Look there are two cards/pictures
Can you tall me what's this
It's a bunny(what's the bunny 有缆,bunny is the baby rabbit)this is the baby bunny 晾剖,this is the mummy rabbit 兰珍,which one is big or small侍郭,this one is xxxx,yes great ,give me five
How many bunnys are there亮元?let's count 123……
拓展?生活習(xí)性(Lift habit)
Do you know where does bunny live猛计?
They live in the hole
Now we can play a game
You can choose? a role
Good job ,so this time I will be the bunny爆捞,and you will be the bear
which animal you want to be 奉瘤?a bunny or a bear?I want to a……
PAINTING on the bus
When we are taking the bus 煮甥,mommy can draw the head盗温,baby can draw a small circle and big circle ,baby can draw animals'ears(Two long ears? 成肘,two small and round ears)can draw carrots and vegetables卖局,guess which food they like to eat.
Say hello
We can draw bunnys/bear on our fingers
Hello bunny ,I am bear艇劫, you can wave your arms and say hello to me吼驶,say hello? bear…