班級:L3-C??????姓名:Ashley???? 學(xué)號:20193001208
日期:2020/5/2? ? ? ?作業(yè)序號(Writing Assignment No.):006
題目:One way to solve the problemof parking in inner city areas is to have a large car parks around the citycentury and a public transport network take people around the inner city, innercity parking would then be limited and very expensive. What are the advantagesand disadvantages of this approach to urban planning?
With the development of the city, the parking problem is till nonnegligible in inner city areas in recent time. One method to solve this problem is to build large car parks around city centre and a public transport network to take people around the inner city. This method may have good effects,but it also has some disadvantages.
On one hand, perfect transportation network and sufficient parking spacebring convenience to people. For those who are far from the inner city, theycan save time by driving to work. From the perspective of the development ofurban tourism industry, convenient public transportation network can attractmore tourists. They can go where they want through the public transportationnetwork. Self-driving travelers don’t have to worry about finding a place topark. The more tourists there are, the better the city's economy will be.
On the other hand, this method has some disadvantages. First, if theinner city had large parking lots, most people would choose to drive. A largenumber of car exhaust emissions will cause air pollution. And it can lead totraffic jams. Moreover, building a public transport network requires a lot ofmoney, and there are many restrictions. Governments build viaducts, roads andrailways, which take time to design and cost a lot of money. It also takes up alot of space in the inner city. Traffic jams may also occur during construction. (236 words)