I just record for share and study
Daily work:
Course laid from berth to berth |
True Course and distance indicated on planned track. |
Alter course positions, waypoint number, DTG to destination. |
Wheel-over positions as applicable. |
Outlying dangers and “No Go Areas” |
Wrecks and hazards within 5 miles. |
Radar conspicuous objects (mark only the information that are useful) |
Parallel index information |
Methods and frequency of position fixing |
Minimum under keel clearance |
Alternate method for position fixing of vessel specified. |
Clearing ranges and bearings used in determining safe navigation limits |
Reporting positions for Vessel Traffic Information Systems. All voluntary VTIS reporting requirements to be treated as compulsory. |
Transfer position to next chart and next chart number. |
1 Hour Notice/Call Point for Master/EOP/SBE positions.(Master to indicate on charts). |
Main engine test position (taking into account of sufficient sea room, traffic density and wx condition. It should be well in advance and clear from any kind of danger to navigation) |
Abort points and contingency Plan anchorages. |
Pilot boarding area. |
Tugs meeting point. (As advised by local Pilot) |
High-density traffic areas, if any. |
Echo sounder switching on position.(To take into consideration of the edition of Charts being used) Above From Ref: company form SBPM001-007 |
Downbelow From :Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) Programme,Vessel Inspection Questionnaires for Oil Tankers and Chemical Tankers (VIQ)船舶檢查提綱油輪、化學品船部分
Was a comprehensive passage plan available for theprevious voyage and did it cover the full voyage from berth to berth?
Prior to proceeding to sea台盯,the master shall ensurethat the intended voyage has been planned using appropriate charts andpublications for the area concerned. (SOLAS V/34 and IMO Res. A.893)
開航前诡渴,船長應(yīng)運用預(yù)定航線上所涉及的合適的海圖和圖書資料,保證計劃好預(yù)定航線辉巡。(資料來源:SOLAS V/34 and IMO Res. A.893)
Notes: The passage plan should becompleted by an officer and checked by the master.
Use of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency Marine Guidance Note 166(Guidelines for Voyage Planning) and the Nautical Institute publication BridgeTeam Management reinforce the recommendations contained in the ICS BridgeProcedures Guide.
Passage planning should be carried out on the chart魁蒜,although there is a place for the use of a conning notebook,or some information gathered elsewhere. Overcrowding of information in the working areas of the chart can beavoided by recording the information away from the track and drawing attentionto it by a line or reference letter.
The following should be marked on the chart锌妻,where it enhances safe navigation:
? Parallelindexing (not from floating objects unless they have been first checked forposition);
? Chartchanges; 海圖的更換吭历;
? Methodsand frequency of position fixing擎浴; 定位的方法和時間間隔;
? Prominentnavigation and radar marks毒涧; 顯著的航行和雷達物標贮预;
? No-goareas (the excessive marking of no-go areas should be discouraged ?C see below)贝室; 禁止進入?yún)^(qū)(不鼓勵過多地標繪“禁止進入?yún)^(qū)”,見以下)
? Landfalltargets and lights仿吞; 初見陸標和燈光滑频;
? Clearinglines and bearings; 避險線和避險方位唤冈;
? Transits峡迷,headingmarks and leading lines; 疊標你虹、導標和導航線绘搞;
? Significanttides or current; 重要的潮流和海流傅物;
? Safespeed and necessary speed alterations夯辖; 安全航速和必要的航速變化;
? Changesin machinery status董饰; 機器狀態(tài)的更換蒿褂;
? Minimumunder keel clearance; 最小富余水深卒暂;
? Positionswhere the echo sounder should be activated啄栓; 需要開啟測深儀的位置;
? Crossingand high density traffic areas也祠; 穿越和高通航密度區(qū)昙楚;
? Safe distance off; 應(yīng)保持的安全距離诈嘿;
? Anchorclearance堪旧; 錨位余量;
? Contingencyplans永淌; 緊急計劃崎场;
? Abortpositions佩耳; 中斷位置遂蛀;
? VTSand reporting points,etc.干厚,VTS及其報告點李滴,等等。
Charted passage planning information should not obscure printed details蛮瞄,nor should the information on charts be obliterated by the use ofhighlight or felt-tip pen所坯,red pencil,etc.
No-go areas should be highlighted,but should be reservedfor those areas where the attention of the navigator needs to be drawn to adanger such as shallow water or a wreck close to the course line.
Extensive use of no-go area s should be discouraged. No-go areas vary with change of draft andtide and will therefore also vary with the time of passage. They should not therefore be permanentlymarked.
All courses previous to the last voyage should have been erased. Courselines must not be marked in ink躁锡,although it is acceptable to plot alter course positions in ink where these are frequently in use.
