Being a parent doesn't easy.No matter what age your children are ,your work is never done.To be a good parent, you need to make your children feel valued and loved. And teach them?the difference between right and wrong.
1.Loving your child
?1) Give your child love .Give lots of hugs and some kisses. Make your children comfortable with love.
? 2)Avoid comparing your children to others,especially siblings.
? 3) Listen to your children. You can set a time to talk to your children everyday.
2.Being a good ?disciplinarian
1)Enforce reasonable rules.
?2) Be consistent.It's important to enforce the same rules all the time.
?3)Provide order for your children.What can do and what can't do.
?4)Criticize your child's behavior, not your child.
3.Helping your child build character
1)Teach your children to be independent.
2)Be a good role model.?
3)Respect your child's privacy.
4)Allow your kids to experience life by themselves.Don't make decision for them all the time. Let your
?child make their own mistakes.
5)Don't have unreasonable on your children.