What Makes an EffectivePresentation?
1?Careful planning and preparation
Planning and preparation usually involve some research and choosing or rejecting suitable content.These are important tasks which will probably take much longer than you first thought.
?searching databases and on-line resources for articles
?use of libraries for reviewing relevant resources
?tutorials with academic staff to develop new knowledge
?contact with and visits to organizations
?interviews with experts
?construction and testing of models
?developing experiments and analysing results
2?Good time management
Time management is important for preparing and delivering good presentations yet it is often a source of stress for students. For your presentation, good time management is important in two quite different ways: in the planning and preparation stages; and time allocated for delivering the presentation.
1 Planning and preparation stages
In some situations you may have just a few days to prepare for the presentation, for others you may be given several weeks. Each brings benefits and problems. A short amount of time creates pressures on what you can achieve and may limit the quality of the final presentation. A longer amount of time can result in a lack of focus with tasks being left until closer to the delivery date, then a period of frenzied activity?leading up to the event.
However much time you are given to prepare, you may find it useful to create a time plan or a chart of your intended progress.
This could involve:
?listing all of the tasks that need to be completed before the date of the presentation
?placing these tasks in an order of priority
?allocating the time needed to complete each of these tasks
?checking your progress regularly
?reallocating the remaining time to make sure that you complete all of the tasks
2?Time allocated for delivering the presentation
In most presentations, it is usually better to deliver less content at a reasonable pace, than too much content at a faster pace that may leave the audience feeling overwhelmed and confused.
How you use the time during the presentation will be influenced by how much content you intend to cover, the structure of this content and the amount of audience participation expected.
Also, how you create and use the supporting documentation will influence how you make use of the time during your presentation. If time is short, you could cover a few important points at a general level during the presentation then suggest that the audience read the more detailed handouts in their own time.
3?Relevant and interesting content
?decide what to include and what to leave out
?choose examples to provide interest and improve understanding
?provide links to further sources of information
Decide what to include and what to leave out
For many subject areas there is usually much more content than can be delivered within the time allocated for the presentation.You will need to set your chosen content within the context of the module studied and make sure that it is relevant, accurate and interesting to the audience.
Choose examples to provide interest and improve understanding
There is a lot of research evidence that shows how using examples improves our understanding and learning. You will need to think about how to use examples in the presentation and where to place them in the structure of the content.
You can use examples to explain how they improved your own understanding of the topic. Remember, if you found examples helped your own understanding, this will probably be the same for your audience.
Provide links to further sources of information
It is usually helpful to provide links to useful sources of information that audience members can follow up in their own time. These sources could relate to content that you have not been able to include but can be used for further reading and knowledge development.You may also give links to useful websites and perhaps give some brief evaluation for why a source is especially useful.
4?Clear structure
A clear structure usually helps the audience to gain a quick understanding of the content of the presentation. Provide a clear outline or overview of the presentation so that they understand the progression of the topic and how it relates to a wider picture.