1.2 THE ECDIS 你需要掌握的知識
1.2.1 Chart alert
Chart?chose the route ?created chart catalog ?
Chart alarm setting
1.深色,淺色字體 墅垮,區(qū)分設(shè)定的safety contour 和系統(tǒng)自動選取的safety contour
ALARM Parameter
ECDIS 會自動根據(jù)plan speed 計算squat
會根據(jù)設(shè)定的safety contour 和ukc limit 以及船舶吃水惕医,高亮凸顯計算出的值
Users chart
VTS / 引航站
方位避險線,距離避險線(PI)算色,NGA抬伺,應(yīng)急錨地,Radar consp
Call master 灾梦,SBE峡钓,限速區(qū)域,演習區(qū)域若河,
航向×DIST 能岩,PF,PFI 萧福,UKC拉鹃,
1.2.2 Symol disply - track
1.2.3:How to check the software Version
1.2.4:CAT ZOC
(Category of zone confidence )
DISP?Plan?SET ?chart display ?general ?accuracy ?save
Safety parameter UKC
Safte depth = vsl draft + squater+CATZOC correction-Tide
CATZOC correction calculateion
6* A1:0.5+1%depth 5accuracy
5* A2:1+2% 20accuracy
4* B: 1+2% 50accuracy
3* C: 2+5% 500accuracy
2* D: >2+5% >500accuracy
U: Not accessmen
1.2.5:SCALMIN setting and purpose of it
1.2.6:Systme sensor
1.2.9:Look Ahead setting & cross track limit setting
Look Ahead Values (Minimum)
Look ahead
Width:大于旋回半徑more than turning circles
DISTANCE:大于停車距離more then the distance of stop the vessel
Harbour/Confined Waters:Length 6min/ Width 0.2NM(370m)/ Arc Angle 10?
Coastal Waters:Length 12min/ Width 0.3NM(570m)/ Arc Angle 20?
? Open Seas:Length 18min/ Width 0.4NM(770m)/ Arc Angle 20?
●LOOKAHEAD/Guard Zone should be set as “time” based value.
●LOOK AHEAD does/Guard Zone NOT alert for any ARPA or AIS
Cross Track Limit (Minimum)Port/Stbd
Harbor/Confined Waters: 50-185m
Coastal Waters:926m
Open Seas: 1825m
1.2.10:How to perform IHO Performance test
- AOUS~ AVCS online updating service
1.4 Request ENC permit (paper chart )
1.5:Squat calculate
Confine water:Cb x V square /50
Open water: 2Cb x V square /100
Cb:block coefficient | BrE ?k????f??(?)nt, AmE ?ko???f???nt |
1.6:The enc chart no.
ENC CHART NO. in group of 8 number
Number 1 &2:country code
Number 3: scale(1:Overview/2:General/3:Coastal/4:Approach/5:harbour/6:Berthing )
Number4/5/6/7/8 : XXXXX
不等超過 4小時沒有定定位
1.8:電子海圖VIQ requirement
In addition to the paper publications necessary for a safe passage,the following issues should be taken into consideration for electronic passage planning:
? Thevessel's controlling operational parameters (maximum draft膏燕,air draft,turning data悟民,minimumunder keel clearance required坝辫,'lookahead' distance etc.) should be entered;
? Marking/highlightingof electronic charts can be carried out in a similar way to paper charts toidentify radar conspicuous targets及舍,no-go areas永品,parallelindex lines (essential for the monitoring stage),transit marks击纬,clearingbearings鼎姐,etc.;
? Itis prudent for a simulated passage to be run prior to the vessel's departure toensure that the route does not enter anyalarm preset danger areas that may have been overlooked实撒;
? Estimatedpositions should be marked on the chart for each watch捷兰,inadvance.
Execution and Monitoring
Navigating officers must not become over-reliant on ECDIS. Frequent checks should be made of the ECDISposition fixing system (normally GPS) by the use of other means. Such checks should include:
? Parallelindexing and use of clearing bearings;
? Useof radar to check the accuracy of the charted position by comparing thelocation of the radar target against the charted symbol顶考;
? Visualcross bearings驹沿;
? Comparisonof the signal to noise ratio of the GPS system in use.
