Please write a? Perl script to address m'y following request:
I have a string of alphabet a, b, c, d, e as input and they are ordered differently in different dataset, or some elements are missing in some dataset:
data1 : a, b, c, d, e
data2: a, c, e, d
data3: b, c, d, a
data4: e, d, c, b, a
I want perl code to produce a 5x5 matrix to tell pairwise relationship between a, b, c, d, e. For example, for b in data1, it scores 9, 10, 9, 8, 7 with a, b, c, d, e, respectively. i.e. the closer the higer the score is. so data2, 3, 4 are scored in the same way.finally, the 5x5 matrix to tell pairwise relationship of a,b,c,d,e shall sum the scores calculated in data1,2,3,4.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Initialize the data
my @data = (
? ? [qw/a b c d e/],
? ? [qw/b a c e d/],
? ? [qw/b c d a/],
? ? [qw/e d c b a/]
# Initialize the array for the score
my @score;
# Loop through each data array
foreach my $data (@data) {
? ? # Initialize the score for each letter
? ? my %letters;
? ? foreach my $letter (@$data) {
? ? ? ? $letters{$letter} = 0;
? ? }
? ?
? ? # Loop through each letter
? ? for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @$data; $i++) {
? ? ? ? my $letter = $data->[$i];
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? # Loop through comparison letters
? ? ? ? for (my $j=$i+1; $j < scalar @$data; $j++) {
? ? ? ? ? ? my $compare = $data->[$j];
? ? ? ? ? ? $letters{$letter} += scalar @$data - $j;
? ? ? ? ? ? $letters{$compare} += scalar @$data - $j;
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
? ?
? ? # Add the score of each letter to the score array
? ? push @score, [values %letters];
# Sum the total of each letter
my @total;
foreach my $row (@score) {
? ? for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @$row; $i++) {
? ? ? ? $total[$i] += $row->[$i];
? ? }
# Add the total of each letter to the score array
push @score, \@total;
# Print out the score matrix
foreach my $row (@score) {
? ? foreach my $score (@$row) {
? ? ? ? print "$score\t";
? ? }
? ? print "\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
#Define the data
my @data1 = qw/a b c d e/;
my @data2 = qw/a c e d/;
my @data3 = qw/b c d a/;
my @data4 = qw/e d c b a/;
# Initialize the matrix
my %matrix;
foreach my $x (@data1) {
? ? foreach my $y (@data1) {
? ? ? ? $matrix{$x}{$y} = 0;
? ? }
# Calculate scores for each dataset
foreach my $list (\@data1, \@data2, \@data3, \@data4) {
? ? my $score = 10;
? ? foreach my $i (0..(scalar @$list-2)) {
? ? ? ? foreach my $j ($i..(scalar @$list-1)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? $matrix{$list->[$i]}{$list->[$j]} += $score;
? ? ? ? ? ? $matrix{$list->[$j]}{$list->[$i]} += $score;
? ? ? ? ? ? $score--;
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
#Print the matrix
foreach my $x (sort keys %matrix) {
? ? print "$x\t";
? ? foreach my $y (sort keys %{$matrix{$x}}) {
? ? ? ? print "$matrix{$x}{$y}\t";
? ? }
? ? print "\n";