
Day 20-- Part 1--VOCABULARY

→ ?“Classical music in America is dead.” Those words rang out across the Internet last week

1. rang out

[Definition] If a sound rings out, it can be heard loudly and clearly.

e.g: A single shot rang out.

→It was nothing we hadn't read before, but the timing of the latest obituary was particularly strange.

2. obituary: An obituary (obit for short) is a news article that reports the recent death of a person, typically along with an account of the person's life and information about the upcoming funeral. [From Wikipedia]

【SYN】: death notice, eulogy, obit ?[informal] ?

A eulogy is a speech, usually at a funeral, in which a person who has just died is praised.

[obituary]:美國著名老牌死亡金屬樂隊obituary成軍于1985年佛羅里達州的布蘭登市。起初沈矿,樂隊的名稱是xecutioner瞻凤。樂隊先后錄制了一張單曲妄呕,并以xecutioner的名義在合輯metal massacre中推出了兩首曲子。之后,由于發(fā)現(xiàn)另外一支樂隊也叫xecutioner公你,于是樂隊決定改名為obituary(生死訃)原朝。

【詞組】:obituary notice n. 訃告

【拓展】: adj. 訃告的驯嘱;死亡的 ?→deceased. ? ?n. 訃告 ? necrology

Categories: Acknowledgements of death \ ?Undertaking

→New York City Opera folded last fall. But, a week before the Slate piece appeared, the Minnesota Orchestra emerged from a fifteen-month lockout crisis, and the day after publication the New York Philharmonic and Seattle Symphony announced energetic 2014-15 seasons.

3. folded v.

fold 是指不下注,認栽喳坠。一群人賭錢鞠评, 你要是fold了,你之前的下注全部輸?shù)艉攫模扔诒惶叱鼍痔昊稀!就卣埂棵绹藢憱|西動詞老是從賭博晾浴、棒球负乡、跑馬上來

? ?business folds 生意垮了

all-in 就是押上全部身家, 豁出去的了意思脊凰,常常表達一個人很大的投入敬鬓,全心全意不顧一切做一件事的心志和努力。

①if something such as a piece of furniture folds, or you fold it, you make it smaller or move it to a different position by bending it [家具]可折疊笙各;折疊

e.g: The chairs fold flat for storage. ? ? ? 這些椅子可折起來存放钉答。

②if an organization folds, it closes because it does not have enough money to continue [企業(yè)]倒閉,歇業(yè)

③ [ always + adv/prep] to cover something, especially by wrapping it in material or putting your hand over it 包杈抢,裹

? ?e.g: a silver dagger folded in a piece of white cloth ? ? 裹在一塊白布里的一把銀匕首


fold sth over/ under/down etc

fold (sth) away/up/down etc

fold sth in sth.

the fold ?(the group of people that you belong to and share the same beliefs and ideas as 同一群體的人数尿,志同道合的人)


[Definition]: a situation when a company does not allow workers to go back to work, especially in a factory, until they accept the employers’ conditions 閉廠〔公司在工人接受工作條件前不讓其返回工作場所的情況〕

e.g: Wade has stayed busy during the lockout, with tons of work-related travel and continually trying to build his business brand.

→So what brought on this latest spasm of morbidity?

5. spasm

[Definition] ①an occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight, causing you pain 痙攣,抽搐

e.g: Maggie felt a muscle spasm in her back. ? ?瑪吉覺得背部肌肉一陣抽搐惶楼。

②spasm of grief/laughter/coughing etc. a sudden strong feeling or reaction that you have for a short period of time

e.g: I felt a spasm of fear. 我感到一陣恐懼右蹦。

聯(lián)想記憶: 掉入深坑(chasm)突發(fā)痙攣(spasm)

→ And why is the American media fixated on the supposedly imminent demise of classical music ?

? ?6. Fixated adj.

[Definition] ?If you accuse someone of being fixated on a particular thing, you mean that they think about it to an extreme and excessive degree.

e.g: But by then the administration wasn't paying attention, for top officials were fixated on Kuwait.但在那之前,當(dāng)局并沒有特別注意歼捐,因為高層官員們都一心撲在科威特上何陆。

7. imminent

[Definition] an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon 〔尤指令人不快的事〕即將發(fā)生的,逼近的

imminent danger/threat/death/disaster

e.g: ?He was in imminent danger of dying. ? ?他奄奄一息

【詞型轉(zhuǎn)換】 imminence n [U]

e.g: the imminence of the General Election ? ?大選的臨近

8. demise: termination of existence or operation

e.g: ...the demise of the reform movement. ? ?…改良運動的告終豹储。

→This timeline shows just how long the “crisis” in classical music has lasted, and just how superfluous it is to declare 2014 the year the art form kicked the bucket.

9. superfluous

【Definition】Something that is superfluous is unnecessary or is no longer needed. 多余的

?e.g: ? My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous. ? 我在下午的活動中的出席是多余的贷盲。

10. kicked the bucket

To kick the bucket is an English idiom, considered a euphemistic, informal, or slang term meaning 'to die'.[1] Its origin remains unclear, though there have been several theories.[from wiki]

euphemistic: adj. ?uses polite, pleasant, or neutral words and expressions to refer to things that people may find unpleasant, upsetting, or embarrassing to talk about, for example, sex, the human body, or death. 委婉的

→ Instead, classical-music concern-trolls toss poorly aimed barbs .