knowledge of Nautical publication
1.1.1.NP281:list of radio signals (for maritime radio station:VHF/MF.HF/NBDP)
1.1.2.NP282 xxx
1.1.3.NP283:list of radio signals-MSI
NAVTEX /RADIO FACSIMILE/Radio weahter service & Navwarning
1.1.4.NP284 xxx
1.1.5.NP285 list of radio signals -GMDSS
1.1.6.NP286 list of radio signals-Pilot service & VTS
[圖片上傳失敗...(image-9ec47d-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-819cb1-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-8d6b22-1574127665588)]
Navwarning XI weekly summary website :
[圖片上傳失敗...(image-874b18-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-533574-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-80acfb-1574127665588)]
[圖片上傳失敗...(image-6be5ca-1574127665593)] 1.5:SSAS
B1:Transmitter identification
B2:MESSAGE TYPE: ABDL & Others type of information see NP285&283
B3,B4:Message number[圖片上傳失敗...(image-800495-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-2698ff-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-4ca539-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-a11b2b-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-d4ca23-1574127665588)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-c7528f-1574127665588)]
1.7: VDR
1.10:Couse recorder
PM TEST (performance test )
1.13:Magnetic compass
1.14:Weather fax
1.16:Hopital Alarm
1.18:navigation lights/ signal lights
VIQ 4.27 :Are navigation lights in good order?
Note: Primary and secondary systemsshould be in good order,and there should be aprocedure to check the navigation light failure alarm.
4.26.28 | A pelorus or compass bearing device. 1****具啞羅經(jīng)或羅經(jīng)方位裝置斑举。 Or other means搅轿,independent of any power supply,to take bearings over an arc of the horizon of 360o . 或其他裝置富玷,獨立于任何電源璧坟,用于在水平360°的范圍內(nèi)量取方位既穆。 |
4.26.4 | Shapes. 號型。 Three balls雀鹃,a cylinder and a diamond shape should be carried. (Colregs) 應(yīng)配備3個球體號型幻工,1個圓柱體號型和1個菱形體號型。要求能夠隨時向檢查官提供黎茎。(資料來源:Colregs) |
4.26.3 | A whistle bell and gong 一個號笛囊颅、號鐘和號鑼。A whistle and bell for vessels of 12 metres or more in length and a gong for vessels of 100 metres or more in length. (Colregs D/33.a) 長度為12米或12米以上的船舶傅瞻,應(yīng)配備一個號笛和一個號鐘踢代,長度為100米或100米以上的船舶,另應(yīng)配有一面號鑼嗅骄。(資料來源:Colregs D/33.a) |
Pilot light : White downside Red
Singapore TSS :3green light when crossing TSS
Cargo operation:1Red light
Quarantine :Yellow flag
Singapore Pilot Service :
[圖片上傳失敗...(image-8862a6-1574127665587)] [圖片上傳失敗...(image-4060e7-1574127665587)]
Bell book check list and how to filling up such as test engine .echo sounder . Check list 000/001/002
First check list
Second ly checklist
Thirdly check list
OHN to E/R
Clock sync
Master inform
Telegraph test
Steering sys test H/over to H/over as per as SOLAS Reg 26.1&26.2
Bridge nav and radio equipment as per as SBPM 001-014
Nav in the coastal water/congest water as per as SBPM 001-004
M/E Ready
M/E test ahead & astern
Preparing for ships movement as per as SBPM 001-006
T/over the watch from as per as SBPM001&017
Safety patrol &security patrol carried out by last duty officer and AB report satisfactory
Master & company standing order compiled
Steering testi ok
GMDSS Watch maintained
VHF stand by CH 16&××
No signs of dragging
Monitor the vsl invincinty
Auto pilot.steering tested satisfactory
Verified ship.s psn .course.speed.ukc.visibility.nearby traffic in the vicinity
Compared compass and gyo compass
Are records maintained of fire rounds being completed after each watch?
Note: A lookout should not leavethe bridge during the watch as this contravenes the requirements of SOLAS andSTCW. Rounds of the vessel should beconducted after the end of each watch.
[圖片上傳失敗...(image-b97d76-1574127665586)] Are the periodical tests of communications equipmentbeing carried out as required?是否按要求對通訊設(shè)備進行定期測試?
