?t/ /?nd/ /?n/ /??r?kr?ft/. /?z/ /?/ /???p?b?ld?r/, /?kɑk??r?l/ /w?z/ /?tra???/ /tu/ /fa?nd/ /?/ /s??lu??n/ /tu/ /e?/ /?prɑbl?m/ /?v/ /e?/ /we?v/ /r??z?st?ns/ /w??/ /we?sts/ /?/ /g?d/ /dil/ /?v/ /?/ /?s?rf?s/ /??ps/ /?pa??r/ /?nd/ /?l?m?ts/ /?ts/ /spid/. /h?z/ /??ns?r/ /w?z/ /tu/ /l?ft/ /e?/ /?v?s?l/ /a?t/ /?v/ /e?/ /?w?t?r/ /ba?/ /?me?k??/ /?t/ /ra?d/ /ɑn/ /?/ /?k???n/ /?v/ /?r/, /no?/ /m?r/ /e?n/ /w?n/ /?r/ /tu/ /fit/ /θ?k/. /e?s/ /?z/ /d?n/ /ba?/ /?/ /gre?t/ /?n?mb?r/ /?v/ /r??/-/?e?pt/ /?r/ /??ts/ /ɑn/ /e?/ /?bɑt?m/ /?v/ /e?/ /kr?ft/.