--- So , what is it that you wanted to see me about ,John?
--- I thought it would be good for us to have a heart-to-heart conversation.
--- You are unhappy with how things are going , right ?
---Yes , I am , but I don't want to ? ?the company to kown.
? ? ?I thought we should meet off site.
--- OK, so what are you thinking ?
--- To be perfectly frank , I've decided that it doesn't make sense for me to stay with the company. ?
? ? ?You're the CEO , but I don't agree with how you are handling things.
? ? ? I can no longger support you.?
--- Hemm , ok , I've suspected thae for a quite while.
--- I'm still happy to support the company if I can ,of course , but I'd l ike to work elsewhere.
? ? ?There is a start of that has contect to me , and I planning to join them as soon as I can.
--- Are you gentelmen ready to order?
--- No, not yet , could you come back in a few minutes?
--- Certainy sir.
--- Well , we are going to miss you.
? ? ?There's nothing I can say that would change your mind ?
--- No , it's too late for that.
? ? I no longer have confidence in your decisions.
? ? Your latest business plan , for example , makes no sense at all.
? ? It makes us weaker in the areas where we are strong,and it takes us in the new area where we can't compete.
--- Well , that's where we disagree.?
--- So, if that's the way to feel about it , I agree that it's the best that you will work somewhere else.
?Still , I hope we can count on you when we need you for something.
--- Sure , keep me informed?, and let me know if and when I can be useful.
--- I will . So how do you perposal we shold communicate this to the company?
--- Au , right up something , and you can review it .
? ? ?I'll make it sound as positive as possible.
--- OK , thanks. I'm sure it will come as to shock many.
? ? ? things are already difficult enough.
--- I know , and maybe I'm wrong.
? ? ?Maybe your plan will work.
? ? ?If so , I'll be the first to congratulate you.
? ? ?Are you ready to order?
--- Sure, though I don't feel like eating much.
--- Waiter !
(He has suspected that there was a problem, so he isn't surprise by the news.)