The following testsshould be carried out應(yīng)進行下列測試:
Daily: 每天:
? The proper functioning of the DSCfacilities without radiation of signals昧辽; 在不發(fā)送信號的前提下,測試DSC設(shè)備的正常功能铃将;
? Battery voltage checks崎溃; 電瓶電壓檢查;
? Printers. 打印機檢查饵逐。
Weekly: 每周:
? The proper function of the DSCfacilities by means of a test call when within communication range of a coaststation括眠;在海岸電臺的覆蓋區(qū)域內(nèi)時,通過向該海岸電臺發(fā)送測試呼叫來測試DSC設(shè)備的正常功能倍权;
? Where the reserve source of energy isnot batteries掷豺,thereserve source to be tested. 如備用能源不是電池,對備用能源進行測試薄声。
Monthly: 每月:
? Each Emergency Position IndicatingRadio Beacon (EPIRB) to be tested to determine its capability to operateproperly using the means provided on the device and without using the satellitesystem当船; 應(yīng)測試每一緊急無線電示位標以確定其性能,該測試應(yīng)通過其自身的配設(shè)測試手段默辨,而無需使用衛(wèi)星系統(tǒng)來測試其功能正常德频;
? Each marine search and rescuetransponder (SART) using the in-built test facility and checked for securityand signs of damage; 每一海上搜救雷達應(yīng)答器應(yīng)使用其內(nèi)置測試裝置進行測試和檢查其安全保護和損壞跡象缩幸;
? The security and condition of allbatteries providing a source of energy for any part of the radio installation壹置; 為無線電裝置任何部件提供能源的所有電池的安全保護和狀況竞思;
? The condition of all aerials andinsulators; 所有天線和絕緣體的狀況钞护;
? Each survival craft two-way VHFequipment盖喷,ona frequency other than channel 16. 每一救生艇筏雙向VHF電話,在16頻道外進行測試难咕; (MSA Radio Log)
VIQ 10.9 Is the Radio Log being maintained correctly?
電臺日志是否正確記錄课梳?Thefollowing should be being recorded: 應(yīng)記錄下列各項:
? Asummary of distress,urgencyand safety communications余佃; 有關(guān)遇險惦界、緊急和安全通信的摘要;
? Importantincidents relating to the radio service咙冗; 有關(guān)電臺維護的重要事件沾歪;
? Whereappropriate,theposition of the ship at least once per day雾消; 如可行灾搏,每天至少記錄一次船位;
? Asummary of the condition of the radio equipment立润,including its sources of energy狂窑; 電臺設(shè)備包括其電源的狀態(tài)的摘要;
Personnelassigned responsibility for sending a distress alert instructed to operateproperly all radio equipment on the ship桑腮; 本船被指定負責發(fā)送遇險報警且被指示正確操作所有無線電設(shè)備的人員泉哈;
Necessaryinstruction and information on the use of the radio equipmen to relevant crewmembers; 有關(guān)船員使用無線電設(shè)備的必要須知示和信息破讨;
Pre-sailingchecks to ensure that all equipment is in an efficient working condition丛晦; 開航前確認所有的設(shè)備處于有效工作狀態(tài)的檢查;
The results of the testing of the DSC distress and safety radio equipment by meansof a test call at least once a week提陶; 至少每周一次的通過測試呼叫對DSC和安全無線電設(shè)備進行試驗的結(jié)果烫沙;
Theresults of the testing of the distress and safety radio equipment by means of atest at least once each day but without radiating any signal; 至少每天一次的通過不發(fā)送任何信號的試驗對遇險和安全無線電設(shè)備進行試驗的結(jié)果隙笆;
The on-load and off-load daily test of the batteries锌蓄; 每日一次的電池有負荷和無負荷的測試結(jié)果
Theresults of the weekly hydrometer or load test of the batteries; 每周一次的比重測試或放電試驗測試結(jié)果撑柔;
Theresults of the monthly security check of each battery and its connections. 每月一次的每只電池及其連接的安全檢查的結(jié)果瘸爽。(MSARadio Log)
VIQ10.10 Battery log
If applicable is the emergencyradio battery log up to date?如適用,應(yīng)急蓄電瓶記錄簿是否更正到最新?Where a reserve source ofenergy consists of rechargeable accumulator batteries铅忿,their capacity shall be checked剪决,using an appropriate method,at intervals not exceeding 12 months,when the ship is not at sea.(SOLAS IV/13.6) 當備用電源由可充電的蓄電池組成時昼捍,當船舶停航時,應(yīng)在不超過12個月的間隔期內(nèi)肢扯,使用適當?shù)姆椒z查電池或蓄電池的容量 (SOLAS IV/13.6)
Daily, Monthly And Weekly Tests Of GMDSS Equipment On Board Ships
The development of GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress And Safety System) for the shipping industry hascome a long way. The GMDSS system was established with an objective to improve distress and safetyradio communications and procedures at sea.
The greatest benefit of the GMDSS equipment is that it vastly reduces the chances of shipsdisappearing without a trace, and enables search and rescue (SAR) operations to be launched withoutdelay and directed to the exact site of a maritime disaster.
Gone are the days when ships were required to have dedicated radio officers to operate radio equipment.With the implementation of GMDSS, every deck officer with a General Operator Certificate (GOC) andthe license is entitled to use the GMDSS equipment and make radio communications when needed.
For the GMDSS equipment to function properly and effectively in the event of an emergency, it is criticalthat mariners understand its purpose and do the required maintenance on board the vessel to keep it in aworking condition and make the best use of GMDSS equipment.
