Parrarrel parking:
Go in: car located near right side
Right indicator on
(Safety check-shoulder check )
Reverse (sit straight)
When the car reverse till the third of the pole vissible on the small mirror start quick full right with break same speed)
Look left mirror
When the 2 nd pole is totally vissible and straight the steering (2 D left ),with same speed,break on !!!
Look front ,When the 1 st pole is reaching the camera,full left
Let the car move a little bit back side (the car still on reverse status ,wait the car almost straight,change the gear till D!!!which means the car will go forward.Full right the steering and straight it back (fix the car straight)don't hit the pole in front !!!
Going out :
First, reverse the car a little bit,don't hit the center pole at the back side ,look the center mirror or look back to check!!!
Left indicator on
Change the gear to D
(Check safety-shoulder check)
Break apply
Full left with same speed(break on)
Look right ,when the first pole is reaching to the right side of the mirror (crossing the angle)
Wheel straight (2 D right Up)
Keep looking at the right,when the first pole is reaching till my shoulder level ,Full right with same speed? !!
Look for the front? and the right side mirror the road line is parallel with the car and then 2 D up Left (straight the car)
Then stop .
Garage parking :
The car should park at the left ,
Right indicator on
Shoulder check
BEND the body towards to the steering!!!
(Car on reverse status,break on ,car moving with the same speed)
When the first pole is vissible on the small mirror,stop double check the position ,check the safety again ,(look left and then right)
Full right quickly but with same speed
Sit straight!!!
Look at the right mirror before entering the parking area,if the car is too near the pole ,we can open the steering to left a bit once then car is entering and full right again
Moving with same speed (slowly)
Looking at the center mirror,
When the pole is coming to the center of the mirror
2 D up (steering turn left ),this call straight the car.
Look front and look the center mirror (don't hit the pole at the back!!!)
When the front? pole is reaching to the camera and then stop the car !!!
Going out :
Right indicator on
Change the gear to D
Look for safety .
Moving with break
Look right
When the first pole is reaching for my shoulder level full right!!
Look front and left mirror,when the car is parrarrell with the road line and the car is straight and then? 2 D left up(straight the steering)
And stop
60 Angles parking
Car park on the left
Right indicator on
Shoulder check
Car on D status
Moving with break
When the pole crossed the mirror before the door lock ,full right,break on moving with same speed
Look for the left and front ,when the car is entering the parking area,1 D up steering turns left
when the center pole is reaching to the right side of the steering,turn the steering to left(1 D up)--car straight and stop.
Going out:
Right indicator on
Gear change to reverse
Shoulder check !!first look left and center mirror
Half turn right
Moving with break,slowly speed
Look right back ,when the right pole is reaching to the middle window,reach Toyota mark and then full right (break on!!!)
Look left the car ,don't hit the left pole
Look left mirror,when the car is parrarell with the road side ,straight the car (by turning the steering 2 time D to left )
When the car is straight,stop the car and change the gear till D .
Ps :
If the car is moving cross too much to left ,we can fix it by quickly full right the car and straight it