RLP(Recursive Length Prefix)是以太坊中廣泛運用的一種編碼方法漱挎,用于序列化以太坊中各類對象。RLP可以把任意嵌套的二進制數據數組雀哨,都編碼成為一個“扁平”的無嵌套的byte數組磕谅。
如果是單個字節(jié)尸饺,并且值在[0x00, 0x7f]范圍內进统,則RLP編碼就是它自己。這個好理解浪听,不用解釋螟碎。
例:“dog"編碼后為4個字節(jié):[0x83, 'd', 'o', 'g']如果是長度超過55的字符串不从,這時字符串的長度可能會很長,甚至超過一個字節(jié)洗搂。RLP規(guī)定這種情況下消返,從第二個字節(jié)開始存儲字符串的長度,將長度所花的字節(jié)數再加上0xb7的和作為第一個字節(jié)耘拇,字符串長度之后再跟字符串的內容撵颊。
例:"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit"字符串一共56個字節(jié),編碼結果為58字節(jié):[ 0xb8, 0x38, 'L', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'm', ' ', ... , 'e', 'l', 'i', 't' ]惫叛。其中倡勇,0x38即56為字符串長度,0xb8為0xb7+1嘉涌,1就是0x38這個長度本身的長度也就是1個字節(jié)妻熊。如果是長度不超過55的列表夸浅,那么RLP編碼的第一個字節(jié)是0xc0加上列表長度,后跟列表內容扔役。因此帆喇,第一個字節(jié)值范圍從0xc0到0xf7。
例: [ "cat", "dog" ]列表亿胸,編碼后為[ 0xc8, 0x83, 'c', 'a', 't', 0x83, 'd', 'o', 'g' ]坯钦。其中0xc8為0xc0+8,8就是兩個字符串的總長度侈玄。如果是長度超過55的列表婉刀,那么RLP編碼的第一個字節(jié)是0xf7加上列表長度的字節(jié)長度,后跟列表總長度序仙,再跟列表項目內容的串聯突颊。因此,第一個字節(jié)的范圍[0xf8, 0xff]潘悼。
再舉個稍微復雜的例子:[ [ ], [ [ ] ], [ [ ], [ [ ] ] ] ] 的編碼結果是 [ 0xc7, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc0 ]律秃。
def rlp_encode(input):
if isinstance(input,str):
if len(input) == 1 and ord(input) < 0x80: return input
else: return encode_length(len(input), 0x80) + input
elif isinstance(input,list):
output = ''
for item in input: output += rlp_encode(item)
return encode_length(len(output), 0xc0) + output
def encode_length(L,offset):
if L < 56:
return chr(L + offset)
elif L < 256**8:
BL = to_binary(L)
return chr(len(BL) + offset + 55) + BL
raise Exception("input too long")
def to_binary(x):
if x == 0:
return ''
return to_binary(int(x / 256)) + chr(x % 256)
def rlp_decode(input):
if len(input) == 0: return
output = ''
(offset, dataLen, type) = decode_length(input)
if type is str: output = instantiate_str(substr(input, offset, dataLen))
elif type is list: output = instantiate_list(substr(input, offset, dataLen))
output + rlp_decode(substr(input, offset + dataLen))
return output
def decode_length(input):
length = len(input)
if length == 0: raise Exception("input is null")
prefix = ord(input[0])
if prefix <= 0x7f: return (0, 1, str)
elif prefix <= 0xb7 and length > prefix - 0x80:
strLen = prefix - 0x80
return (1, strLen, str)
elif prefix <= 0xbf and length > prefix - 0xb7 and length > prefix - 0xb7 + to_integer(substr(input, 1, prefix - 0xb7)):
lenOfStrLen = prefix - 0xb7
strLen = to_integer(substr(input, 1, lenOfStrLen))
return (1 + lenOfStrLen, strLen, str)
elif prefix <= 0xf7 and length > prefix - 0xc0:
listLen = prefix - 0xc0;
return (1, listLen, list)
elif prefix <= 0xff and length > prefix - 0xf7 and length > prefix - 0xf7 + to_integer(substr(input, 1, prefix - 0xf7)):
lenOfListLen = prefix - 0xf7
listLen = to_integer(substr(input, 1, lenOfListLen))
return (1 + lenOfListLen, listLen, list)
raise Exception("input don't conform RLP encoding form")
def to_integer(b):
length = len(b)
if length == 0: raise Exception("input is null")
elif length == 1: return ord(b[0])
else: return ord(substr(b, -1)) + to_integer(substr(b, 0, -1)) * 256
func EncodeToBytes(val interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