The daily, weekly and monthly tests of all the GMDSS equipment should be done by every navigatingofficer responsible for it without any compromise. We must not forget that it is our only best friend in adistress situation at sea.
Ships at sea must be capable of performing the nine functional GMDSS requirements. They are:
\1. Ship-to-shore distress alerting2. Shore-to-ship distress alerting3. Ship-to-ship distress alerting4. SAR coordination
\5. On-scene communications
\6. Transmission and receipt of emergency locating signals\7. Transmission and receipt of MSI\8. General radio communications\9. Bridge-to-bridge communications
This can be ensured by testing the GMDSS equipment at regular intervals.
Daily Tests On GMDSS Equipment
The proper functioning of the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) facilities shall be tested at least once eachday, without radiation of signals, by the use of the equipment’s Internal test facility. The daily test checksthe internal connection, transmitting output power and the display. The process can differ from equipmentto equipment based on the make.
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OK READ MOREThe daily test of the FURUNO model of the VHF equipment can be executed as below:
Daily, Monthly And Weekly Tests Of VHF GMDSS Equipment On Board Ships
\1. At the standby display press, the SHIFT key followed by the TEST key. The “TEST IN PROGRESS”pop up window appears momentarily and distress alarm both visual and audible occurs.
The display shows the TEST screen. If everything is okay with the set and is functioning properly, theresults show OK as below. However, in some situation or if it’s a faulty equipment, ‘NG’ may be displayed.In this case the daily test should be repeated a couple of times. If the problem persists, it should beimmediately brought to the notice of a shore based service engineer.
\2. Press the CANCEL key to stop the alarm. To stop the daily test, press the CANCEL key again.
Daily test also needs to be performed on the MF/HF equipment to ensure it will function properly in theevent of distress.
\1. Press the [3/TEST] key to start the test. Select the Daily Test by rotating the knob and push to enter.After several seconds the display shows the test results; OK for normal operation. The audio alarm alsosounds after the test results are displayed and the alarm lamp flashes several times.
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\2. The CANCEL key should be pressed to quit the test and return to the normal screen.
Batteries providing a reserve source of energy should also be checked daily. Mainly the battery ON-LOAD and OFF-LOAD voltages are checked by a voltmeter connected to the charger.
OFF-LOAD: when no equipment is connected, the battery should read 24 V or slightly more.
ON LOAD: switch off the AC power and note the voltage of the battery. Press the PTT on MF/HFtransceiver on a non-distress and idle R/T frequency. Voltage will fall depending upon the load. If thevoltage falls more than 10% it indicates that the battery is either weak or not charged fully. In this case,batteries should be recharged.
It is also important to check that all printers are in a working condition and there is sufficient supply ofpaper.
Weekly Tests On GMDSS Equipment
It is necessary to test the proper operation of the DSC facilities at least once a week by means of a testcall over one of the six distress and safety frequencies, when within the communication range of a coaststation fitted with a DSC equipment. A test call to the coast station can be sent in the following ways:
\1. Press the [2/DSC] key at the DSC standby screen and then push the [ENTER] knob to open the CALLTYPE menu.
\2. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose TEST CALL and then push the [ENTER] knob. Push the [ENTER]knob again to open the COAST ID menu.
\3. Using the numeric keys, key in the ID of the coast station ID (seven digits) where you want to send thecall depending upon the area you are navigating in and then push the [ENTER] knob. The coast stationID can be found from the Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 1- Maritime Radio Stations.
\4. Now push the [ENTER] knob to open the DSC FREQ menu. (Note that here the PRIORITY isautomatically selected to SAFETY.)
\5. Rotate the [ENTER] knob to choose an appropriate frequency and then push the [ENTER] knob.
\6. Now press the [CALL] key to send the TEST call to the respective shore station.
After the test call has been sent successfully the acknowledgement is received from the shore station.The audio alarm sounds on receiving the acknowledgement.
Many times it often happens that the deck officer does not receive any acknowledgement from the shorestation. In such cases, we often take it for granted that the shore station is not sending theacknowledgement. However, in reality, this might not be the case.
The problem could be with our equipment too. To make sure that the MF/HF equipment is in order, it isbetter we try sending the test call using other frequencies and to other stations. Even if then we fail toreceive any acknowledgement, a test call can be sent to a passing ship if possible. Instead of keying thecoast ID, key in the MMSI of the passing ship. It is better to call the ship and confirm if they have receivedthe test call. We can also request them to send us a test call to ensure that the equipment receivingfacility is functioning properly.
It is also recommended that a station to station test takes place using VHF DSC.
\1. Press the CALL key. This will open the compose message screen where the call type can be selected.Rotate the channel knob to select TEST call.
\2. Enter the Station ID, in this case, the MMSI of your own ship and then press the CALL key for it to betransmitted.
