原完整教程鏈接:6.10 Pointers and const
1.int*指針不能指向const int。
2.const int*指針可以指向int菲语。
3.The following is okay:
int value = 5;
const int *ptr = &value; // ptr points to a "const int"
value = 6; // the value is non-const when accessed through a non-const identifier
But the following is not:
int value = 5;
const int *ptr = &value; // ptr points to a "const int"
*ptr = 6; // ptr treats its value as const, so changing the value through ptr is not legal
4.We can also make a pointer itself constant. A const pointer is a pointer whose value can not be changed after initialization.
To declare a const pointer, use the const keyword between the asterisk and the pointer name:
int value = 5;
int *const ptr = &value;
5.It is possible to declare a const pointer to a const value by using the const keyword both before the type and before the variable name:
int value = 5;
const int *const ptr = &value;