11.-troll ?原意:小鬼 ? 引申意:網(wǎng)絡(luò)水軍

concern troll: (Internet slang)someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming concern about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely.

12. ?barbs n.

①N-COUNT A barb is a sharp curved point near the end of an arrow or a fish hook that makes it difficult to pull out. (箭頭或魚鉤上的)倒鉤

②N-COUNT A barb is an unkind remark meant as a criticism of someone or something. 諷刺; 傷人的話或事

e.g: The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would. ? ?他的諷刺如期傷到了她。

→There seems to be a deeper savagery at work, one that maniacally insists that a functioning industry reflect on itself, as though orchestra managers and opera intendants were oblivious to their own problems.

13. savagery

[Definition] extremely cruel and violent behaviour 野蠻,殘暴(行為)

e.g: Local people were shocked by the savagery of the attack. ?當(dāng)?shù)厝藶檫@次兇殘的襲擊感到震驚巩剖。

14. maniacally adv.

[Definition] in a maniacal manner or to a maniacal degree

e.g: he was maniacally obsessed with jealousy

[拓展]: Maniac ?n.

[Definition] ①someone who behaves in a stupid or dangerous way informal 舉止愚蠢[危險]的人铝穷,瘋子

[SYN] ?lunatic 【非正式】

e.g: He drove like a maniac to the hospital. ? 他像個瘋子似的開車去醫(yī)院。

②religious/sex maniac

[Definition] someone who you think is too involved or interested in religion or sex informal 宗教狂/性欲狂

[SYN] ?freak 【非正式】

e.g: The woman’s a sex maniac if you ask me. ? ?要我說佳魔,那個女人是性欲狂曙聂。

→It’s also not an industry full of na?ve devotees without business acumen.

15.Acumen n.

【Definition】the ability to think quickly and make good judgments 敏銳,聰明鞠鲜,機智

??Collocation: business/political/financial etc acumen

e.g: The firm’s success is largely due to Brannon’s commercial acumen. ? ?該公司的成功主要歸功于布蘭農(nóng)的商業(yè)頭腦宁脊。

近義詞: ? ? ? astuteness, caginess (also cageyness ), canniness, ?foxiness, hardheadedness, intelligence, keenness

(拓展): cagey ?adj.

【definition】.If you say that someone is being cagey about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it. 遮遮掩掩的

e.g : He is cagey about what he was paid for the business. ?他遮遮掩掩的,不愿說出在這樁生意中掙了多少贤姆。

→ Vanhoenacker cites scenes from the sitcom “ Modern Family” to demonstrate classical music’s recent split from popular culture.

16. Sitcom ? ? ?n. ?

situation comedy: a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week 〔每周播出一集的〕情景喜劇

e.g: Chinese sitcom Family with Sons and Daughters and American sitcom Growing Pains are chosen to build up a corpus with 765 parental criticisms.

→ Why not interview members of the local orchestra and find out how real people make careers in a purportedly comatose industry?

17. comatose


Being in a state of a coma, or being unconscious[醫(yī)學(xué)]

② A person who is comatose is in a deep sleep, usually because they are tired or have drunk too much alcohol. 昏睡的 [ 非正式的]

e.g: ?The right side of my brain had been so severely bruised that I was comatose for a month. 我右側(cè)的大腦受了重創(chuàng)朦佩,以致我一個月都昏迷不醒。

【拓展】coma: in a state of deep unconsciousness

e.g: Large doses can cause coma and anesthesia. ?大劑量可引起昏迷和麻醉庐氮。

in ?a coma ?陷于昏迷

→ What supports these jeremiads is the implicit idea that classical music is an aberration in the United States, something to be regarded with suspicion.

18. jeremiads

A jeremiad is a long literary work, usually in prose, but sometimes in verse, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society's imminent downfall.{from wiki}

e.g: Now it gives rise to jeremiads. ? ?現(xiàn)在语稠,這只會引發(fā)悲嘆。

19. aberration

An aberration is something that deviates from the normal way.

e.g: It became very clear that the incident was not just an aberration; it was not just a single incident.


Day 21 ?思維導(dǎo)圖


Day 22 ? 總結(jié)與反思

1. 邏輯導(dǎo)圖

這次做的思維導(dǎo)圖利用慣性思維,沿用一個中心向外擴散的模式音婶,然而對比Annie的導(dǎo)圖之后慨畸,用列表法,將作者一點一點的反駁都羅列出來衣式,更加清晰寸士,雖然,我們列出來的反駁點都有碴卧,可是我的圖就失去了一步步推進的過程弱卡,顯得沒頭沒尾。其次住册,與Annie的圖對比過后婶博,我在描述lack of evidence 的時候,少了更進一步的細分荧飞,沒有將business, culture, class.三者單獨拎出來寫凡人,這就會讓看的人覺得很模糊,沒有一個總得概念與結(jié)構(gòu)叹阔。

第二次修改了導(dǎo)圖之后挠轴,我采用列表法,發(fā)現(xiàn)其實可以把文章分段耳幢,來分析作者是如何一步步展開辯論岸晦,然后也把之前漏掉的concession 補充了上去。下面供上Annie的導(dǎo)圖?( 'ω' )?


Annie's version

寫作借鑒: ?舉例子院峡,反諷兴使,展開面豐富。



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