The audio and visual alarm is generated and the test call is received on the other VHF station. Presscancel to terminate the test call.
Monthly Tests On GMDSS EquipmentEPIRB:
The Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon or EPIRB should be examined by carrying out a self-test function without using the satellite system. No emergency signal is transmitted during the self-test.During self-test the battery voltage, output power and frequency are checked. The EPIRB should also bechecked for any physical damage. The expiry date of the battery unit and that of the hydrostatic releaseunit should be checked. Also, check that the safety clip is properly attached and in place.
To perform the self-test on the JOTRON EPIRB:
\1. The EPIRB should be removed from the bracket first.
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\2. The spring loaded switch on top of the EPIRB is then lifted to the TEST position.
A successful test will consist of a series of blinks on the LED test-indicator, followed by a continuous lightand a strobe flash after approximately 15 seconds. The last green led indicates a successful test.
\3. After the successful completion of the test, the switch is released and the EPIRB is put back into thebracket.
The Search and Rescue Transponder or SART is also equipped with a self-test mechanism to test theoperational function of the beacon. The SART is tested using the ship’s X band radar. The test shouldpreferably be done in open seas to avoid interference on the radar display.
\1. Remove the SART from the mounting bracket.\2. The SART should be held by one person in view of the radar scanner. This could be done from the
bridge wings. The SART should then be put on the TEST mode by rotating it to the left to theTESTPREVUE position for a brief period.
Visual lights operate and bleeps are heard indicating that the SART has been triggered.
\3. Simultaneously a person should observe the radar display for the correct pattern. At least 11concentric circles appear on the radar display if kept on a 12 M range scale. The distance betweenthe two rings is approximately 0.64 NM.
\4. The SART should also be visually inspected for any signs of physical damage. The battery expirydate should also be noted. The safety clip should be in place.
Survival Craft Two Way Portable VHF Equipment
Each survival craft two way VHF equipment should be tested at least once a month to ensure properoperation in case of a distress situation. It should be tested on a frequency other than VHF channel 16(156.8 MHz). The expiry date of the battery needs to be checked and changed when required.
\1. Press the power key to switch on or off.
\2. To select a different channel, press the CH key and use the arrow keys to select the required channel.The selected channel is indicated with channel number and frequency on the screen.
\3. Press the PTT (Push to talk) to communicate with another radio-telephone to test receive and transmitfunctions. One person can stand near the VHF receiver to receive a test call from the handheld radio.
The symbol ‘TX’ is shown when the PTT is pressed and transmission takes place. The TX indicatorindicates that a carrier is produced at the antenna output.
When it receives a signal the symbol ‘RX’ is indicated on the display.
The Navtex is an equally important GMDSS equipment and is the source of maritime safety information. Itis also equipped with a test function that can test the battery, keyboard, LCD, ROM and RAM. It is a goodpractice to test the Navtex and detect an error if any. The Furuno model of Navtex can be tested asfollows:
\1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.
\2. Now use the navigating arrows to choose SERVICE and then hit ENT. The SERVICE submenucontains the TEST option. Use the down arrow key to select TEST and press ENT key. Choose YES andpress the ENT key again. The TEST will start and the results will be displayed on the screen after a fewseconds.
If the test is successful the results show OK otherwise it will show NG meaning – No Good.
It also tests each key for proper functioning.
The Rx test screen shows as follows:
The test results can be printed and filed in the GMDSS log book.
The INMARSAT is also equipped with a diagnostic test which checks it for proper operation. The steps toperform a Diagnostic Test on FURUNO INMARSAT are given below;
\1. On the keyboard press the F7 key to display the ‘OPTIONS’ menu.\2. Use the down arrow to open the TEST menu and then select the DIAGNOSTIC TEST. Select YES
to begin the test.
On completion of the test, the results are shown on the screen as below. The ESC key is used to returnto the main menu.
A PV test or Performance Verification test can be performed every month. This test consists of receivinga test message from an LES (Local Earth Station), transmitting a message to an LES and a distress alerttest. The PV TEST can be opened from the TEST menu under OPTIONS as mentioned above.
The status shows ‘TESTING’ when the test is in process.
The status changes to IDLE on completion of the PV Test.
The test results can be seen from the option ‘PV Test Result’ under the TEST menu. The test results canbe printed and logged. BBER denotes the bulletin board error rate. Pass appears for no error. “PASS”appears for satisfactory completion of the test.
GMDSS Battery:
The battery connections and compartment should also be checked. The level of the electrolyte and thespecific gravity of each cell should be checked and recorded. Sulfation can reduce the specific gravitythereby reducing the battery capacity. Maintenance free batteries on board, however, do not require anysuch checks.