eb := encbufPool.Get().(*encbuf) //從encbuf池當中取出一個encbuf
defer encbufPool.Put(eb) //運算完了要把encbuf放回池中
if err := eb.encode(val); err != nil { //調用實際的編碼過程
return nil, err
return eb.toBytes(), nil //取得編碼后的byte數組
var encbufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} { return &encbuf{sizebuf: make([]byte, 9)} },
func (w *encbuf) encode(val interface{}) error {
rval := reflect.ValueOf(val) //取得val的Value
ti, err := cachedTypeInfo(rval.Type(), tags{}) //獲取val的類型信息
if err != nil {
return err
return ti.writer(rval, w) //最后寫入w贞绳,之后可以用toBytes()函數取得字節(jié)數組
func makeWriter(typ reflect.Type, ts tags) (writer, error) {
kind := typ.Kind()
switch {
case typ == rawValueType:
return writeRawValue, nil
case typ.Implements(encoderInterface):
return writeEncoder, nil
case kind != reflect.Ptr && reflect.PtrTo(typ).Implements(encoderInterface):
return writeEncoderNoPtr, nil
case kind == reflect.Interface:
return writeInterface, nil
case typ.AssignableTo(reflect.PtrTo(bigInt)):
return writeBigIntPtr, nil
case typ.AssignableTo(bigInt):
return writeBigIntNoPtr, nil
case isUint(kind):
return writeUint, nil
case kind == reflect.Bool:
return writeBool, nil
case kind == reflect.String:
return writeString, nil
case kind == reflect.Slice && isByte(typ.Elem()):
return writeBytes, nil
case kind == reflect.Array && isByte(typ.Elem()):
return writeByteArray, nil
case kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array:
return makeSliceWriter(typ, ts)
case kind == reflect.Struct:
return makeStructWriter(typ)
case kind == reflect.Ptr:
return makePtrWriter(typ)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("rlp: type %v is not RLP-serializable", typ)
func writeString(val reflect.Value, w *encbuf) error {
s := val.String()
if len(s) == 1 && s[0] <= 0x7f {
w.str = append(w.str, s[0]) //直接編,不需要頭
} else {
w.encodeStringHeader(len(s)) //長度大于1耍休,或者首字符大于0x7f
w.str = append(w.str, s...)
return nil
Decode里相應的解碼過程刃永,其實就是編碼過程的逆向工程,其算法過程這里不再詳細介紹了羹应。但需要注意的一點是揽碘,對于一個struct結構,它的數據成員可以帶3個解碼標志:"tail", ”nil" 和 "-"。"-"標志代表忽略本字段雳刺,"nil"標志代表如果這個字段的size為0則改變其值為nil劫灶。看下面的代碼:
input := []byte{0xC1, 0x80}
var normalRules struct {
String *string
Decode(bytes.NewReader(input), &normalRules)
fmt.Printf("normal: String = %q\n", *normalRules.String) //normal: String = ""
var withEmptyOK struct {
String *string `rlp:"nil"`
Decode(bytes.NewReader(input), &withEmptyOK)
fmt.Printf("with nil tag: String = %v\n", withEmptyOK.String) //with nil tag: String = <nil>
type structWithTail struct {
A, B uint
C []uint `rlp:"tail"`
var val structWithTail
err := Decode(bytes.NewReader([]byte{0xC4, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}), &val)
fmt.Printf("with 4 elements: err=%v val=%v\n", err, val)
// with 4 elements: err=<nil> val={1 2 [3 4]}
err = Decode(bytes.NewReader([]byte{0xC6, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}), &val)
fmt.Printf("with 6 elements: err=%v val=%v\n", err, val)
// with 6 elements: err=<nil> val={1 2 [3 4 5 6]}
err = Decode(bytes.NewReader([]byte{0xC1, 0x01}), &val)
fmt.Printf("with 1 element: err=%q\n", err)
// with 1 element: err="rlp: too few elements for rlp.structWithTail"