It is recommended every month to visually check all antennas for the security of mounting and visible damage.
VIQ 4.12 Are regular gyro and magnetic compass errors being takenand are they being recorded?
Notes: The gyro error and magneticcompass deviation should be ascertained every watch. Where weather conditions or traffic densitymakes it impractical蔚晨,this fact should be noted inthe Deck Log Book or Compass Error Book.
The error of the gyro should be determined by external observations -celestial bearings银择,transits etc. and the gyro andmagnetic compass headings then compared to determine the magnetic compasserror.
Where a gyro repeater is used to take a bearing an accurate comparisonbetween the repeater and the master gyro should be made.
VIQ 4.12:Do the errors being recorded in the compass error bookbroadly agree with the deviation card?
Notes: An observation should be madeif the magnetic compass error differs by more than three degrees from thedeviation card curve.
A comparison between the magnetic and gyro headings should be made ateach course alteration and recorded in the Deck Log Book.
Some administrations require compass errors to be recorded in the DeckLog Book rather than a separate Compass Error Book. 某些主管機關(guān)要求羅經(jīng)差記入航海日志,而不是單獨的羅經(jīng)差簿贴谎。
4.6:Echou sounder record
VIQ 4.18 : Is the echo sounder recorder marked with a reference dateand time on each occasion it is switched on? 每次使用測深儀時汞扎,是否在其記錄紙上標注參照日期和時間?
Note: The echo sounder recordershould be switched on prior to each approach to shallow water and port entryand prior to departure and remain in operation while in shallow waters. Thedate and time of switching on should be marked on the recorder chart. Inaddition擅这,the date and time of passingsignificant land or seamarks should be marked on the recorder. Many modernelectronic echo sounders have an inbuilt 24-hour memory which can be recalled.If an electronic memory is not provided佩捞,the echo sounder shouldbe provided with a printed record. Where an electronic display history isprovided to record trending and a VDR to record times,a “Y” response should be made蕾哟,together with a shortexplanation in Other comments.提示:每次接近淺水區(qū)域和進入港口前應(yīng)開啟測深儀一忱,并在通過淺水區(qū)域的期間中保持運行。開啟測深儀的日期和時間應(yīng)標注在記錄紙上谭确。此外帘营,通過顯著陸地或海標的日期和時間也應(yīng)標注在記錄紙上。許多現(xiàn)代電子式測深儀配備內(nèi)置24小時存儲器逐哈,可以重現(xiàn)存儲的數(shù)據(jù)芬迄。如果沒有配置電子存儲器,測深儀應(yīng)具有打印式記錄昂秃。如果提供電子顯示數(shù)據(jù)作為記錄的形式并且一個記錄時間的航行數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀禀梳,則是“Y”杜窄,連同一個簡短的解釋。
In the deep sea celestial must be take daily weather permit.all calculation record to sight book
Radar plotting
MIN CPA 0.3 TSS(SINGAPORE) /0.5malacca strait /1miles open sea
300nmile distress massage received
UKC Policy open sea :1miles 算途,shallow water:1m塞耕,Terminal:0.3mile
BNWAS Shall always switch on except berth
Shuck/ casing 泵殼
Gangway down
Premeeting for cargo operation carried out to all deck crew including officer explain and reviewed the stowage plan & risk assesment hi hihi level alarm test
Line up on deck / pump room for loading / discharging ,ballast or deballasting /red green manifold
Visual check ballast tank WBT ×W 嘴瓤,no sign of trace 扫外,commence loading discharging initial speed
Terminal request suspend/resume loading discharging
Ship shore checklist R item recheck and complied with
Hourly cargo operation safety patrol carried out as per as SBPMxxx,mooring rope and fire wire adjust as required
Manifold and gangway watch maintained
Complied with chief officer's standing order
Time log:
5.1:Steering test check list
VIQ4.4 The steering gear shall be checked and tested within twelve hours ofdeparture. (SOLAS V/26.1)
船舶開航前12h之內(nèi)廓脆,應(yīng)對操舵裝置進行核查和試驗筛谚。船舶必須認真執(zhí)行公司的開航前/抵港前的檢查制度。并保留完整的記錄停忿。要簽字確認驾讲!(資料來源:SOLAS V/26.1)
The date upon which the checks and tests are carried out and details ofemergency steering drills shall be recorded. (SOLAS V/26.6)
應(yīng)記錄進行檢查和試驗的日期和應(yīng)急操舵演習的詳細信息。 (資料來源:SOLAS V/26.6)
5.2:Are pre-arrival席赂,pre-departure ,watch handover and pilot-master interchange checklists being completed?
5.3:Website for Navtex message & Navwarning message update & NTM & Others
5.3.1:NTM Update website:
5.3.2: Navwarning XI weekly summary website :
5.3.3:Air pressure guage correction website:
5.3.4: JMH Weather fax download website
5.3.5: ECDIS AIO download
(Account:ukhopublic Password:Public12345)
5.3.6: AVCS Software shall installed by office
AOUS Update the ENC & AIO
AVCS Online Updating Service是UKHO的在線更新程序沐兵,簡稱AOUS,主界面如圖九所示,
VIQ 8.4 Is the oxygen content of the inert gas delivery at orbelow the permitted maximum?輸出的惰性氣體中氧氣含量是否在或低于許可值便监?
Record if the oxygen delivery is more than 5% or if a high oxygen levelalarm is not fitted扎谎,regardless of the date ofdelivery.不論交船日期,如果氧氣含量超過5%或未裝設(shè)高含氧量警報應(yīng)予記錄烧董。
For tankers constructed after 1st September 1984:對于1984年9月1日以后建造的油船:
The system shall be capable of maintaining the atmosphere in any partof any cargo tank with an oxygen content not exceeding 8% by volume and at apositive pressure at all times in port and at sea毁靶,except when it isnecessary for the tank to be gas free. (FSS Code該系統(tǒng)應(yīng)保證在任何液貨艙的任何部分的艙氣含氧量不超過容積8%(以體積計算),并且在港內(nèi)和海上的任何時間艙內(nèi)均要保持正壓逊移,但在貨艙除氣所需時除外预吆。(FSS Code
The system shall be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygencontent of not more than 5% by volume in the inert gas supply main to the cargotanks. (FSS Code該系統(tǒng)向液貨艙輸送惰性氣體時,在惰氣供氣總管內(nèi)的含氧量不超過容積5%(以體積計算)胳泉。(FSSCode
For tankers constructedbefore 1st September 1984:對于1984年9月1日以前建造的船舶:
Tankers constructed before 1st September 1984 which are required tohave an inert gas system shall at least comply with the requirements ofregulation II-2/62 of SOLAS 1974. (SOLAS 2001 II-2/62.20)在1984年9月1日以前建造拐叉、按要求要裝有惰性氣體系統(tǒng)的液貨船應(yīng)該至少符合《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》第II-2章第62條的要求。(資料來源:SOLAS 2001 II-2/62.20)
This states: The inert gas system shall becapable of providing on demand a gas or mixture of gases to the cargo tanks sodeficient in oxygen that the atmosphere within the tank may be rendered inert扇商,i.e. incapable of propagating flame. (SOLAS 1974 II-2/62)這種狀態(tài):惰性氣體系統(tǒng)應(yīng)能向液貨艙提供所需的氣體或混合氣體凤瘦,使液貨艙內(nèi)的艙氣含氧量不足,可致使該艙惰化(即不能傳播火焰 )案铺。(資料來源:SOLAS 1974II-2/62)
The oxygen content in the inert gas supply shall not normally exceed 5%by volume. (SOLAS 1974 II-2/62(k))在惰氣供氣總管內(nèi)的含氧量不超過容積5%(以體積計算)蔬芥。(資料來源:SOLAS 1974 II-2/62(k))
6.2 UTI
VIQ8.64: Are metal tapes and other gauging or sampling deviceseffectively bonded before being introduced into tanks?金屬卷尺和其他測量設(shè)備或取樣裝置是否在放入艙內(nèi)前予以正確地接地(接合)?
Note: UTI tapes must be bondedbefore being introduced into tanks. UTI tapes which have quick couplings toconnect the unit to the vapour lock will possibly not require bonding wires.However,the internal bonding of such units should be checked every six monthsin accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.提示:UTI尺在放入艙內(nèi)前予以正確地接地(接合)。如UTI尺設(shè)有快速接頭笔诵,能快速接到氣閘上的某一特定設(shè)備返吻,可以不需要接地(接合)線。然而該設(shè)備的內(nèi)部接地(接合)系統(tǒng)應(yīng)根據(jù)制造商的要求每6個月檢查一次乎婿。
VIQ 8.43 Are cargo pipelines tested annually?貨物管線是否每年測試?
Note: Cargo pipelines should be test ed to 1.25 timestheir designed working pressure at least annually and be marked with the dateof test and the pressure. 提示:貨物管線應(yīng)至少每年測試一次测僵,測試壓力為設(shè)計工作壓力的1.25倍,測試日期和壓力應(yīng)標注在管線上次酌。
VIQ8.93 :Are the hoses pressure tested annually to the designworking pressure?貨物軟管是否每年以設(shè)計工作壓力進行壓力測試?Note: The test pressure should be 1.5 times the working pressure.提示:測試壓力應(yīng)當1.5倍于工作壓力恨课。